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LinkedIn statistics for 2023, including metrics like engagement, views and usage

LinkedIn - CTR by impressions by number of followers


The CTR calculated by impressions on LinkedIn depends on the type of post you’re looking at and the number of followers for every account.

The CTR for native documents on LinkedIn reached the highest value of 14 for profiles with a follower count over 100.000.

For Multiple images (=album), the highest CTR reached 11.5 for LinkedIn accounts with a follower count between 50.000 - 100.000.

The CTR for text posts on LinkedIn increased to 11 for accounts with a follower count between 50.000 - 100.000.

For polls, the highest CTR on LinkedIn is around 3.5 for LinkedIn accounts with a follower count between 10.000 - 50.000.

For images, the CTR on LinkedIn is the highest for profiles with a follower count between 0 and 5.000, indicating 3. The same happens in the case of the CTR for videos, showing 2 on the chart.

When it comes to Post shares, the highest CTR was registered for LinkedIn accounts with a follower count between 50.000 - 100.000, indicating a value of 2.5.

In the case of article link posts, the CTR by impressions reached the highest value (2) for accounts with a follower account between 10.000 and 50.000.

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LinkedIn - Average video view rate by number of followers


The average video view rate on LinkedIn varied depending on profile size in 2022.

The highest value for the average video view rate on LinkedIn reached 20% for the accounts with a follower count between 5.000 - 10.000.

The lowest average video view rate on LinkedIn indicated 12.5% for the accounts with a follower count of 100.000 or more.

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LinkedIn - Average engagement rate per post by impressions by number of followers


The average engagement per impression rate by profile on LinkedIn has started off high and ended the year with lower values for every type of content.

For native documents, the average engagement by impression rate on Linkedin reached the highest value, of 0.7%, for the accounts with a follower number between 0-5.000.

When it comes to images on LinkedIn, the average engagement by impression rate reached 1.8% for the profiles with the lowest follower count, between 0 and 5.000.

For videos, the average engagement on LinkedIn mounted to 1.6% for the profile sizes with a number of followers between 0 and 5.000.

Multiple images on LinkedIn recorded the highest high of 2.2% for the accounts with a follower count between 0-5.000.

For text, the average engagement on LinkedIn mounted to 1.1% for the profile sizes with a number of followers between 0 and 5.000.

Link share on LinkedIn recorded the highest high of 0.9% for the accounts with a follower count between 0-5.000.

For post share, the average engagement on LinkedIn mounted to 0.5% for the profile sizes with a number of followers between 0 and 5.000.

When it comes to polls on LinkedIn, the average engagement by impression rate reached 0.4% for the profiles with the lowest follower count, between 0 and 5.000.

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LinkedIn - Median likes by number of followers


The median likes by profile size on LinkedIn is the highest for multiple images, for accounts that feature a follower count between 50.000 - 100.000.

For native documents, the highest median likes by profile size is 140 for accounts with a number of followers between 50.000 - 100.000.

When it comes to images, the highest value for median likes is 230 for accounts with a follower count over 100.000.

For videos, the highest median likes by profile size is 240 for accounts with a number of followers over 100.000.

When it comes to text, the highest value for median likes is 170 for accounts with a follower count over 100.000.

For link share, the highest median likes by profile size is 85 for accounts with a number of followers over 100.000.

When it comes to post share, the highest value for median likes is 40 for accounts with a follower count between 50.000 - 100.000.

When it comes to polls, the highest value for median likes is 98 for accounts with a follower count over 100.000.

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LinkedIn - Median comments by number of followers


The median comments by profile size on LinkedIn is the highest for multiple images, for accounts with a profile size between 50.000 - 100.000.

For native documents, the median comments raised to 8 for accounts with a follower count of 50.000 - 100.000.

When it comes to images, the median comments increased to 7 for profiles with a number of followers over 100.000.

For multiple images, the median comments raised to 20 for accounts with a follower count of 50.000 - 100.000.

When it comes to videos, the median comments increased to 6 for profiles with a number of followers over 100.000.

For text, the median comments raised to 7.5 for accounts with a follower count over 100.000.

When it comes to polls, the median comments increased to 6,5 for profiles with a number of followers over 100.000.

For link share, the median comments raised to 2.5 for accounts with a follower count over 100.000.

When it comes to post share, the median comments increased to 3 for profiles with a number of followers between 50.000 - 100.000.

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LinkedIn - Average impression rate by number of followers


The LinkedIn average impression rate is the highest for multiple images, for profiles with a follower count between 0 - 5.000.

Multiple images have the highest average impression rate of 85% for accounts ranging between 0 - 5.000 followers.

For images, the highest average impression rate is for accounts ranging between 0 - 5.000 followers, increasing to 52%.

Videos on LinkedIn have the highest average impression rate (45%) for follower counts varying between 0 - 5.000.

Texts on LinkedIn have the highest average impression rate (42%) for follower counts varying between 0 - 5.000.

For polls, the highest average impression rate is for accounts ranging between 0 - 5.000 followers, increasing to 34%.

Native documents have the highest average impression rate (32%) for accounts ranging between 0 - 5.000 followers.

For link share, the highest average impression rate is for accounts ranging between 0 - 5.000 followers, increasing to 28%.

Post shares have the highest average impression rate (24%) for accounts ranging between 0 - 5.000 followers.

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Frequently Asked Questions about LinkedIn Statistics

1. How can LinkedIn statistics help digital marketers?

Digital marketers use LinkedIn statistics to improve their Instagram strategy and adjust it on the go. The metrics available in these charts help digital marketers make predictions about their future LinkedIn campaigns.

We update our LinkedIn statistics quarterly to bring forth data that keeps our charts relevant.

Our LinkedIn statistics include charts about engagement, video views, ctr, impressions and much more will come.

About 134.5 million users actively use LinkedIn each day. Additionally, over 48% are active monthly.

The most popular industry for professionals is "Information Technology and services." In 2022, this category got more than 1,3 million (!) new members compared to 2021.

As of April January 2023, LinkedIn had an audience reach of 200 million users in the United States. The country was by far the leading market of the professional job networking service, with runner-up India having an audience of 99 million.

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