<![CDATA[Socialinsider Blog: Social media marketing insights and industry tips ]]>https://www.socialinsider.io/blog/https://www.socialinsider.io/blog/favicon.pngSocialinsider Blog: Social media marketing insights and industry tips https://www.socialinsider.io/blog/Ghost 5.3Wed, 29 Nov 2023 12:28:03 GMT60<![CDATA[[What Data Says] TikTok Virality Secrets: Does a TikTok Account’s Number of Fans Influence Virality Speed?]]>https://www.socialinsider.io/blog/tiktok-virality-insights/64bfd9127e5e260001d523f0Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:01:00 GMT

Thanks to its highly trainable, machine-learning-based algorithm, TikTok nowadays has become the most effective virality enabler.

In an attempt to get increased exposure, which ultimately translates into more sales, many businesses have tried to understand the TikTok virality-producer content recipe that, once replicated, could skyrocket their brands.

While virality is influenced by multiple factors, for starters, we were curious to see how an account’s follower base impact virality. Let’s dig into the data together!

Deconstructing TikTok virality

1. On average, TikTok videos reach their viewership peak two weeks after being posted
2. Videos of accounts with a higher number of followers get viral sooner compared to those of smaller followings
3. How to get into the nitty-gritty of deconstructing TikTok’s virality?


Ever since different accounts, trends, and campaigns gained virality on TikTok and enjoyed the attention of billions of social media users, there are a couple of questions circling around the internet related to what is the TikTok virality formula these days.

One of them is about how long it takes for a TikTok video to get viral.

According to data, the average time in which a TikTok video reaches its peak in viewership is of two weeks.

However, while addressing this, keep in mind that it doesn’t implicitly mean that every video on TikTok will become viral after two weeks.

To be honest, in the end, there is pretty hard to predict specifically which content will get viral on TikTok, given there are multiple components taken into consideration by the algorithm, from the usage of trending songs to integrated hashtags and many more.

[What Data Says] TikTok Virality Secrets: Does a TikTok Account’s Number of Fans Influence Virality Speed?

Now, when talking about TikTok, we all know that for being a video-oriented platform, the number of views is a more relevant performance metric than the number of followers, as opposed to other social platforms’ cases.  

However, this doesn’t mean that the follower base isn’t still an indicator of an account’s capacity to offer value to the network’s users.

The best proof of this lies in the data, which showed that an account’s follower base could influence its speed until reaching virality. For example, accounts with a higher number of followers are more likely to reach virality sooner than profiles with fewer followers.

While the smallest accounts reach their video viewership peak 16 days after being published, on average, the largest account’s average viewership peak day is 13.

[What Data Says] TikTok Virality Secrets: Does a TikTok Account’s Number of Fans Influence Virality Speed?

How to get into the nitty-gritty of deconstructing TikTok’s virality?

We at Socialinsider love to dig into the data and offer you powerful insights to optimize your social media strategy.

To do so, we’ve put our scientists clothes on and came up with a series of new TikTok metrics that can help you better understand TikTok virality.

[What Data Says] TikTok Virality Secrets: Does a TikTok Account’s Number of Fans Influence Virality Speed?

Discover our revolutionary TikTok virality metrics and learn how to boost your TikTok account!


We know TikTok is a wild card. You may have noticed or heard that at times, some videos get crazy number of views, some other times lesser views, but amazing engagement. And there are obviously the cases when some videos do not perform that well neither in terms of views, neither in terms of engagement.

As mentioned before, not all videos on TikTok get viral - that’s up to the platform’s algorithm that takes into consideration a series of criteria the videos need to meet.

However, let’s focus a bit on those that GET viral. In TikTok’s case, we know that virality may happen overnight. But what about those videos where that does not happen like that?

Socialinsider’s virality peak metric was invented in an attemp to identify how long does it take, on average, for a video to get viral in the case of those that do. Correlated with the data presented, a takeaway of this research is that if after 14 days after being published a video did not get viral, there are less chances to do so moving forward.

For this research we analyzed 1,097,833 tiktok videos published between January 2022 - June 2023.

Virality peak is a custom metric developed by Socialinsider that measures the day in which a TikTok video stops having an increase in viewership that’s greater than 3% for two days in a row.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.How many Tiktoks should I post a day?

According to TikTok, you should post between one to four times per day. If that feels like a lot, it is. Especially when you consider that posting three to five times per week on Instagram Reels is the norm. It'll help to remember that your videos don't need Avatar-level production quality.

2.Should I stay off TikTok after posting?

After you post your video you should leave the app because this can help you get more engagement.

3.What are the peak hours for TikTok?

A generally accepted trend that marketers follow for the platform is that the best time to post on TikTok is 10 to 11.50 am, 2.30 to 4 pm, and 6:30 to 9:30 pm, somewhere between Tuesdays and Thursdays. However, many have found that their audience activity does not fit into one single templatized time for posting.

4.Should I delete TikTok videos with low views?

You should never delete or private your TikTok videos. This will drop your views drastically.

5.What should I avoid posting on TikTok?

  • Violence and hateful behaviour. We want everyone to feel empowered to express themselves on TikTok.
  • Harassment and bullying. TikTok seeks to create an environment where everyone feels welcome and safe.
  • Adult nudity and sexual activities.
  • Graphic content.
  • Minor safety.
  • Misleading or infringing content.
<![CDATA[The Impact of Social Media in Healthcare: A Closer Look at the Top Strategies and Benefits]]>https://www.socialinsider.io/blog/social-media-in-healthcare/65648c747e5e260001d55a02Tue, 28 Nov 2023 09:25:35 GMT

Social media might have become part and parcel of our everyday lives, yet some industries - such as the healthcare industry - are slow to adopt it as their main means of communication.

Why is that?

Well, health-related conversations are always sensitive in nature  - whether we’re talking medical advice, news, diagnostics or treatments - so the information that’s being shared needs to be fact-checked, up-to-date and most of all, it needs to come from a trusted source.

Leveraging social media in this industry can be a challenge, but it also comes with its fair share of benefits. Let’s explore the role of social media in healthcare, its strong points and limitations, and how big healthcare brands are making it work in their favor (and that of their audience).

How to use social media in healthcare

  1. Why should healthcare organizations be on social media?
  2. How to use social media in healthcare
  3. Social media in healthcare: top tips and examples
  4. How can healthcare brands know they’re on the right track?

1. Why should healthcare organizations be on social media?

Much like in the banking sector, brands in healthcare might find it hard to find their place on social media. Even though they’re very much aware of the benefits of social media in healthcare and the value it could bring to their business, some of them struggle to navigate the challenges of the social media world.

So what are the strengths of using social media in healthcare, anyway?

Well, let’s outline some of them down below:

  • Brand awareness

The issue of brand awareness, conversions or customer acquisition is a delicate topic when it comes to the healthcare industry. Ideally, nobody should be in need of medical services, advice or treatment, but that's a utopian scenario.

At the end of the day, healthcare organizations - whether they are pharmaceutical companies, local hospitals with a social media presence or the WHO (World Health Organization), are businesses and they need customers in order to survive. Just like their customers need them.

Still, better brand awareness doesn’t just equate profit. It also means more opportunities to educate people on important public health matters, draw attention to health crises and drive action.

  • New audience segments

One of the biggest benefits of the internet is its interconnectedness. That means everything that’s being shared can reach anyone in the world - provided they have a good internet connection. Of course, health-related information should not be an exception to this.

Social media helps brands in the healthcare sector to reach new audience segments - such as teenagers - who are otherwise less likely to be interested in health-related marketing campaigns. By making their content more easily digestible and even fun, healthcare brands can win over younger generations (such as Gen Z).

@who Did you know that #penicillin was discovered by accident❓ #WHO75 #HealthForAll #FunFact ♬ original sound - World Health Organization (WHO)
  • Authentic relationships with potential customers or patients

In the healthcare industry, trust is huge. For any piece of information to be taken seriously, the audience needs to trust the person or company who is sharing it.

Social media makes this easy - it enables brands to shake off their cold, corporate feel and become more friendly and relatable, all of which breeds trust in the minds of the audience.

2. How to use social media in healthcare: best practices

If you’re a healthcare brand of any kind and you want to venture into the social media world, you will most likely need some best practices to guide you through the maze.

Likewise, if you’ve been posting on social media for a while but you’re not seeing the results you expected or meeting the social media goals you’ve set for your brand, you need to readjust your strategy based on the best practices for social media in healthcare.

  • Have a strategy.

It should go without saying but it’s worth mentioning regardless - formulate a strategy for your social media content in the healthcare industry. If you have no idea what to start, your best bet is to look at your competitors.

For example, if you’re a medical center like Cleveland Clinic, then you might benefit from checking in on what your competitor Mayo Clinic is doing on social, what platforms they’re active on, what type of content is performing best for them, what’s their tone of voice etc.

The Impact of Social Media in Healthcare: A Closer Look at the Top Strategies and Benefits

This competitive analysis will give you a starting point, a foundation for your future strategy.

Once you start posting and tracking your performance with an analytics and benchmarking tool like Socialinsider, you will start to understand what works best and build from there.

  • Implement a rigurous content approval system.

In the healthcare industry, every piece of information that goes out to the public needs to be 100% factual, so a content approval system is much needed in this case.

Diya Banerjee, the Global Head of Social Media for WHO, has shared with us some insights on this topic in an episode of our podcast.

  • Share educational content.

When it comes to social media in healthcare, there’s a surefire way to offer value to your audience: share valuable content that educates and keeps them informed.

Since it’s been proven that visual content is more engaging, many brands are choosing to organize the information in infographics, carousels or even flow charts, to make it easier for the audience to visualize and understand it.

Educational content is, for all intents and purposes, the bread and butter of most social media strategies in the healthcare industry. It’s the one content pillar that will never “go out of style” as it were, because people will always benefit from being informed and understanding more about the medical world.

Healthcare brands usually take this opportunity to address common myths or misconceptions, destigmatize sensitive topics and encourage conversations, raise awareness for early diagnosis and prevention of illnesses and promote healthy lifestyle choices:

The Impact of Social Media in Healthcare: A Closer Look at the Top Strategies and Benefits
  • Combat misinformation.

The downside to a free flow of information around the internet is that some of it can be inaccurate, misleading or downright false. As a healthcare organization, one of your “unwritten” duties is to have an active role in combating misinformation and setting the record straight for important health matters.

The COVID-19 pandemic is the most recent and most appropriate example here. During the early days (months, even) a lot of false information was circulating on the internet, which led to many people not trusting the advice of medical professionals or healthcare organizations.

That meant that healthcare organizations had to step and leverage social media to combat misinformation.

The Impact of Social Media in Healthcare: A Closer Look at the Top Strategies and Benefits
  • Inspire and motivate your audience.

The healthcare industry is not the happiest industry there is. The content you share through social media should not only inform and educate but also provide hope and inspiration for those struggling with medical conditions as well as those who are healthy but could benefit from some motivation to live a healthy life.

That’s why a lot of healthcare organizations take to social media to share inspirational content, whether that’s success stories of patients overcoming a certain illness, new scientific breakthroughs that leads to better treatments or just people achieving wonderful things despite of their illness.

The Impact of Social Media in Healthcare: A Closer Look at the Top Strategies and Benefits
  • Shape the public perception of healthcare.

Sometimes, the work of doctors, nurses and other medical personnel gets taken for granted, no matter if we’re talking about a pediatrician at your local clinic or a nurse taking care of patients in a war zone.

Social media is, in many ways, the perfect medium to share this type of content due to its massive reach. It helps the audience take a peek behind the scenes and gain trust in the healthcare system, in other words shape the public perception of healthcare.

The Impact of Social Media in Healthcare: A Closer Look at the Top Strategies and Benefits

3. Social media in healthcare: top tips and examples

We’ve explored a handful of ideas that can help guide your social media strategy in healthcare. Now let’s move on to some practical tips and examples.

  • Celebrate global events.

One handy tip I can give you is to keep an eye on global hashtag events. They are a great way to improve your account’s reach and engagement and of course, a good opportunity as any to draw attention to important health matters.

Here’s an example from WHO sharing a post on World Hand Hygiene Day, using the corresponding hashtag:

The Impact of Social Media in Healthcare: A Closer Look at the Top Strategies and Benefits
  • Don't push product promotion.

One thing you will NOT see often in healthcare social media content is a lot of product promotion. That’s because it tends to reduce credibility. In other words, if you’re a pharmaceutical company developing a new drug, social media is not the right place to promote it.

Instead, focus your efforts on educating and inspiring your audience, giving voice to important people in the industry and growing your brand awareness.

  • Organize Q&As.

In healthcare, perhaps more than in any other industry, people have a lot of questions. The difference here is that their questions are more often born out of necessity not curiosity. The COVID-19 outbreak, for instance, was a time of great uncertainty where people had a lot of questions about the disease, the outcome, treatment, etc.

In response, WHO organized a weekly Q&A sessions that addressed these topics and helped restore some sense of hope to the public:

The Impact of Social Media in Healthcare: A Closer Look at the Top Strategies and Benefits
  • Integrate user-generated content.

In the healthcare industry, first-person accounts and personal stories are crucial for building trust and relatability and promoting higher engagement. So don’t shy away from adopting and sharing user-generated content such as testimonials, as it sets you on the path to more impactful content.

The Impact of Social Media in Healthcare: A Closer Look at the Top Strategies and Benefits

4. How can healthcare brands know they’re on the right track?

Easy - by using an advanced social media analytics and benchmarking tool like Socialinsider! Since healthcare companies usually prioritize brand awareness and user engagement on social media, it’s worth tracking these metrics using a unified dashboard that shows their evolution over time.

Let’s take the example of Pfizer, a global pharmaceutical company.

For the purposes of this analysis, we’ll just look at Instagram analytics, but you can do the same with any social media channel you’re interested in. And the right place to start is at the top, in the key metrics section.

The Impact of Social Media in Healthcare: A Closer Look at the Top Strategies and Benefits

Here you see all the important metrics at a glance, and notice instantly if your performance is improving or declining in the selected timeframe. For Pfizer, we can see that even though they’re posting more often, their engagement (in all its variations) is declining.

To improve engagement stats, they should be posting more of what earns them the highest amount of engagement right now. In this case, Reels.

The Impact of Social Media in Healthcare: A Closer Look at the Top Strategies and Benefits

Another way for healthcare brands to check if they’re on the right track is to compare themselves with competitors.

For this we have the Compare function:

The Impact of Social Media in Healthcare: A Closer Look at the Top Strategies and Benefits

In this case, we can see that even though Johnson & Johnson has an overall smaller audience, they managed to earn more engagement and more followers over the last 12 months than Pfizer.

The Impact of Social Media in Healthcare: A Closer Look at the Top Strategies and Benefits

When it comes to best performing posts, Pfizer’s post is one that highlights a celebrity’s (Lady Gaga) struggle with migraines - a common health affliction - while Johnson & Johnson’s top post is a carousel that highlights the company’s innovations that “helped drive medicine forward”.

Final thoughts

If we’ve learned anything from the pandemic, it is that social media and healthcare can be a very powerful duo if they cooperate properly. Healthcare companies may find it challenging, but leveraging social media in healthcare pays off in more ways than one, and ends up benefiting everyone involved.

At the end of the day, free, valuable social media health content promotes an important principle: that healthcare should be available for all, regardless of age, location, culture or demographics.

<![CDATA[Top LinkedIn B2B Content Ideas: Examples and Best Practices to Improve Your Strategy]]>https://www.socialinsider.io/blog/linkedin-content-ideas/6336fcebd0ebea00017bdc2fTue, 21 Nov 2023 01:55:00 GMT

LinkedIn is one of the social media platforms that has shifted to new horizons along the years.

Using different approaches and changing its point of view transformed this platform into a gold treasure for employees, employers, and B2Bs.

As a brand, getting access to so much free knowledge from LinkedIn experts and being ready to experiment with various LinkedIn content ideas offers you the chance to adjust your LinkedIn strategy to attract more people.

In what follows, we’ll be looking at different types of LinkedIn content ideas and how they could help you improve your LinkedIn strategy.

LinkedIn B2B content ideas to improve your game

  1. Why it’s important to explore LinkedIn content ideas

  2. Top linkedin content ideas
    2.1. Use employee highlights
    2.2. Send LinkedIn newsletters
    2.3. Develop interactive content
    2.4. Highlight corporate achievements
    2.5. Post relevant content keeping up with the trends
    2.6. Share relevant charts
    2.7. Show your company’s culture and values
    2.8. Post customer success stories
    2.9. Ask questions
    2.10. Include user-generated content
    2.11. Offer your audience guidance, tips & tricks
    2.12. Not this, but that
    2.13. Don’t be afraid of integrating memes
    2.14. Make your LinkedIn posts skimmable

  3. Best practices on LinkedIn

  4. Examples of successful posts on LinkedIn

  5. How to know your LinkedIn content strategy is working

  6. How to build a strategy based on LinkedIn analytics data

1. Why it’s important to explore LinkedIn content ideas

Shuffling through a whole list of LinkedIn content ideas can help you test various types of writing and communicating with your audience to see what engages them more.

Depending on your business goals, LinkedIn can help businesses in establishing themselves in the market and generating leads. 80% of B2B leads come from LinkedIn.

Exploring different ideas, from funny memes to lists of people you follow and posts about tips & tricks, can help you develop your marketing team’s writing skills.

This will help your brand to better communicate with your audience, testing something and then analysing your audience’s reaction.

Through various content ideas, you can find out what your audience’s needs are and learn how to address them.

After discovering which types of LinkedIn content ideas work best for you in terms of engagement and number of followers, then it’s only fair you stick to those.

Next quarter, you should consider testing something new for your LinkedIn content strategy and so on.

Keep in mind that you have to reinvent your brand once in a while and post much needed data to stay relevant for your audience.

2. Top LinkedIn content ideas

This is the part that you’re here for, scrolling through this article. Here are a few examples of LinkedIn content ideas that could elevate your content marketing strategy.

2.1. Use employee highlights

If you want to show your audience the human and relatable side of your brand, it’s time to post employee highlights posts.

They are a fantastic opportunity to share employee experiences, strengthen relationships among staff members, and enhance your company's and employer brand.

Employee highlights are also an endless source of content inspiration. You can create content around your employee’s history with your company, accomplishments, personality, work anniversaries, challenges, and more.

This way, you’ll give potential new leads more information about the people they would be working with.

Top LinkedIn B2B Content Ideas: Examples and Best Practices to Improve Your Strategy

2.2. Send LinkedIn newsletters

Sadly, after following your brand on LinkedIn, many people will stop thinking about it.

This is why LinkedIn newsletters may be a crucial part of your inbound marketing strategy to be top-of-mind for them.

A newsletter can help you increase brand recognition and position yourself as an industry leader.

By creating valuable content, your connections will consider you a reliable source of information.

The main advantage LinkedIn newsletters hold to other types of content is that your subscribers are notified whenever you publish. This increases the likelihood of them actually reading your content.

An article, for example, enters your timeline when it is published. Only those of your connections who scroll through their feed will see it.

If you’d like to give this feature a try, you’ll first need to learn how to set up a LinkedIn Newsletter.

2.3. Develop interactive content

In today's oversaturated digital market, interactive content is the key to success.

Research shows that 51% of B2B buyers say interactive content is helpful when tackling business challenges.

Many brands fail to provide interactive content, which causes their content to be ineffective and businesses to struggle.

Polls, surveys, and quizzes are fun, unique techniques for collecting valuable data like audience feedback and buying preferences.

Top LinkedIn B2B Content Ideas: Examples and Best Practices to Improve Your Strategy

2.4. Highlight corporate achievements

It's always good to take time out from deadlines, meetings, and endless emails to acknowledge even the little wins at work.

Some LinkedIn milestones worth mentioning would be your first 1,000 connections, your first client, or your first publicity opportunity. The list goes on.

Don't allow those significant business milestones slip you by.

Take advantage of the chance to express gratitude to everyone who helped you succeed. Recognizing achievements can do wonders for your company culture.

And who wouldn't want to work with a brand that's on the winning side?

2.5. Post relevant content keeping up with the trends

Staying relevant to your audience means keeping up with everything that’s new in your niche and industry. Being ahead of trends is not that easy.

It requires a lot of research and a very creative marketing team so you can adapt the social media trend to your products or services.

2.6. Share relevant charts

Being relevant is one of the greatest missions every brand has. The most intricate and time-consuming type of content consists in charts or stats.

Even if they deliver valuable data, they are also…well, numbers. And we all know that you cannot play with numbers.

You must develop extensive research to be able to collect the right infos and further transmit your audience the right data.

Posting surveys, studies, charts and case studies on LinkedIn requires a lot of attentive research since the numbers on your stats need to be accurate.

Top LinkedIn B2B Content Ideas: Examples and Best Practices to Improve Your Strategy

2.7. Show your company’s culture and values

Another useful LinkedIn content idea is to showcase your brand’s values and culture in your LinkedIn posts.

Since you’re addressing a wide audience on social media, this is your chance to be authentic, to show your true colours and be bold.

It’s important to show everyone why you’re different then the rest of the brands and why that matters.

You should consider posting on LinkedIn some workplace stories or even your employees’ achievements. This type of LinkedIn content will also show the human side of your brand.

By showing your company’s values and culture you get to have a unique identity and be recognized for it, increasing brand awareness.

2.8. Post customer success stories

When your customers are happy with your products and services, it’s clear that you’re doing a great job.

Why not share that with your whole community? By posting customer success stories, you get to show everyone that your products or services are a valuable asset.

Top LinkedIn B2B Content Ideas: Examples and Best Practices to Improve Your Strategy

2.9. Ask questions

By using polls as part of your LinkedIn B2B content ideas you get to find out what are the new trends in your industry and niche and what your customers want.

You’ll see that generally LinkedIn users would be very willing to answer polls. If you decide to ask your audience questions and post a longer text post ending with a question, then this might increase your brand’s engagement.

Polls and questions are your chance to trigger interesting conversations targeted on certain topics.

2.10. Include user-generated content

With this LinkedIn content idea, it’s pretty much the same with customer success stories. User-generated content proves that your brand satisfies clients with your products and services.

When people see other people believe in your strengths, then they will also be curious to try your products and services and they want to share their experience with everyone.

You can include user-generated content on your brand’s LinkedIn page as photos, testimonials, videos and reviews.

Therefore, you have a wide range of types of content you can choose from.

2.11. Offer your audience guidance, tips & tricks

When frequently posting on LinkedIn, users may come up with different queries or questions in the comment section.

It is important to show them that you are there for them, answering their questions and helping them solve their problems.

By offering guidance, you don’t only gain a new customer, but you gain a loyal one.

When it comes to launching new products and services, it’s important to show people how to properly use them. Some tips & tricks posts can come in handy for them.

They will surely appreciate your effort to help them correctly use your services and make the best out of them.

2.12. Not this, but that

The type of posts that intrigue more and more users on LinkedIn are the ones that offer advice in a different way.

Posts that highlight “not this, but that” tend to get higher engagement rates and more impressions.

This type of LinkedIn content helps people to discover the dos and don’ts of their sector, niche or industry. And well-documented such posts have a great impact on people especially when they are in a learning process.

2.13. Don’t be afraid of integrating memes

I know it’s LinkedIn we’re talking about, but more and more brands have gradually transformed it into a friendly platform, even if it started as a social network for professionals.

Big brands and professionals have adopted the “go with the flow” attitude and integrated the latest trending memes in their LinkedIn posts to add some spice.

And it works. This LinkedIn content type usually shows great values when it comes to LinkedIn metrics.

2.14. Make your LinkedIn posts skimmable

Long-form content is not to be avoided when you share a story. However, if you want to inform your audience about the latest discoveries and research, it is better if you craft your post in such a way that it pops and it is also skimmable.

Skimmable content is advisable to be used, especially when you are about to deliver big chunks of data.

You need to make it digestible in a way. If the text post is too long, people might scroll right past it. And that’s not something you wish for.

3. Best practices on LinkedIn

In the fast-paced world of today, it might be challenging to stand out.

Whether you're just getting started with LinkedIn or you've been around for a while but want to start posting more frequently, here are some of the best practices to maximize your social media efforts.

  • Post at the right time

LinkedIn recommends sharing up to 20 posts per month, which would mean posting one piece per business day.

When it comes to the best posting hour, social media experts seem to have slightly different opinions.

In a recent article regarding the best hours to post on the platform, Influencer Marketing Hub has listed what some of the leading social media SaaS’ have to say.

You can start by following these recommendations and, from there, experiment with other posting times to see if you can increase interaction and move toward your objectives.

  • Use relevant hashtags

LinkedIn recommends using no more than 3 hashtags per post.

You may use hashtags on LinkedIn to increase brand awareness and reach a wider or more specific audience with your content.

Depending on the keywords in your post, the platform will suggest some hashtags to add so you can provide high-quality, relevant material.Here are all the ways you can use hashtags on LinkedIn to engage with your audience more effectively.

  • Use social media tools to manage LinkedIn content

Thanks to multiple excellent tools available on the market, it’s now easier to develop and carry out a social media strategy.

Digital marketers can use social media tools to schedule social media content for their brands and manage online communities.

4. Examples of successful posts on LinkedIn

Even if you have now got some LinkedIn content ideas that help you adjust your content strategy on social media, you may still need some examples.

We’re here to help, showing you some of the most successful posts from brands of LinkedIn. You won’t only see how it’s properly done, but you will also get a sense of the goal lying behind that post.

Because LinkedIn content marketing still relies on some main goals that need to be achieved.

  • Posts with how-to guides

This is a great example of LinkedIn B2B content. When using how-to guides, this helps you attract more and more brands that empathize with your concerns and face the same problems.

Offering them a solution in the form of bite-size posts is pure bliss. This type of LinkedIn content is not only educating, but it’s a great topic to stir conversation and increase engagement.

Before writing this type of post, you need to make sure that you do extensive research and use comprehensive language.

Top LinkedIn B2B Content Ideas: Examples and Best Practices to Improve Your Strategy
  • Multi-image posts

For this LinkedIn B2B content idea you need to choose a design that suits your brand’s aesthetics and stick to it.

Decide how many pictures to add and make sure they are all relevant for your post’s idea. The text you include should support the images you include.

The key here is to use pictures that can have a great impact on the audience to determine them to interact with your post.

Top LinkedIn B2B Content Ideas: Examples and Best Practices to Improve Your Strategy
  • News

Everyone knows that LinkedIn posts that include the latest news are extremely useful and engaging, especially when the news influences both B2Bs and B2Cs.

LinkedIn B2B content that focuses on news should include the right SEO to be quickly picked up by the social app’s algorithm.

We know that news travels fast, but LinkedIn users surely want to see relevant news. That’s why you need to make sure they reach everyone while they’re hot. Maybe you should even consider boosting this type of post.

Top LinkedIn B2B Content Ideas: Examples and Best Practices to Improve Your Strategy
  • Inspiring marketing campaigns

On LinkedIn, brands are not only about competition. Posts about successful and inspiring social media campaigns become viral really quick.

If you decide to make a top with the most inspiring campaigns, you need to consider in-depth research.

Your LinkedIn post has a better chance to become trending if you tag all the brands you’ve used as examples.

Top LinkedIn B2B Content Ideas: Examples and Best Practices to Improve Your Strategy
  • Posts that follow trends

Memes always become trending on LinkedIn, like on any other social media platform. If you associate a thing from your industry or niche with a meme, then you win. ‘Cause that’s the lucky combo.

Trending funny memes are the key to higher engagement rate and impressions. There’s no wonder that a lot of brands use the same meme and only change the text to accustom it to their brand’s values and struggles.

Top LinkedIn B2B Content Ideas: Examples and Best Practices to Improve Your Strategy
  • Videos that look surreal

Lately, videos on LinkedIn that use AR have taken over the internet. A lot of brands that use this type of marketing in their LinkedIn content have managed to amaze everyone and increase their follower count.

And if it works for B2Cs why wouldn’t it work for B2Bs as well? How about you’d try to use AR to showcase how your audience can use your services or apps? This would be of great use for them, while also increasing your LinkedIn engagement.

Top LinkedIn B2B Content Ideas: Examples and Best Practices to Improve Your Strategy

5. How to know your LinkedIn content strategy is working

If you’re actively using LinkedIn, but you are not sure of whether your content performs well, it’s time you conduct a LinkedIn audit.

An audit of your LinkedIn profile can help you assess your brand's current state and determine what needs to be improved.

Some of the most important LinkedIn metrics you can track through an audit are demographics, impressions, reach, organic engagement (reactions, shares, and comments), and follower growth.

For this, you’ll need a social media analytics tool that supports LinkedIn.

Fortunately, we’ve compared 20 LinkedIn analytics tools to help you decide which is the perfect one for your marketing ambitions and budget.

6. How to build a strategy based on LinkedIn analytics data

When you want to go in depth and see how your LinkedIn content ideas have impacted your marketing campaign, it is clear that you need some powerful tools to rely on.

Retrieving data about your LinkedIn results can be more efficient and accurate with Socialinsider.

Socialinsider now has two different tools, a social media analytics and benchmarking tool and the Instagram listening tool.

By using LinkedIn analytics, you get access to a lot of data about content, engagement, reach, impressions, audience, posts and campaigns.

Let’s have an even closer look. Here I added Socialinsider’s LinkedIn account and selected the last 6 months as a time frame.

Top LinkedIn B2B Content Ideas: Examples and Best Practices to Improve Your Strategy

Getting insights about your posts evolution will help you determine whether you need to change the combo between the type of posts you use.

Let’s say you’ve discovered 3 months ago that your luckiest combo of LinkedIn posts is carousels and videos and you kept on pushing these types of posts.

Meanwhile, the performance (engagement and interactions) of these types of posts has changed. This means it’s time to reassess your decision.

That’s why a LinkedIn audit is advisable, to track your performance and immediately come up with a new plan when things don’t work as planned.

You need to perform a periodic LinkedIn audit to be able to improve your content marketing strategy.

Seeing what your top 3 posts are says a lot about the type of content (and infos you deliver) you need to focus on in the future.

Top LinkedIn B2B Content Ideas: Examples and Best Practices to Improve Your Strategy

The type of posts which are the most engaging ones will help you determine what kind of posts you need to keep on posting.

Top LinkedIn B2B Content Ideas: Examples and Best Practices to Improve Your Strategy

If you need a more in-depth search when it comes to your posts, you can go to Posts and scroll through them, being able to see individual key metrics.

Top LinkedIn B2B Content Ideas: Examples and Best Practices to Improve Your Strategy

When it comes to specific metrics for your LinkedIn posts, you can look at the Engagement section to discover more useful data that could influence your strategy.

Here you can see posts by engagement.

Top LinkedIn B2B Content Ideas: Examples and Best Practices to Improve Your Strategy

And when it comes to videos on LinkedIn, you have video views evolution and video watch time evolution that matters.

With these values in mind, you know whether you should change something about your videos to make them more engaging.

Top LinkedIn B2B Content Ideas: Examples and Best Practices to Improve Your Strategy

The access you get to all these insights in Socialinsider helps you adjust your content strategy on LinkedIn based on data and past performance.

Adjusting your LinkedIn strategy and completing with new data based on metrics helps you make informed decisions to improve your marketing game.

Final thoughts

To keep up with the constant demand for information and trend changes, you must update and improve your LinkedIn B2B content strategy continuously.

Developing a successful LinkedIn B2B content strategy requires long-term dedication.

As a social media manager or business owner, you will need to share innovative and high-quality content to educate and engage users, and, most importantly, help secure business deals.

Lastly, remember to be genuine — not salesy. A strong voice and quality content will outperform a hollow sales speech anytime. People may detect dishonesty more quickly than you might imagine.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.What are the trending topics to post on LinkedIn?

  • Post a growth hack.
  • Write about a personal experience that inspires others.
  • Share one of your brand stories.
  • Write about how success has changed your life.
  • Share info about a job opening.
  • Share some of your hiring experiences.
  • Share an interesting stat.

2.How do I go viral on LinkedIn 2023?

You should target at least 3-4 valuable and engaging content posts every week. And don't be shy! Share your thoughts, experiences, and insights with your audience. By posting frequently, you'll stay on top of their minds and increase your chances of catching the viral wave.

3.How to grow 100k followers on LinkedIn?

  • Write about what you know best: Share your expertise, insights, and opinions on topics that are relevant to your industry, niche, or audience.
  • Write consistently : Publish articles on LinkedIn regularly and at optimal times.

4.What type of content performs best on LinkedIn 2023?

  • Newsletters.
  • Audience polls.
  • Short clips from webinars.
  • Create original and lengthy content.
  • Write articles on the LinkedIn platform.
  • Produce original data.
  • Divide long posts into several short ones.
  • Take advantage of User Generated Content (UGC)
<![CDATA[Behind Puma’s Social Media Strategy: How Their Strategic Collaborations Are Driving Growth]]>https://www.socialinsider.io/blog/puma-social-media-strategy/6336fcebd0ebea00017bdbfeThu, 16 Nov 2023 10:00:00 GMT

In a world where the fashion industry is trying to bring attention to either luxury brands or fast fashion, you could just wear your favorite sneakers and a hoodie that will make you feel comfortable.

And somehow, the sportswear brands are come out on top. They are more relatable, and they’re always trying to connect with their audiences.

A strategy is a key element to this. This is how the brands get closer to their fans, listen to their needs and include them in new projects. And that's how PUMA's social media strategy was born.

PUMA's Social Media Strategy

  1. Getting to know the PUMA brand

  2. PUMA's social media strategy

  3. PUMA's social media campaigns

  4. PUMA and its competitors

  5. PUMA's social media strategy on Instagram

  6. PUMA's social media strategy on TikTok

1. Getting to know the PUMA brand

PUMA is a German company based in Herzogenaurach that designs and manufactures athletic footwear, apparel and accessories. It was founded in 1948, becoming a public company in 1986 when it was listed on the stock.

The brand is all about achieving greatness, being brave, confident, and passionate. And PUMA is definitely a core element in helping people succeed in whatever they put their minds to.

Behind Puma’s Social Media Strategy: How Their Strategic Collaborations Are Driving Growth

With the help of technology and in a century in which social media is the center of attention, PUMA found the secret to engaging with its audience and pushing the limits in sports and culture.

2. What is PUMA's social media strategy?

For years, PUMA has maintained a strong social media presence and engaged its global audience with a steady drip of quality content.

Their posts exude energy and ambition and through their marketing campaigns, they’ve managed to blend fashion and sports to create powerful, inspiring narratives.

In recent years, they’ve really turned the dial up on their social media efforts, with a clear emphasis on collaborations and influencer marketing.

By teaming up with notorious athletes and fashion stars to either create new lines of product or promote existing collections, they can easily tap into new audiences, bring fresh perspectives into their social strategy and expand their reach.

3. PUMA's social media campaigns

Everybody loves a great campaign. As you can imagine, social media campaigns are a large part the PUMA social media strategy.

Trying to find better ways to connect and collaborate with their communities, the team at PUMA has created some fantastic social media campaigns which do more than just promoting nice sneakers or new clothes.

Abigail Rogers, the current Associate Creative Director Football for Puma, has shared some insights on the hard work that was behind the campaigns created in collaboration with Neymar Jr., who joined PUMA back in 2020.

Behind Puma’s Social Media Strategy: How Their Strategic Collaborations Are Driving Growth

She Moves Us

Another amazing campaign is She Moves Us. This one is meant to empower women from all over the world. It’s all about confidence, style, and being a force of nature.

According to them, the PUMA Woman inspires the other women around her to get active and get with the movement - and they inspire her right back.

Behind Puma’s Social Media Strategy: How Their Strategic Collaborations Are Driving Growth

With this campaign, PUMA also wants to promote gender equality in sports. The brand aims to increase the visibility of female athletes in the sports world.

Forever Faster

Perhaps one of PUMA's most powerful social media campaigns, “Forever Faster”, was launched back in 2014, featuring fashion and sports icons like Usain Bolt and Rihanna.

The name of this campaign has also become PUMA's mantra (it's even in their Instagram bio!)

Despite being 9 years old at this point, the "Forever Faster" campaign is still going strong.

Behind Puma’s Social Media Strategy: How Their Strategic Collaborations Are Driving Growth

How do I know this? I checked using Socialinsider's new Instagram Listening tool.

Behind Puma’s Social Media Strategy: How Their Strategic Collaborations Are Driving Growth

By adding the #foreverfaster hashtag to my project, I was able to unlock a lot of insights about this campaign, including posts evolution, common keywords and interests and a list of top voices in the industry who participated in this campaign.

And of course, a long collection of posts sharing this hashtag.

It became pretty clear to me that this campaign is heavily dominated by influencers, seeing as almost all posts in the last 6 months were shared by this type of content creators.

So I dug deeper to find out who they are and what exactly they're saying.

Behind Puma’s Social Media Strategy: How Their Strategic Collaborations Are Driving Growth
Behind Puma’s Social Media Strategy: How Their Strategic Collaborations Are Driving Growth

I was also curious to know what hashtags people have been using in conjuction with the campaign hashtag.

Behind Puma’s Social Media Strategy: How Their Strategic Collaborations Are Driving Growth

This helped me understand what other niches Puma might be targeting (e.g. trail running, marathon training etc).

4. PUMA and its competitors

In the course of more than 70 years, PUMA has made history with its impressive footwear, apparel, and accessories.

Through innovations and wonderful designs, the brand has become an essential presence in the world of sportswear.

But behind every success, there’s always hard work and a strategy that’s meant to keep the business going.

With 43 million followers across all social media platforms, it’s safe to say that the team has created a powerful marketing strategy.

Behind Puma’s Social Media Strategy: How Their Strategic Collaborations Are Driving Growth

In order to bring data into the game, I used Socialinsider, a social media analytics, reporting, and benchmarking tool.

With the help of Socialinsider, I discover that although most of the fans are on Facebook, the engagement is not quite as good. That’s why PUMA relies massively on Instagram and TikTok.

As a result, the most engagement comes from this platform which means that the team’s work was well received.

More than that, in order to understand where to place yourself as a brand, it’s important to take a look at what your competitors are doing.

In this case, I added the Instagram profiles of PUMA’s main competitors (Adidas, Nike, ASICS, Reebok, Under Armour) to see exactly the brand’s performance. With the Benchmarks feature, I was able to get in-depth analytics.

Behind Puma’s Social Media Strategy: How Their Strategic Collaborations Are Driving Growth

As you can see above, PUMA keeps its head in the game.

It’s not always about numbers, but it’s also about engaging with your audience beyond social media: sharing common beliefs and creating a powerful community is one of PUMA’s primary goals.

What’s really awesome is that an analytics tool is able to give you more insights than you might think.

5. PUMA's social media strategy on Instagram

At a quick glance and scroll through PUMA's Instagram feed, we can see it's full of posts that feature famous brand ambassadors and collaborators, such as Rihanna, Neymar Jr. and Dua Lipa.

Behind Puma’s Social Media Strategy: How Their Strategic Collaborations Are Driving Growth

It's obvious that, in recent years, PUMA has relied heavily on its strategic partnerships and collaborations to expand its reach, brand awareness, engagement and of course, sales.

It makes sense, then, that their most active channel - Instagram - should reflect their current priorities and content direction.

I wanted to take a peak behind the scenes and see how their content is currently performing. Here are some of the most interesting things I found:

Their most engaging hashtags comes from their collaborations.

Behind Puma’s Social Media Strategy: How Their Strategic Collaborations Are Driving Growth

PUMA's top hashtags from the last 12 months (ranked by average engagement) comes from their most popular collaborations with Dua Lipa and Jack Grealish.

They have a 57.3% organic engagement rate per profile.

Behind Puma’s Social Media Strategy: How Their Strategic Collaborations Are Driving Growth

That means that over 50% of PUMA's Instagram followers interact with the content they share - which is good news for a brand account.

Their most engaging post type is carousel.

Behind Puma’s Social Media Strategy: How Their Strategic Collaborations Are Driving Growth

Although you're likely to find a lot of Reels on PUMA's Instagram page, the post type that generates the highest amount of engagement for them is actually carousel.

6. PUMA's social media strategy on TikTok

Behind Puma’s Social Media Strategy: How Their Strategic Collaborations Are Driving Growth

TikTok is PUMA's most engaging platform at the moment. Joining TikTok meant adjusting their content and tone of voice to a (generally) younger audience and tailoring their strategy to match what works on TikTok: fun and authenticity.

They seized the opportunity by highlighting their most famous collaborations (similar to Instagram), but also sharing funny content and behind-the scenes-clips.

As for their performance, here are some interesting insights I found:

Their TikTok engagement is declining, yet it's still the higher than all other channels.

Behind Puma’s Social Media Strategy: How Their Strategic Collaborations Are Driving Growth

Both their total engagement and engagement rate are declining compared to the previous period (November 2021 - November 2022), but they're still much higher than all of their other platforms.

Posts depicting famous brand ambassadors come out on top.

Behind Puma’s Social Media Strategy: How Their Strategic Collaborations Are Driving Growth

With time, PUMA has learned that promoting their famous collaborations is a recipe for success (or at least, massive engagement). So they followed this plan on TikTok, and it seems to be working wonders.  

Final thoughts

PUMA has a creative and well-thought marketing strategy, which indeed brings great results.

Being one of the world’s leading sports brands, the entire team pushes sports and culture forward all over the world.

We all know that the perfect recipe for social media success is the stuff of fairytales, while the real world focuses a lot on keeping up with everything that’s evolving.

Change is good, and when social media is constantly changing, it’s obvious that the next step comes from us.

The big brands know this by heart, so it’s good to know that you can always pay attention to what those around you are doing.

Take a look at PUMA's social media strategy to understand how to be a great creator who puts passion in everything.

<![CDATA[Thanksgiving Social Media Campaigns: Ideas and Examples To Get Inspired]]>https://www.socialinsider.io/blog/thanksgiving-social-media/63763748d0ebea00017c07dfWed, 15 Nov 2023 01:31:00 GMT

Thanksgiving - besides the day’s relevance on its own - is a very important celebration as it also marks the official beginning of the holiday season.

With it, Thanksgiving equally institutes a switch in the people’s regular state of mind, shifting their focus and energy from day-to-day activities to gift shopping sessions and quality family time. This creates a great opportunity for brands to gain their audience’s attention and increase sales.

But where to start?

In this article, we’ve put together a couple of Thanksgiving social media post ideas and examples in case you need some inspiration.

Thanksgiving marketing campaigns

1. What is Thanksgiving and why you should develop a social media campaign
2. Thanksgiving marketing ideas to promote your brand
3. Thanksgiving themes you should include in your social media posts
4. Top Thanksgiving social media campaigns
4.1. Walmart
4.2. Dollar Shave Club
4.3. Durex
4.4. Target
4.5. Redbull
5. Social media insights on #thanksgiving

1. What is Thanksgiving and why you should develop a social media campaign

Thanksgiving is an American tradition where people get together with their friends and family to celebrate the harvest season and the things they are most grateful for.

Usually this holiday is celebrated at the end of November and it also represents the start for the winter holiday season. People start searching for Thanksgiving presents and Christmas shopping and they are surely eager to start early every year.

That’s why a lot of brands and retailers set in place their Thanksgiving marketing plan way ahead the start of November, to make sure their products can hit the shelves just in time.

This year, Thanksgiving is celebrated on November 23rd and before this date, people are searching for the right gifts that would genuinely state “I am grateful for you”.

Even if Thanksgiving lasts for only a day, to make sure you reach a wider audience with your Thanksgiving marketing campaign, you should create a series of posts to increase your chances of getting noticed and remembered.

Think of it like this - some people respond better to humoristic or emotional content, while others are interested in straightforward offerings.

Integrating multiple social media Thanksgiving posts in your content calendar will increase your chances of hooking different personality types and audiences, which is great. The more, the merrier, right?

What is equally important is to also try out different formats for your Thanksgiving posts for social media so that you keep your audience's interest and excitement by proving how creative you are.

2. Thanksgiving marketing ideas to promote your brand

Start Thanksgiving conversations on social media

Before the holidays begin, it’s important to stir conversations about this topic, using keywords related to Thanksgiving.

This way, you’ll be sure that your social media posts are on-point SEO-wise and you’ll find out more about your customers' needs on Thanksgiving.

Send Thanksgiving email newsletter

A Thanksgiving newsletter campaign is definitely a go-to one if you wanna reach a wide audience.

An email newsletter campaign is a very good marketing idea since it can help you stay in touch with all those who have ever reached your website.

You can remind them to visit your online shop again by presenting them with the Thanksgiving discounts you’ve prepared.

Relying on this Thanksgiving marketing quirk, where you announce your holiday sales via a newsletter, you’ll get more website visits and even more sales. The secret is to include in your newsletter a button towards your website.

Use Instagram polls and CTAs to find out what are your customers needs

A few days before Thanksgiving, you could create a poll on Instagram to find out what products and services are your customers grateful for.

Their answers can inspire you to apply discounts to those exact products, making them happy for the holidays and offering them exactly what they were looking for.

Using strong CTAs in your social media posts paired with impactful visuals will definitely convince them to click the link in your bio or the one in your post.

Thank your community for their support

When developing any type of social media marketing campaign, it’s important to acknowledge the importance of your audience in your brand’s growing process.

Thanking them for their support and loyalty will surface your brand’s human side. Besides satisfying your customers' needs with your products and services, they also need to feel important and appreciated.

Even if this idea may not drive sales, you will be top of mind for them next type they have a need and want to purchase.

Besides thanking your customers and followers, you should also thank your employees for helping your brand flourish and making it all work.

Host a giveaway or make a donation

On Thanksgiving, giveaways and challenges are very popular. People love getting gifts and you can’t blame them.

Giveaways help you build excitement around your brand and people will be more eager to explore your variety of products and services.

Developing a contest requires a lot of creativity and it’s important to think about the rules you want to implement and what you want to obtain. Do you want more followers? Do you want more engagement, more shares or more saves?

Hosting a giveaway is not an easy job if you need to plan the products you want to offer and make more and more users sign up for it.

If giveaways are not your thing, it’s even more generous if you plan a charity work, offering your products to those in need.

Your grand gesture will be much appreciated by your community, creating an even stronger connection with them.

Put up sales and promotions

After setting your sales and promotions on your website, it’s time to come up with a few social media posts to reflect that and attract even more users eager to buy for the holidays.

Some of the best promotions are the ones with “buy one, get one 50% off” because it will make them want to buy more.

Use all your tricks to put up your Thanksgiving social media campaign before putting up the Christmas tree.

Rely on user-generated content for your Thanksgiving campaign

If your Thanksgiving social media campaign lasts for a few days, then you can take advantage of all the user-generated content that you’ll get after they will get their order.

People get more excited about gifts and shopping during the holiday season and there’s a great chance that, if they liked your products, they will post about them.

When you share UGC on the brand’s social media channels, you get the chance to increase your engagement.

3. Thanksgiving themes you should include in your social media posts

If you want to build impactful Thanksgiving marketing campaigns, you need to know what words should not miss from your vocabulary.

There are certain themes that need to be part of your social media posts’ captions to make sure you attract the audience who is interested in this holiday.

Among the most common themes and symbols for this holiday are: family reunion, gratitude, feast, togetherness, counting blessings, holiday travels, acorns, mayflower, giving, turkey, helping, harvest, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, yams, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce.

And when it comes to colors, you should focus on gold, red, brown and orange. Including these words into your vocabulary will attract the right audience.

They will trust you with your Thanksgiving campaign because they will assume that if you talk the talk you also walk the walk.

Therefore, rely on these Thanksgiving symbols and themes in your posts to attract social media users and convince them to buy your seasonal products.

4. Top Thanksgiving social media campaigns

To get inspired, no matter the industry or niche you activate in, it’s important to look at Thanksgiving social media campaigns from different areas.

This will help you feel inspired and it will give an idea of how to craft your Thanksgiving marketing strategy.

Here are a few Thanksgiving social media campaigns examples from previous years that will help you get inspired so that you can rework them.

4.1. Walmart

Walmart doesn’t need an introduction anymore. This store sells everything you’re thinking of.

In 2022, Walmart didn’t have a particular Thanksgiving social media campaign, but it did have some posts dedicated to this holiday.

Their posts featured the same keyword, namely “Friendsgiving”, the perfect mash-up between Friends and Thanksgiving.

This post was to draw users attention that they can find fresh vegetables and groceries for their Thanksgiving meals.

Thanksgiving Social Media Campaigns: Ideas and Examples To Get Inspired

Another post from the same period last year shows some Thanksgiving outfits. This means that their discounts extended to their clothes section as well.

Thanksgiving Social Media Campaigns: Ideas and Examples To Get Inspired

4.2. Dollar Shave Club

Dollar Shave Club is a company that produces shaving products and gadgets to make the shaving process easier for both men and women.

In 2015, for Thanksgiving, they launched a marketing campaign where they made it clear who is part of their audience.

Thanksgiving Social Media Campaigns: Ideas and Examples To Get Inspired

The campaign was called “Perfect gift for almost everyone”, underlying that their products can be a perfect gift for everyone, except kids and elderly women.

4.3. Durex

Durex is another well-known brand that doesn’t need any introduction. However, the brand is conscious of the fact that its audience didn’t always have the guts to order a pack of Durex out loud in a drug store or in a supermarket.

Most of the time, people buy something else along with that pack of condoms to find a pretext. And when they don’t need anything else, they buy a pack of gum.

In 2017, on Thanksgiving, Durex China wanted to take a moment to thank Wrigley’s, Snickers and Budweiser. Durex discovered that a lot of their customers also bought products from Snickers, Budweiser and Wrigley's.

Thanksgiving Social Media Campaigns: Ideas and Examples To Get Inspired

4.4. Target

Target is one of the biggest retail brands in America, selling everything from clothes and toys to cosmetics, home decorations and food of all sorts.

In 2022, Target presented its audience with the most relatable ad for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners with the whole family.

This SNL commercial where a lot of products from Target were displayed, all of them meant to satisfy all family members’ needs.

Thanksgiving Social Media Campaigns: Ideas and Examples To Get Inspired

Their Thanksgiving social media marketing campaign relied on a single Instagram post right on Thanksgiving day.

It was this one about Thanksgiving dinner with family.

Thanksgiving Social Media Campaigns: Ideas and Examples To Get Inspired

However, before and after that post they had a bunch of Reels and carousels about holiday presents ideas, holiday design, deals, recipes and decorating.

4.5. Redbull

Last year, Red Bull’s Thanksgiving campaign featured a funny commercial with farm animals. It seems that some animals conspired so that the turkey couldn’t get any energy drink and it got caught.

Thanksgiving Social Media Campaigns: Ideas and Examples To Get Inspired

Redbull wanted to tell the story of the turkey’s sacrifice and how it didn’t get to drink their magic potion. That’s why everyone eats roasted turkey for Thanksgiving dinner.

5. Social media insights on #thanksgiving

On Thanksgiving, all roads lead home to our families. This is only the start of family gatherings during the winter season.

With Black Friday being the start of holiday shopping, Thanksgiving sales only help you to continue to add to cart and find the perfect gift for your loved ones.

Developing a Thanksgiving social media campaign means to build a strategy and set some goals to be achieved.

Tagging your campaign with the specific hashtags for this holiday is definitely a step that you should not skip. And to analyze that, you need an AI Instagram listening tool like the one Socialinsider offers.

Besides social media listening, Socialinsider offers a lot more services like campaign reporting, social media analytics and reporting, competitive analysis and API integration.

I wanted to look at the hashtag #thanksgiving first that it’s so used in almost all Thanksgiving posts.

During the last 3 months, the top categories in which this hashtag has been frequently used are food, family and beauty.

Thanksgiving Social Media Campaigns: Ideas and Examples To Get Inspired

Next, I looked at some metrics that are related to users’ emotion. The great news is that when seeing this hashtag at social media posts, people’s dominant reaction is joy.

Thanksgiving Social Media Campaigns: Ideas and Examples To Get Inspired

Going even deeper into the detailed insights that Instagram listening offers, I got to see the popular hashtags which are used in combination with the main hashtag #thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Social Media Campaigns: Ideas and Examples To Get Inspired

Getting access to all these particular listening metrics can help you get a grip of how to implement your Thanksgiving marketing strategy.

This can even inspire you with some new hashtags and tricks you could try to elevate your marketing game before the holidays.

Final thoughts

Regardless of the concept you’ll choose to leverage in your Thanksgiving social media posts, what matters the most is to be as humanly possible in your messages.

Moreover, for increased chances of making people stop scrolling when they see your Thanksgiving social media posts, try to come up with eye-catching designs and images.

The more original those would be, the better.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.What should I post on Facebook for Thanksgiving?

Here are our top 5 Thanksgiving social media post ideas:

  • Talk about Thanksgiving traditions.
  • Share how you are celebrating Thanksgiving this year.
  • Wish your audience a Happy Thanksgiving.
  • Share your special recipes for Thanksgiving dinner.
  • Spice up your content with Thanksgiving Day puns and jokes.

2.How do you say Happy thanksgiving professionally?

Happy Thanksgiving Messages For Colleagues

  • Working with you has always been enjoyable and inspiring!
  • It's a pleasure working with you.
  • Thanksgiving is just one more day to say working with you has always been so wonderful.
  • I'm thankful for all that you do.

3.What are some thanksgiving phrases?

Thanksgiving Sayings

  • There's always something to be thankful for.
  • There's always room for seconds.
  • Give thanks with a grateful heart.
  • Pumpkin spice and everything nice.
  • Thankful and blessed.
  • Pumpkin kisses and harvest wishes.
  • Leftovers are for quitters.
  • Eat, drink, and be thankful.

4.How do you thank customers on social media?

  • Post a customer appreciation social media post.
  • Reply to comments and direct messages to say thank you.
  • Re-share user-generated content.
  • Post a customer review with a thank-you note.
  • Make a video thanking your customers.
  • Hold a giveaway to thank your customers.

5.How do you say thank you in marketing?

On behalf of [company name], we wanted to say thank you for your purchase. We're so lucky to have customers like you! Thank you for your support. We truly appreciate your business and look forward to serving you again.

<![CDATA[Influencer Identification: Strategies to Find the Right Influencers for Your Brand]]>https://www.socialinsider.io/blog/influencer-identification/654acdef7e5e260001d55594Thu, 09 Nov 2023 09:34:22 GMT

Are you ready to take your social media campaign to the next level?

The secret sauce lies in finding the perfect influencers who can amplify your brand's reach and engagement.

In this article, we'll show you the ropes of influencer identification and reveal the strategies that will help you discover the ideal voices to resonate with your target audience.

The A-Z of Influencer Identification for Strategic Brand Promotion

  1. Influencer identification: the basics
    1.1.Evaluate engagement rates
    1.2.Analyze past collaborations

  2. Identifying influencers by using influencer marketing tools
    2.1.How influencer marketing platforms work
    2.2.The benefits of using an influencer marketing platform
    2.3.Exploring influencer marketing tools

  3. A new way of finding influencers
    3.1.The benefits of using Socialinsider

  4. Challenges in finding the right influencers

1. Influencer identification: the basics

Before diving into how to find suitable influencers exactly, it's essential to lay a strong foundation by ensuring you are working with the right influencers.

Here are the two fundamental steps to follow in the influencer identification process:

🟠 Evaluate engagement rates

To gain a better understanding of how well an influencer resonates with their audience, it's essential to examine engagement rates, which include the number of likes, comments and shares their content receives.

A higher engagement rate often suggests a more profound connection with the audience, which in turn, may predict the effectiveness of your influencer marketing campaign.

To accurately measure these engagement rates, Socialinsider offers a valuable tool called Social Listening.

Briefly, here's how it works:

Start by inputting relevant hashtags that are associated with your brand or a particular campaign you're interested in.

Taking the example of L'Oréal Paris, suppose you're focusing on the hashtag #paidprojectbylorealparis.

Socialinsider will use this hashtag to identify and compile a list of influencers who have been actively using it.

From there, you can navigate to the 'Influencers' tab.

This gives you a snapshot of the influencers who have a history with your chosen topics, paving the way for you to start impactful partnerships.

Influencer Identification: Strategies to Find the Right Influencers for Your Brand

For a deeper dive into the data, the 'View Details' option allows you to scrutinize individual influencer profiles.

You'll have access to key metrics such as their specific engagement rate, total engagement, and their total posts over a period you specify.

Influencer Identification: Strategies to Find the Right Influencers for Your Brand

This detailed insight is instrumental in making informed decisions about which influencers have the best potential to amplify your campaign and drive success.

🟠 Analyze past collaborations

Knowing an influencer's history with other brands, especially competitors, informs you about the potential reach and impact of your collaboration.

The 'View Details' function we mentioned above extends beyond engagement metrics, revealing the brands an influencer has mentioned over a selected period.

Influencer Identification: Strategies to Find the Right Influencers for Your Brand

This helps assess the compatibility with your brand’s values and audience expectations.

If an influencer has associated with brands that conflict with your ethos, it could undermine the partnership's authenticity.

2. Identifying influencers by using influencer marketing tools

To effectively harness the power of influencers, marketers often turn to specialized tools known as influencer marketing tools.

And according to a recent survey, 78% of marketers believe that influencer marketing tools have positively impacted their campaigns, resulting in increased brand visibility and engagement.

So let’s see how these tools not only assist in identifying potential influencers but also help in streamlining and managing influencer campaigns.

How influencer marketing platforms work

Influencer marketing tools utilize advanced algorithms and data analytics to identify suitable influencers for a brand's marketing campaigns.

These tools analyze factors like an influencer's follower demographics, engagement rates, content relevance, and historical performance.

By assessing these metrics, brands can pinpoint influencers who align with their target audience and brand values, ensuring an authentic and effective partnership.

Additionally, influencer marketing tools can help brands monitor campaign progress, measure ROI, and optimize strategies in real time.

This data-driven approach not only streamlines influencer selection but also enhances the overall effectiveness of influencer marketing, allowing brands to reach and connect with their desired customer base more efficiently.

The benefits of using an influencer marketing platform

Discover how these tools enhance search efficiency, offer valuable audience insights, ensure influencer quality, facilitate campaign management, and provide detailed reporting for successful influencer marketing.

🔸 Enhances search efficiency: These tools streamline the influencer discovery process, allowing you to quickly identify potential influencers within your niche or target market.

🔸 Offers audience insights: By providing detailed information about an influencer's audience, these tools ensure that you can choose influencers whose followers match your target demographic.

🔸 Ensures quality assessment: With access to engagement metrics and content analysis, you can evaluate an influencer's performance and authenticity. This step ensures that your chosen influencers have a genuine and active following.

🔸 Facilitates campaign management: Beyond discovery, influencer marketing platforms can facilitate collaboration between brands and influencers, track campaign progress, and sometimes even handle payment processing, streamlining the entire campaign lifecycle.

🔸 Provides detailed reporting: Many influencer marketing tools also provide detailed reporting that measures the success of influencer campaigns.

Exploring influencer marketing tools

Influencer marketing tools have become indispensable for brands looking to leverage the power of social influence.

Platforms such as AspireIQ, Upfluence, Influencity, or Klear offer an array of features to simplify the search and management of influencer relationships.

Therefore, brands can filter potential influencers by various criteria such as niche, location, reach, and audience demographics, ensuring a strategic fit with the brand's values and campaign goals.

Utilizing these tools, marketers can more efficiently scout for, vet, and collaborate with influencers, maximizing the impact of their influencer marketing campaigns.

3. A new way of finding influencers

Socialinsider simplifies the process of influencer identification by integrating a comprehensive suite of features within its app, starting with its powerful Social Listening functionality.

This feature allows brands to gain deep insights into their target audience's conversations and engagements by analyzing specific hashtags on Instagram.

This data forms the foundation for influencer identification and subsequent partnerships.

Once you've entered relevant hashtags—whether they're tied to your brand or another specific campaign—Socialinsider compiles a list of influencers who have actively used these hashtags.

Let’s take, for example, Nympha Clothing, and its #nymphaclothing hashtag.

By pressing the Influencers button, you can peek at the influencers who have already engaged with this hashtag, setting the stage for meaningful collaborations.

Influencer Identification: Strategies to Find the Right Influencers for Your Brand

With these insights, you can discern which influencers have the most resonance and relevance to your brand and who you’d like to work with.

This alignment is a critical factor in the success of influencer partnerships.

And by choosing influencers who share your brand's mission and beliefs, you ensure that their endorsement is both genuine and effective.

But Socialinsider's influencer identification process goes beyond hashtag-based searches.

The app integrates a powerful Analytics & Benchmarks feature, allowing brands to measure Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of the influencers they’ve shortlisted.

After compiling a list of influencers through social listening, brands can dive into each influencer's profile to assess their historical performance.

The Analytics & Benchmarks feature provides valuable data on engagement rates, post reach, and audience demographics.

Influencer Identification: Strategies to Find the Right Influencers for Your Brand

This information enables brands to make data-driven decisions when selecting influencers. By analyzing influencers' past performance, brands can identify the best fit for their campaigns.

In essence, Socialinsider features empower brands to make informed influencer selections, increasing the likelihood of successful influencer marketing campaigns.

The benefits of using Socialinsider

What sets Socialinsider apart is the ability to leverage existing interests.

The influencers you identify are already passionate about a topic of your interest, which can lead to more authentic and impactful collaborations.

Their pre-existing enthusiasm can translate into not only better engagement but also potential cost savings.

Influencers who are genuinely interested in your field are often more open to partnerships, making influencer marketing more affordable and mutually beneficial.

Basically, Socialinsider streamlines influencer identification by starting with social listening, generating influencer lists, providing robust analytics, and emphasizing alignment with your brand's values.

This approach ensures that influencer partnerships are rooted in shared interests and genuine enthusiasm, potentially reducing costs while enhancing the impact of your influencer marketing campaigns.

4. Challenges in finding the right influencers

  • Overwhelming options

The influencer landscape is highly saturated, with countless individuals and content creators looking for attention.

This saturation can make it overwhelming for brands to identify the right influencers that align with their goals and values.

Solutions include using influencer marketing tools to streamline the search and apply specific criteria.

  • Authenticity concerns

Ensuring the authenticity and credibility of influencers can be a significant challenge.

With the rise of fake followers and engagement manipulation, brands need to be cautious about who they partner with to avoid reputational damage.

To solve this issue, you might conduct thorough background checks on potential influencers.

Examine their past performance, including engagement rates and the quality of their content.

  • Budget constraints

Budget constraints can pose a challenge when identifying influencers, especially if you're targeting well-known or high-demand influencers who often come with a significant price tag.

Consider working with micro-influencers or nano-influencers who have smaller but highly engaged followings and may offer more cost-effective options.

Additionally, negotiate with influencers and explore alternative compensation models, such as product exchanges or long-term partnerships.

  • Evolving trends

The influencer landscape is constantly evolving, with new platforms, formats, and trends emerging. Keeping up with these changes and understanding how to leverage them can be challenging.

Stay informed about emerging trends in influencer marketing. Monitor new social media platforms and content formats.

Adapt your influencer marketing strategy to align with these changes, and be open to experimenting with different approaches.

Final thoughts

The path to an extraordinary social media campaign begins with finding the perfect influencers.

And as you embark on this influencer discovery journey, consider your possibilities: leveraging an influencer marketing tool or making the most of Socialinsider.

These tools streamline your search, offer rich insights, and ensure authenticity, potentially reducing costs while magnifying your campaign's impact.

<![CDATA[How to Harness the Power of Online Conversations: A Full Social Media Listening Guide]]>https://www.socialinsider.io/blog/social-media-listening/6336fcebd0ebea00017bdc3eThu, 09 Nov 2023 08:33:00 GMT

Social listening is one of the core pillars that help any brand become more aware of what people think, feel and say about it. Relying on direct feedback from your audience is key to creating a brand voice and identity that people can really resonate with.

It should ideally be an ongoing process but it should at least be conducted every quarter for an in-depth understanding of how your brand is perceived in the online world.

Ready to dive in? Let’s slowly step towards this sea of data and learn how to swim!

Social Media Listening - A Complete Guide

  1. What is social media listening?

  2. Why is social media listening important?

  3. How to conduct social media listening

    3.1. Establish your goals
    3.2. Pick your data sources
    3.3. Formulate an action plan
    3.4. Choose the right metrics to track
    3.5. Use a social media listening tool
    3.6. Measure your results

  4. A new way of doing social listening with Socialinsider

  5. Top social listening tips and tricks

1. What is social media listening?

Social listening is the practice of monitoring and analyzing all social media conversations users have about your brand, when they mention or tag your brand.

Social media listening is a process made up of two parts:

  • tracking social media discussions about your brand, services, products, competitors and keywords related your niche and business to spot people’s pain points and needs
  • analyzing all the tags and mentions to have a better understanding of how people perceive your brand and how you can work on improving it

2. Why is social media listening important?

Social listening may seem like the newest, shiniest toy in social media marketing. In fact, it's neither one of these.

The practice of social listening is not new, but the process through which brands extract this type of data has changed changed and evolved considerably. That means social media listening now offers a larger variety of nuanced, in-depth insights.

Still wondering why social listening is so important in this day and age? Let's go over some of the most important reasons:

  1. It helps brands make more data-driven decisions. Leveraging analytics data to make informed business decisions should be a given for any brand nowadays. But adding social listening data to the mix enables you to develop more tailored products and strategies based on market trends and clients' preferences.
  2. It gives brands a direct line to the influencers market. Keeping your ear close to the ground means you get to hear all the voices that talk about your brand. Everything you hear is, to some extent, important but you should focus your attention on the loudest, most influential voices - that's where your future influencer collaborations might be.
  3. It strengthens customer-brand relationships. Customers might not always find it easy to tell you what they like and dislike about your brand, but sure enough, they will post on social media about it. Tuning in to their frequency can be essential in creating better products and improving the client-brand relationship.
  4. It offers brands a competitive edge. If you don't find out what people are feeling and saying about your brand, your competition might find out first and use it to their advantage. On the other hand, social listening data enables brands to identify gaps in the market and opportunities for growth that they would otherwise miss.

3. How to conduct social media listening

Learning how to use social media listening for your brand is helpful to make sense of all the changes that take place in your industry and niche.

Keeping up with the latest trends will surely help you get one step ahead of your competitors. Here is our step-by-step guide on how to conduct social listening for your brand.

3.1. Establish your goals

Setting your goals first will help you determine which is the direction you’re moving to. First, monitor and analyze your industry and niche to learn what’s new, what gaps you can fill and how you can keep up with the rest of the trends.

Next, find out how you can provide people with solutions to their problems.

3.2. Pick your data sources

Evaluate the activity on every social media platform and pull data to see your performance.

To find out more about how your posts have performed, you can use the in-built analytics tool from every social media platform or a third-party analytics tool to develop an in-depth evaluation.

3.3. Formulate an action plan

Like any other important analysis, when you make-up a plan for social media listening, you also need to think of a set of strategies that could help you reach your final goal.

Your social media listening strategies could help you obtain supplementary insights to a brand analysis or brand audit.

Social media listening can help you check key data on your list, like campaign analysis, competitive analysis, industry insights, and the healthy development of the brand.

Unsure where to start? Check out our full step-by-step guide on social listening.

3.4. Choose the right metrics to track

Tempting as it may be, you can’t measure everything. You need to decide which metrics to prioritize in your listening analysis in order to you save time and only get the insights that matter to your brand.

If you don’t know what metrics to focus on, maybe our article on key social listening metrics can help you out.

3.5. Use a social listening tool

A good social listening tool will remove the need for manual digging through all the online conversations about your brand and provide you with all the necessary insights.

Once you collect all the data you need, it will be easier for you to develop a report and closely analyze how to place your brand on the path to success.

3.6. Measure your results

After collecting all the insights needed, it’s time to establish the actionable insights from everything you’ve gathered.

What will you do next to improve your brand’s image in your prospects and clients’ eyes?

4. A new way of doing social listening with Socialinsider

Active listening is an art, and your brand should learn it.

Keeping a close eye on your audience and really understanding how they feel about your brand, products or campaigns goes a long way in creating the perfect action plan and connecting with your followers.

Luckily, Socialinsider is launching a new tool for social listening which goes beyond the classic metrics. This new tool relies on Instagram hashtags for now, and draws its power from AI technology.

Don’t believe me?

Then watch me perform a quick case study on a popular campaign hashtag, and see what we can dig up about it

Take Adidas’ campaign, #adidasoriginals, for example.

With Socialinsider’s Instagram Listening tool, I can track this campaign and understand whether it is helping Adidas improve their brand visibility, engagement and other metrics that matter to them.

Let’s see what insights I can uncover about this campaign:


In terms of content, I found out that just in the last 7 days, over 3000 posts were created by influencers sharing the hashtag #adidasoriginals.

Most of these posts were carousels.

How to Harness the Power of Online Conversations: A Full Social Media Listening Guide

The majority of the conversations around this campaign hashtag fit into the “clothing”, “sports” and “beauty” topic categories.

How to Harness the Power of Online Conversations: A Full Social Media Listening Guide


By adding this campaign hashtag to my project, I also unlocked engagement data. These stats are broken down by the type of account generating the buzz around that hashtag.

How to Harness the Power of Online Conversations: A Full Social Media Listening Guide


Next up, we have popular hashtags. By exploring this section, you can see what product categories people associate your brand with.

In the example below, you can easily spot: streetwear, sport, football, fitness, lifestyle etc.

How to Harness the Power of Online Conversations: A Full Social Media Listening Guide

Wondering how to translate these insights into action points? Well, one thing you can do is use them to target new niches on social media, thus expanding your reach and your audience.

Sentiment and emotion

Sentiment analysis is often seen as the unsung hero of the social listening world. That’s because it goes beyond what’s being said, it reads between the lines and helps you discover how people feel about your brand.

Thanks to the AI-consolidated sentiment and emotion insights present in this tool, I managed to find what is the most common emotion people have towards the #adidasoriginals campaign (it’s joy!) and whether their sentiment can be classified as mostly positive, negative or neutral.

How to Harness the Power of Online Conversations: A Full Social Media Listening Guide


From the demographics section, I understood that most posts that mention the #adidasoriginals hashtag are written in English.

How to Harness the Power of Online Conversations: A Full Social Media Listening Guide


The posts section is a rich playground to explore for any and all social listening enthusiasts.

Here I could see all posts that include the #adidasoriginals campaign hashtag, play around with all the available filters and sort the list by either engagement, publishing date, engagement rate or follower count.

How to Harness the Power of Online Conversations: A Full Social Media Listening Guide


One of the best parts about this tool: you can see a full list of all influencers that talk about a hashtag. So if you're curious who's a top Instagram voice in a particular niche, industry or even a specific brand campaign, you can see it all right here.

How to Harness the Power of Online Conversations: A Full Social Media Listening Guide

Of course, this list can get very long, so I filtered it to match my interests.

And last, but not least:


We know how important it is to analyze your brand's performance in context, comparing it with that of your competitors or with industry standards, so we brought this feature into Social Listening.

How to Harness the Power of Online Conversations: A Full Social Media Listening Guide

Here I compared the main brand hashtag - #adidas - with two of their most popular campaign hashtags, #impossibleisnothing and #adidasoriginals, and saw exactly how they stack up against each other.

You can do the same with any hashtag - branded, campaign or popular topic - as long as you add them all to the same project.

Curious what our tool can do for you? Book a demo with us or start a trial so test it yourself!

5. Top social listening tips and tricks

The world of social listening can seem big and daunting, but it slowly starts to make sense once you go over a few guiding tips:

  1. Narrow down your search.

Social listening is great, but it often produces large volumes of data that can feel overwhelming. That's why it's important to narrow down your searches by using filters, selecting only one or a couple channels to focus on, adjusting the time range and so on.

You don't need all the data, you just need the right data.

2. See where your audience is most active, and tune it to that.

There's no point in tracking channels where there's little activity. Find out where your audience is most active and vocal, and focus your social listening efforts on that.

3. Choose the right tools for the job.

Building on the idea mentioned above, you need a powerful tool to help you sift through large volumes of data to get what you want out of your social listening data.

Like we showed you earlier, Socialinsider's new tool can do the heavy lifting when it comes to social listening on Instagram, which making sense of unstructured data and generating chart and reports that organize this data into top interests, demographics and user sentiment analysis.

Final thoughts

Social media listening helps you get a better understanding of your audience, learning how to make them happier so that it turns into a win-win situation.

Your customers will get satisfied with your products and you will gain even more clients when they will see the audience’s recommendations.

If some marketers tend to think that client-business is a love-hate relationship, by using the right social listening tools, every story can have a happy ending for everyone involved.

<![CDATA[Black Friday & Cyber Monday Marketing: Social Media Posts Campaigns Examples]]>https://www.socialinsider.io/blog/black-friday-social-media/6336fcebd0ebea00017bdc07Wed, 08 Nov 2023 01:39:00 GMT

At the beginning of November, the hype for the holidays is rising as fast as the sun towards dusk, when the day becomes shorter.

We have sentimental holidays, like Valentine's Day, or the ones meant to bring families together, like Christmas. Still, most notably for marketers, we have Black Friday, which marks the year's busiest shopping day, followed by Cyber Monday.

Digital marketing specialists, the time has come for you to brainstorm with your teams some Black Friday marketing ideas to get creative with your Black Friday marketing campaigns.

If that doesn't work as planned, we got you covered. Today we're gonna discover some Black Friday social media campaigns examples to get fresh ideas.

Black Friday & Cyber Monday marketing

  1. What is Black Friday
  2. What is Cyber Monday
  3. Instagram listening insights for #blackfriday campaigns
  4. Black Friday social media marketing tips
  5. Black Friday social media campaigns examples
  6. Frequently asked questions

1. What is Black Friday

Black Friday is an American tradition and it’s usually the Friday after Thanksgiving, when everyone in the US starts buying presents for Christmas.

Along the years, big brands have decided for themselves when they start their Black Friday sales.

Black Friday comes with sales and discounts both online and offline, in actual shops. In 2018, the eCommerce industry registered record-breaking sales of $6.2 billion, with online sales growing by 23.6% compared to 2017.

Some retailers even keep the discounts up for the whole month of November, depending on their products and stocks.

Black Friday sales can range from 5% off to 70% off. Even if at first only tech giants started these Black Friday sales, in time, many more industries have applied it.

A lot of retailers and brands start preparing their Black Friday marketing strategies months before the big day, creating teaser and planning content ahead.

2. What is Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday is the Monday after Black Friday when the discounts are still there, waiting for everyone to empty the stocks.

Cyber Monday only happens online and it lasts for 24 hours, with millions of retailers applying discounts to their services and products.

The brands’ purpose in this case is to get rid of all the products that were discounted on Black Friday. Some even apply more discounts to their products to convince customers to buy more.

Usually, retailers plan their Cyber Monday social media campaign months ahead, at about the same time they plan the Black Friday social media campaign.

3. Instagram listening insights on #blackfriday campaigns

When the cold season comes, the second-favourite holiday is Black Friday. All throughout the year, people are waiting for that one Friday in November when they can find the best deals for their favourite products.

Since Black Friday is just around the corner, let’s put into effect Socialinsider’s Instagram social listening tool and learn more about the campaign hashtag #blackfriday and its use.

First, after getting the hashtag’s insights, these are the top topics that mostly used it in the last 6 months.

This hashtag was mostly used by Instagram accounts that activate in the travel category, while the category that least used it so far was the retail one.

Black Friday & Cyber Monday Marketing: Social Media Posts Campaigns Examples

Collecting this data can help you figure out which brands from what categories are promoting Black Friday social media campaigns. Is it the same interest as you? This can help you adjust your social media tactics during your Black Friday campaign.

Next, to learn more about the audience that sees all those Black Friday social media posts, it’s time to look at emotion.

Here you can clearly see the split between surprise, joy, sadness, disgust, anger and fear. The dominant emotion is joy.

Black Friday & Cyber Monday Marketing: Social Media Posts Campaigns Examples

Having this emotion insight helps you trust the process when planning a social media Black Friday campaign.

If your posts are engaging enough, people will show their emotions in their reactions, interactions and the posts they make about your brand.

Another important thing to check when going through all the metrics here in our social listening tool is checking popular hashtags. These are used in the posts which also feature the hashtag #blackfriday.

Black Friday & Cyber Monday Marketing: Social Media Posts Campaigns Examples

In this way, you will figure out what other hashtags you can add to your Instagram posts to make it reach more people. Adding adjacent hashtags to your main campaign hashtag will help you propel your campaign in front of even more users.

And this is certainly one of your main goals when planning a Black Friday social media campaign. Moreover, this will also bring you more sales.

4. Black Friday social media marketing tips

1.Create a sense of urgency

We all know that Black Friday only lasts for a day. For some brands, it may start earlier and last for a few weeks or even the whole month of November.

No matter how long your Black Friday campaign takes, you have to build up suspense. Make sure you announce your customers beforehand. They would want to take advantage of your Black Friday sales and deals.

The sense of urgency you create through your announcement determines clients to rapidly make a buying decision.

When you capture your clients’ attention and encourage users to act now and order your products, you’ll see a boost in impressions, engagement and sales.

2.Develop an email marketing campaign

Posting content on social media on Black Friday is not enough. Your Black Friday campaign needs to be extensive, and go on many more levels, including email marketing.

It’s important to set up a dedicated Black Friday email marketing campaign and inform your clients about your upcoming sales, the interval in which the offers will be available and the amount of discounts they’re gonna get.

You will see your ROI growing because everyone will be paying attention to those Black Friday emails piling up in their inbox.

3.Use hashtags to reach new users

If you and your marketing have already thought of a Black Friday hashtag campaign, that’s even better. Using a hashtag like #blackfridaydeals for the deals and offers you’re prepping is even more attractive.

By adding a hashtag to your Black Friday social media campaign, you’ll attract new users.

People who are already interested in Black Friday discounts will click the hashtag and come across your social media posts.

And then boom! Love at first sight. They are more likely to click your website and scroll through your products.

4.Offer minimum spend reward

This is another trick to keep your customers closer and more engaged. Let’s say they add to their cart products in the amount of $70. As a reward, you can offer them free shipping.

As they add products to their cart, they will see on their screen that they are only a few bucks away from getting free shipping.

Do you know what they’ll be tempted to do next? Add to cart to exceed the limit and get free shipping. And this will bring more joy to you and your team (and also more money).

5.Offer a free gift with the Black Friday purchase

When a customer buys from you on Black Friday, trying to take advantage of all of your deals, it’s only fair you repay them and make them come back to your online shop even when Black Friday is over.

Offer your client a check-out free gift to encourage them to become a returning customer and also tell their friends and family.

6.Look at your clients’ abandoned carts

Shopping online is always fun and satisfying for customers. However, there are times when they get distracted by a message they’ve just received and they simply abandon the cart after adding the products they needed.

Your job is to remind them of the abandoned cart via email. Send them a friendly email telling them that they forget some items in the basket. Maybe you can even offer them a little discount if they complete their order in an hour or something.

This will stimulate  them to actually buy what they added in their cart in the first place.

7.Extend your sales from Black Friday until Cyber Monday

One effective Black Friday marketing strategy that has become very popular recently is extending your sales.

In the past, Black Friday used to be a one-day-only kind of deal, but now, the offers keep rolling until the next Monday, which is known as Cyber Monday.

This basically gives retailers the advantage of having four days of sales. And extending your sales means gaining more customers and profit.

Trust us, if brands like Urban Decay integrated this tactic into their social media strategy, it might be worth giving it a shot for your Black Friday marketing plan as well.

8.Partner with influencers

‌‌One of the marketing strategies for Black Friday that does wonders are influencer’s partnerships, priving to be very effective for all sorts of brands.

We recommend turning your attention to TikTok influencer marketing as the platforms offers such an incredible visibility potential.

Equally, if it has worked for you in the past, or you're thinking about starting with a rather safer approach, you can always turn your attention to the old-shcool way of leveraging influencer marketing - by collaborating with Instagram influencers.

Regardless of what you choose, what's most important to remember when deciding to hop in the Black Friday influencer marketing train is to pick the ones that complement your brand.

9.Use TikTok to get more exposure

With TikTok being the hottest social media platform of the moment, brands that jump in earlier on the TikTok marketing train can get in front of new audiences and get huge visibility.

If you’re thinking experimenting with the platform, here are a few Black Friday marketing tips that you should apply for this year’s campaign, as awell as for TikTok marketing in general:

  • be authentic;
  • leverage the latest trends'
  • use popular songs;
  • optimize your captions for SEO so that the platform could recommend your content based on interest searches.

If you need some inspiration for your TikTok content calendar creation, here’s how Pretty Little Nothing , one of the most successful brands on the platform approached TikTok marketing and succeeded in gaining more than two million followers there.

5. Black Friday social media campaigns examples

Walmart's Black Friday social media campaign

This year, Walmart decided to start their Black Friday campaign on Wednesday, November 8, to surprise everyone.

Some might say they are trying to cheat at this Black Friday social media campaigns competition. Others understand that they’re only trying to attract more customers.

Walmart decided to start a Black Friday social media campaign with a unique theme. I bet everyone remembers the “Mean Girls” movie (if no, then go and look it up).

Black Friday & Cyber Monday Marketing: Social Media Posts Campaigns Examples

They’ve based their campaign on the famous movie and even recreated part of the most important moments. They even used the original cast from the movie. I think their marketing team should get a raise.

Their marketing strategy is amazing and it’s bound to work because they built on familiarity.

Walmart also took popular phrases and sentences from the movie and adapted them to their Black Friday deals. Genius, ha?

Black Friday & Cyber Monday Marketing: Social Media Posts Campaigns Examples

People are always tempted to come to those brands that look friendly and familiar. That’s exactly what Walmart decided to do.

This Black Friday social media campaign has a lot of potential.

Shein's Black Friday social media campaign

For Shein, their Black Friday social media campaign is called “11:11” which happens on November 11.

This “11:11” thing also builds familiarity since we know that if you check the time at 11:11 you’ll get lucky or the person you think about loves you.

And when luck strikes, with Shein you get 80% discounts and I think this is a pretty good deal.

Black Friday & Cyber Monday Marketing: Social Media Posts Campaigns Examples

Their marketing plan for the Black Friday social media campaign is really catchy and it makes people wanna set alarms to make sure they don’t miss the deals.

Black Friday & Cyber Monday Marketing: Social Media Posts Campaigns Examples

This Black Friday social media campaign definitely has great potential to attract new customers and increase sales since the discounts are as big as 80%.

I bet a lot of people who have already found out about this have added their favourite products to cart just to make sure they manage to get the deals.

Levis's Black Friday social media campaign

Levis is one of the top brands when it comes to jeans and denim clothes. This year, they are also preparing for Black Friday discounts, but they really like to take their time.

On social media, they haven’t posted anything yet. However, on their website they’ve started talking about Black Friday and they’ve applied some discounts to their products.

Black Friday & Cyber Monday Marketing: Social Media Posts Campaigns Examples

They haven’t yet announced a specific date for the biggest deals they are preparing, but they have gradually applied some discounts of 30% or “buy 2 for $49 each”.

Boots's Black Friday social media campaign

Boots is well-known for all the beauty and skincare products it sells. Millions of women are in love with this store where they can find best deals for their favourite beauty products.

This year for Black Friday, Boots didn’t announce anything on social media yet. However, on their website, they seem to be preparing for massive discounts.

They have even built certain categories of products where you can find the greatest deals for fragrances and make up products.

Black Friday & Cyber Monday Marketing: Social Media Posts Campaigns Examples

All you have to do is search for your favourites and make sure you get them cheaper and in bigger quantities.

Etsy's Black Friday social media campaign

Etsy is yet another reseller, but this one is different. Here you can find art, inspiration, bags, templates, toys, clothes and a lot more.

The diversity here is impressive. That is why Etsy has different types of discounts for Black Friday, depending on your favourite products and what you’re looking for.

Black Friday & Cyber Monday Marketing: Social Media Posts Campaigns Examples

Even if Etsy did not promote this Black Friday campaign on social media, they have it on their website and it’s better if you take a look.

Basically, what Etsy does here is to encompass the Black Friday deals from various sellers they work with.

Adidas's Black Friday social media campaign

Adidas is one of the biggest brands when it comes to athleisure attire and sports shoes. Since they have already created history with their quality products, their Black Friday campaigns are top notch.

They haven’t yet promoted their upcoming Black Friday campaign on social media, but they have sales for a lot of products on their website.

Black Friday & Cyber Monday Marketing: Social Media Posts Campaigns Examples

Being a top tire brand that works with celebrities, but satisfies the needs of everyone, Adidas has a lot of experience when it comes to Black Friday campaigns.

That’s why they did not create a big fuss out of this on social media and they continue to focus on their other social media campaigns.

Final Thoughts

While you probably won't implement all the marketing ideas for Black Friday mentioned in this article, hopefully, this guide will give you a glimpse into what social media approach you should choose in 2023.

Now, it's time to get your Black Friday marketing strategy started!

Frequently Asked Questions

1.What makes a good Black Friday campaign?

Offer a Buy-One, Get-One 50% Off

This is basically upselling people to buy more than they would have originally. You can even make a variation of this, such as offering 50% off everything on the morning of Black Friday, then buy one, get one 50% off during the afternoon.

2.What are the trends for Black Friday 2023?

What are the biggest trends to look out for this upcoming Black Friday? Some of the biggest trends to look for during BFCM 2023 include higher AOV, an increase in sales from mobile devices, fewer curbside pickups at physical stores, and steeper discounts than ever.

3.Why is Black Friday celebrated?

The phrase “Black Friday” to signify a positive boost in retail sales didn't grow nationwide until the late 1980s, when merchants started to spread the red-to-black profit narrative. Black Friday was described as the day stores began to turn a profit for the year and as the biggest shopping day in the United States.

4.Which country does not participate in Black Friday?

North Korea, Venezuela, Iran, and Afghanistan are the nations that do not participate in Black Friday.

5.How long does Black Friday last?

Actually, Black Friday lasts only one day, i.e. 24 hours. However, many vendors now offer discounts for longer than just one day. For example, you can often find the savings deals even on the Monday after Black Friday. Some stores also run the discounts for the whole week or even the whole month of November.

<![CDATA[How to Craft an Effective Social Listening Strategy for Your Brand: From Insights to Action]]>https://www.socialinsider.io/blog/social-listening-strategy/64f715af7e5e260001d5397bMon, 06 Nov 2023 14:47:00 GMT

Much like everything else you do on social media as a brand, social listening requires a strategy. Whether it’s simple or more complex, your social listening strategy should outline the main action points when it comes to monitoring how people think and feel about your brand.

Having a clear game plan for your social media listening enables you to draw actionable insights from your findings and use them to improve your marketing campaigns, learn more about your audience, industry or even your competitors.

The trick is knowing where to start. So shall we take the first step?

Social listening strategy guidebook

  1. How to get started with your social listening strategy
  2. How to master your social listening strategy with Socialinsider
  3. 8 key steps to take when building a strong social listening strategy

1. How to get started with your social listening strategy

Before you start crafting your action plan for social listening, you need to ask yourself a few questions and set some things straight.

Being honest with yourself about what you want to achieve through social listening will go a long way and will save you a lot of time and doubts down the line.

Here’s a few things you should consider before creating a social listening strategy:

  • Set goals

This is a no-brainer, but it’s worth mentioning anyway because it’s essential to the process. Setting a number of (realistic) goals is the first step you should take once you’ve decided that you want to include social listening in your marketing efforts.

Start with a simple question: why does my brand need social listening?

Is it because you want to see how many people talk about your brand? Maybe you want to look deeper and see what emotions your content creates for your audience? Can it be because you want to be more hands-on with your customer care, or be the first to find out when a crisis erupts?

Maybe your brand needs social media listening as a method of generating new content ideas? Or, you want it because it’s a good way to get to know your audience more closely and create better user / buyer personas?

No matter what your reasoning is, you should know your desired outcome when you start creating a social listening strategy.

  • Find the right tools

If you have a small or young brand with a limited social media presence, you might get away with doing social listening manually.

But once you realize you have tens, hundreds, even thousands of posts to sift through and analyze, you might turn to a social listening tool like Keyhole, Brandwatch or Socialinsider.

  • Pick the channels you want to focus on

The good (and bad) news is that conversations about your brand and products can pop up anywhere on the internet, so it's a great idea to stay in the loop across different social platforms.

Start small, by focusing on the ones your current audience and customers love the most and are the most active o. In time, you can add more channels to your list and deepen your analysis.

  • Decide what to listen for

Different listening software will offer different ways to do social listening, and that's good.

Some will track mentions. Others, like Socialinsider, will focus on providing in-depth hashtag analytics data and insights. Depending on what your goal is for social listening, and what tools you have at your disposal, you can decide what to listen for.

You can choose one or more of the following: brand name, social media handles, brand hashtags, popular topics in your industry, product names and so on.

  • Track KPIs

Setting a goal is almost never enough. In order to know when you’ve reached your target, you need to select and measure some KPIs related to your goal.

There a few social listening metrics you can look to gauge the impact of your brand on social:

  • Post volume - the number of posts that talk about your brand on social. You can track this (and so much more!) easily using a social media listening tool like Socialinsider-  and see exactly how many of them come from content creators or influencers.

  • Mentions - We can’t talk about social listening metrics without covering mentions. When someone directly mentions your brand on social media, it’s a clear sign they’re interested in what you do, say or sell.

  • Sentiment - In the early days of social listening, knowing only the number of posts that mention or reference your brand was enough. But as time went on, it became more and more important to know how people feel about a particular brand - positively, negatively or anywhere in between.

    That’s why sentiment analysis is now an essential part of social listening - as you can find out exactly how happy or dissatisfied people are with your brand.

  • Engagement - Although not everyone sees engagement as a social listening metric, it definitely counts towards a deeper understanding of your audience, which is a primary goal of any social media listening strategy.

  • Influencers - In this day and age, a lot of people put their faith in the opinions of online influencers, including when they’re deciding if a particular brand is worth their attention or not. In many instances, they will trust an influencer more than a Google review or client testimonials.

    That being the case, it’s highly important that you track how many influencers are spreading the word about your brand and what exactly they are saying. In the best case scenario, you might even get some of these creators to collaborate with you on a specific project or campaigns, thus boosting your brand awareness and reputation.

2. How to master your social listening strategy with Socialinsider

The world of social listening is wide and full of opportunities. To maximize your chances of getting the insights you need, you should use a tool that allows you to listen for what matters most to you.

With Socialinsider, you can get in-depth data about any Instagram hashtag, including branded or campaign hashtags. You can find out how many people are talking about your brand, how they feel about it (sentiment analysis), how engaging their conversations are and much more.

To start, you only need to add a hashtag. It can be your branded hashtag (e.g. #pepsi) or a campaign hashtag (e.g. #betterwithpepsi) or any other hashtag you find relevant for your search.

How to Craft an Effective Social Listening Strategy for Your Brand: From Insights to Action

Doing this will bring you into the Content section, where you can see how many posts with that hashtag have been shared in the time range you selected. We highlight the number of posts that come from creators because they are usually your most powerful (unofficial) brand advocates.

In this section you can also find data about best posting times, as well as the most common post types and top topics for your branded posts.

How to Craft an Effective Social Listening Strategy for Your Brand: From Insights to Action

If you’re wondering how much engagement these posts are generating, you can find out by heading to Engagement:

How to Craft an Effective Social Listening Strategy for Your Brand: From Insights to Action

The Hashtags tab gives you a bit more context for your hashtag of choice. Seeing all these related hashtags can help you understand your audience’s interests and conversations more, and they might even serve as inspiration for new content or product ideas:

How to Craft an Effective Social Listening Strategy for Your Brand: From Insights to Action

The Sentiment section is where the real social listening fun begins.

Here you can find all sorts of AI-powered insights, discover how people feel about your brand (positively, negatively or neutral) and even what emotions your product and brand awakes in them.

How to Craft an Effective Social Listening Strategy for Your Brand: From Insights to Action

You can check the Demographics tab for more details about your audience, and then Posts tab for a full list of the posts that included your hashtag.

Finally, in the Creators section you can find the top creators that talk about your brand using the hashtag you searched for.

How to Craft an Effective Social Listening Strategy for Your Brand: From Insights to Action

There may be tons of posts associated with that hashtag so don’t hesitate to filter or sort the list as you see fit. In my case, I filtered the list to only show Creators that have more than 10,000 followers and have shared posts in English.

These filters can substantially narrow down your search and help you find key social media customers that are already highly engaged and invested in your brand.

3. 8 key steps to take when building a strong social listening strategy

Once you’re done laying the groundwork for your social listening plan, it’s time to start strategizing!

Here are 8 essential steps in any social listening strategy:

1. Look beyond direct brand mentions.

Simply looking at brand mentions is the easy way out when monitoring what people think about a brand. An important part of any social listening strategy is to go beyond traditional metrics and get a deeper understanding of your brand’s reputation by looking at metrics such as emotion, influencer share of voice, etc.

2. Mitigate crises before they escalate.

The internet is large and small crises might break out when you least expect it. Use social listening to monitor your brand reputation, and put out fires before they grow too big and affect your brand’s image.

3. Find brand advocates within your community.

Listening on social media creates a great opportunity for you to find people that are already so interested in or even passionate about your brand, that they would make excellent brand advocates. If these people are influencers with a sizable audience, all the more reason to keep an eye out for this type of users or customers.

4. Create accurate buyer personas.

People unestimate the power of buyer personas, yet they are essential in creating the most powerful tailored marketing strategies. Social listening helps you understand your audience to the point where you can speak their language, and that will pave the way to the perfect buyer persona.

5. Monitor your competition alongside your own brand.

As part of your social listening strategy, you should focus on your brand’s image, but you should not disregard your competition. While you cannot get the same listening insights for other brands as you do for your own business, it’s still worth monitoring their performance and overall reputation and use it as a benchmark.

6. Engage with people that don't mention your brand directly.

The best part about social listening is that there are many ways of finding out how people feel about your brand, even if they don’t mention it directly in their posts, comments or reviews.

7. Identify top voices in your niche or industry.

Every industry or niche has their top voices, the ones whose message sounds louder and reaches more people. By keeping your ear close to the ground, you can discover who these individuals are, and get in touch with them to see if there's a chance for a future collaboration.

8. Measure social campaigns performance.

Studying your past social campaigns' performance can offer you plenty of insights about what works and what doesn't. Through social listening, you can keep an eye on specific campaign hashtags (your or your competitors') and see how big of an impact they have over time.

Final thoughts

Building a framework for social listening can feel quite intimidating and challenging. But knowing how to get started and what steps to take to make sure you’re crafting a solid strategy – this will help you leverage social listening to improve and expand your business and connect with your audience more authentically.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can social listening impact your social media strategy?

Social listening can greatly improve your social media strategy by adding a new layer of audience insights and product feedback, as well as providing a pool of highly engaged customers that could be turned into brand advocates.

2. What are the main limitations of social listening?

Social listening, for all its benefits, also has some limitations, such as the need for extensive filtering and cleanup (due to the massive amounts of raw data), occasional lack of context, etc.

3. What is the purpose of a social listening strategy?

A social listening strategy has the purpose of guiding you through all the steps needed to monitor your brand’s reputation on social media, gauge your audience’s sentiment towards your brand and find new brand advocates.

4. What is an example of brands doing social listening?

A good example of brands doing social listening would be Taco Bell. They are very active on social media and known for engaging with their customers in real-time and reaching out to them via social networks.

<![CDATA[The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now]]>https://www.socialinsider.io/blog/instagram-reels-trends/6336fcebd0ebea00017bdc32Fri, 03 Nov 2023 08:08:00 GMT

When the hype for Instagram Reels took over the internet, everyone was aiming for the same thing: viral Instagram Reels.

New Reels trends are emerging every week on Instagram. For brands, this is a constant battle, being hard to always keep up with the new changes when you always have to ask for approval from the legal department.

The struggle is real for marketers and following every trend means that you need to act really quick.

Today we’re going to learn together about Instagram Reels trends and why it’s important to follow them. Let’s jump in!

Instagram Reels trends in 2023

  1. What are Instagram Reels and why it’s important to use them

  2. How to create trending Reels on Instagram

  3. How to find trending Reels on Instagram
    3.1. Instagram’s Reels tab
    3.2. Instagram’s Explore page
    3.3. Competitors’ accounts
    3.4. Instagram’s @creators page
    3.5. TikTok’s Discover page
    3.6. Search by audio
    3.7. Social listening tools

  4. Instagram Reels trends & audios 2023
    4.1. "I am not who I was"
    4.2. "My love is mine all mine
    4.3. "A kind waltz"
    4.4. "18 summers with your kids" trend
    4.5. "Cheers" trend
    4.6. "Kenya Grace - Strangers" trend
    4.7. "Until I found you" trend
    4.8. "Making sure my kid can cook" trend
    4.9. "Romanticize your life" trend
    4.10. "More passion, more energy" trend
    4.11. "Memory is a strange thing" trend
    4.12. "I don't know who needs to hear this" trend
    4.13. "I need me some kind of cation" trend
    4.14. "Me Robaste El Sueño" trend
    4.15. The "Hi Barbie, hi Ken" trend
    4.16. The "Me before and after the Barbie movie" trend
    4.17. The "And my man, thank you to my man" trend
    4.18. The "Ashley look at me" trend
    4.19. The "7 days of outfits" trend
    4.20. The "Close your eyes" trend
    4.21. Wes Anderson movie trend
    4.22. The "if this your vibe" trend
    4.23. The “bumping into each other” trend
    4.24. The “bombastic side eye” trend
    4.25. The ”piano” trend
    4.26. The “calm down” trend
    4.27. The “sugar” trend
    4.28. The “feel so good” trend
    4.29. The ”never too much” trend
    4.30. The “marea” trend
    4.31.The “fantasy” trend
    4.32.The “still don’t know my name” trend
    4.33.The “go to be real” trend

  5. How to know if your Instagram Reels are working?

1. What are Instagram Reels and why it's important to use them

Instagram was launched in 2010 and it quickly became popular, capturing the attention of over 28% of the world’s internet users so far.

In the summer of 2020, Instagram launched Reels, 90 seconds videos that are meant to be fun and attract users to get lost in a web of infinite Reels.

The new feature launched by this platform is encouraging users to express themselves and use original content, edit with viral audio, add captions, stickers, AR effects and more.

Besides the fact that Instagram Reels has attracted many young users, it has also become an opportunity for brands to showcase their products and services in a way that is closer to their audience.

Marketers have quickly understood that it’s important to use Instagram Reels, follow trends and become viral to attract more prospective customers and the follower count.

Businesses are more likely to thrive and grow in an environment that propels their content towards the masses who expressed their need for such products and services.

2. How to create trending Reels on Instagram

Now that you’ve learned that you need to implement Instagram Reels in your marketing strategy (if you didn’t do that already), it’s time to learn how to create Instagram Reels that can become viral.

  • Don't post video with watermark

If you consider to repurpose your TikTok videos for Instagram, don’t. Instagram officials have previously made a statement about this, emphasizing that they will deprioritize the Reels that feature a watermark.

When creating videos, it’s best to make one for TikTok and also save one for Instagram Reels without the watermark, just to make sure that Instagram’s algorithm won’t overlook that Reel.

You’d want your brand’s content to be easy to discover for your audience. That’s why you have to make sure your Instagram Reel has what it takes to become viral.

  • Add the element of surprise

Your Instagram Reels need to be catchy and always feature an element of surprise. This is how you’ll keep your audience engaged.

In order for a brand to grow their follower count, engagement and number of leads, it’s important to hit home with their content and address their users’ needs.

By adding a CTA and an element of surprise at the end of your Reel, it will make your audience curious to the point that they want to visit your website.

The lucky combo for Reels that convert is: element of surprise + CTA + eye-candy content + personality = engaged audience.

  • Make a high-quality vertical video

Since we’ve discussed how your Instagram Reels should look like, it’s time to look into the technicalities of things.

Always create your Instagram Reels vertical and make sure you record using a proficient camera. Your audience expects to see high-quality videos and you should deliver.

Otherwise, you are risking to lose followers and that’s the most undesirable thing as a marketer.

  • Showcase your personality and humour

A Reel with no humour at all (at least a small pun) is not something someone would want to watch.

Unless you’re promoting motivational speakers who talk about success. That’s serious business.

But if your brand sells shoes, you can always find some funny scenarios to display your new launches.

Don’t forget about your brand voice. Your Instagram content should scream loud and clear your brand’s values.

Sprinkle a bit of your personality in your content. That’s the secret ingredient that will propel you on your way to success.

  • Use a template for trending Reels on Instagram

To make sure you create an Instagram Reel that has a really high chance to become viral, you can always use a template from an already trending Reel on Instagram.

When watching Reels, pay attention to your options.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

Tap the small three dots near the down right corner and you’ll see that you can use several options.

Tap “Use as template” and you will get to implement the same features into your new Reel. You can duplicate the template and insert your own input.

Here you’ll see a sequence of clips that are displayed in such a way that they match the audio. By replicating this pattern, you get a fresh and shiny Reel that is bound to wow your audience.

Add your videos and photos in the space provided, in an order of your own preference.

  • Use audio to create trending Reels

When it comes to trending Instagram Reels, you need to know that these viral Reels are accompanied by trending audios.

By using those trending audios in your Reels, you can make your Reel viral. It’s as simple as it seems.

Here is how it goes.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

When you watch a Reel, tap the audio link at the bottom of the Reel and you’ll be displayed with the main audio page.

Here you are presented with two options: you can either tap “Use audio” and use it for your next Reel or you can “Save audio” and use it later.

When seeing the main page for the audio, you will also get to see other videos that use the same audio like the one you tapped. You should check these videos as a source of inspiration.

In case you don’t want to use that same audio for your Instagram Reels, you can tap that little keynote button at the right of the blue bar with “Use audio” and there will be a lot of other audio suggestions in a section called “Similar to this audio”.

3. How to find trending Reels on Instagram

In a world where trends come and go all the time, you need to constantly search for new Instagram Reels trends and stay on top of your competitors.

Inspiration is key. By using all these sources of inspiration, you’re likely to create more engaging Instagram Reels for your audience.

Finding trending content can inspire you to create trending Instagram content.

Here are a few places where you can find some trending Reels ideas to implement for your brand.

3.1 Instagram’s Reels tab

This is the most intuitive method that can help you find inspiration for your Instagram Reels. Just tap the Reels button at the centre of the page.

By tapping that button, you will land on the For You page which is a scrollable tab full of videos that are similar to the ones you have recently seen.

Instagram’s algorithm will generate a series of Reels based on the interests you have previously expressed.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

3.2 Instagram’s Explore page

Another way to search for trending Reels on Instagram is by using the platform’s Explore page.

It seems that 50% of Instagram users find Reels through the Explore page.

Similar to Home feed posts, the Instagram Reels algorithm ranks videos according to what it thinks viewers would be most likely to interact with.

Therefore, scrolling through the Reels that Instagram has selected for you can help you decide what viral videos to remix for your brand.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

3.3 Competitors’ accounts

Believe it or not, your competitors can be a great source of inspiration when it comes to trending Reels on Instagram.

You might be surprised to find out the way your competitors make use of the latest trends. Try to apply some of their strategies to your own video content.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

Then, to see how you stand compared to your competitors, you should also look at numbers.

By using the Benchmarks feature from Socialinsider, you can easily compare your brand’s Instagram page against your competitor’s.

This way, you will see the most important metrics and, adding this up to your research about their video content, you can easily develop a better marketing strategy to top their performance.

This is the sign you needed to remind you that you have to periodically perform a competitive analysis to make better-informed decisions regarding your Instagram strategy.

A more useful way to use Socialinsider to find new Instagram Reels trends is by developing a Campaign based on a hashtag or keyword.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

Let’s say you put together an event calendar based on all the important events in your industry throughout the entire year.

Go to Socialinsider, create a Project where you include your brand’s Instagram page and your competitor’s Instagram page.

Then, go to the post newsfeed, sort them by Reels and search for a specific keyword or hashtag that suits that event you’re following.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

For instance, I added two beauty brands, Rare Beauty and Fenty Beauty and then I looked at their Instagram Reels.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

I chose the keyword “summer makeup” since this “event” is approaching. And I was surprised to find a bunch of Reels that use this as a keyword or hashtag.

By scrolling down, you can see the metrics for every post that features that keyword. You will see key metrics, like engagement rate and engagement.

Next, you can analyze this Instagram Reels trend for both beauty brands in a campaign.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

In the Strategy section, you’ll be able to see a lot of key metrics based on the hashtag you choose.

3.4 Instagram’s @creators page

The creators page on Instagram is not only an infinite source of inspiration for all the marketers out there, but the people posting on that account also emphasize what are the latest trends.

The creators’ page is a Social media manager’s prettiest dream, being packed with actionable insights that anyone can apply for their Instagram Reels strategy.

The creators posting on this Instagram page offer free tips & tricks on how to improve your Instagram content strategy.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

3.5 TikTok’s Discover page

TikTok or “The Mother of all Dragons”, like I like to call it, since its no 1 focus is on video content, is also a great platform to get inspired for the second best type of videos in social media, namely Reels.

We all know that TikToks have a higher engagement rate than Reels, but this does not mean that hoping is prohibited.

Working your way through a solid Instagram strategy, relying on research and a trial & error process, you can help your brand slay with some trending Instagram Reels.

Use the “Discover” page on TikTok to learn more about how to create short and eye-catching videos for your audience.

3.6 Search by audio

The audio of your Reel is what will make users stick to your content and watch it until the end.

It’s true that a picture is worth a thousand words and that’s what will drawn your audience towards your content, but the way you pair up your video with your audio really matters.

Your videos may have a higher chance of going viral if they feature popular Reels tunes.

There are several ways in which you can find trending audio on Instagram and use it for your Reels.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

3.7 Social listening tools

Social listening tools typically gather mentions of predetermined keywords from throughout the web. That’s why they are useful in helping you find trending tools.

Social media monitoring may give you precise, high-quality insight into the attitudes and sentiments of your audience.

You may do this to establish any relevant Instagram hashtags or keywords and keep track of Reels that have the potential of going viral.

If you’d like to give listening tools a try, you might want to check these 23 social media listening tools for every budget that we’ve listed.

4. Instagram Reels trends & audios for brands

When trying to find the best Instagram Reels trends to implement in your social media strategy, you need the best kind of inspiration.

In order to do so, you have to prepare yourself for thorough research, being patient enough to find the current trends.

However, you have to keep in mind one thing: a trend is just a trend for only a few days. After that, it becomes old news.

Therefore, when you find a trend for Instagram Reels, you have to create content based on it immediately. Otherwise, the trend will no longer be of interest for your audience.

Here are some of the current trends for Instagram Reels:

Reels trends in October 2023

4.1 The "I am not who I was" trend

This trending audio on Instagram is a feeling, really. The audio has been used in more than 43 K Reels and I can see why.

The lyrics of this song either take you back to a memory or make you fantasies about the future. People generally use this audio in Reels about nature, hikings or favourite moments with the loved ones.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

4.2 The "My love mine all mine" trend

There's no suprise that this audio on Instagram has made a lot of Reels viral since it's so emotional, depicting precious moments in people's lives.

Users have mostly choose this audio in videos where they romanticize about life or share beautiful moments with their loved ones.

This trending audio has been used in over 267 K Reels and still counting.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

4.3 The "My love mine all mine" trend

The audio "A kind waltz" is so soft and sensibile that you cannot resist using it in Reels about life, stages of life and little moments of joy.

Users on Instagram have mostly used this piano audio to illustrate slices of life, with the most beautiful feelings and moments expressed for and with the loved ones.

This trending audio has been used in over 31K Reels.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

Reels trends in September 2023

4.4 The "18 summers with your kids" trend

This audio is so heart-warming that you can't resist not getiing emotional. The original sound was recorded by a mom who talked about having just 18 summers with her kids until they will all be grown-ups.

A lot of parents have been using this trending audio on Instagram when sharing Reels with and about their kids.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

4.5 The "Cheers" trend

When you decide to record more videos when you clink your glass to your loved one, you can use this audio to make it go viral.

This original sound has been used by Instagram users only in videos when they all clinked their cups or glasses, celebrating. Some users have also used the audio in Reels where they included photos and rapidly changed from one photo to the other, perfectly syncronizing the music.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

4.6 The "Kenya Grace - Strangers" trend

This audio is perfect for Reels that show your adventurous self, continuosly changing from one scene to the next with a fast pace.

More and more Instagram users fancy this audio, using it to showcase their lives and what they've been doing lately.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

4.7 The "Until I found you" trend

A lot of couples have been using this trending audio in their Reels to go viral. The videos are an expression of love. Most of them are cheesy and lovey-dovey, perfectly pairing up with the audio.

This audio has been used in over 394K Reels on Instagram.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

4.8 The "Making sure my kid can cook" trend

This audio has been used by parents in their Reels showing that they prefer to teach their kids how to cook than being impressed by their future spouse.

And the result is really funny. A lot of kids have appearing in these videos have no idea what the Reels are about.

The video trend is not always linked to this audio though. However, the audio was also used in Reels in which users showcase their outfits or dance moves.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

4.9 The "Romanticize your life" trend

This trend has been used by all the dreamy girls out there on Instagram. The audio made a lot of videos become viral.

It has been used in 31.2K Reels on Instagram and still counting. Most of these Reels are with girls who, well, romanticize their lives. The results are pretty amazing.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

4.10 The "More passion, more energy" trend

A lot of Instagram users used this trending audio in Reels of their animals, showing how energetic they can be.

The results? Hilarious videos about pets. Everybody loves them. That's why they've become viral when using this audio. Other users have used the audio in videos of them dancing.

There are over 56.8K Reels with this trending sound.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

4.11 The "Memory is a strange thing" trend

Oh, memory and memories! Everyone trying to remember a particular moment has used this trending audio on Instagram.

The audio was used over in more than 3K Reels. Some of them are really emotional. The sound is from the movie "Arrival" and it's Amy Adams' voice.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

Reels trends in August 2023

4.12 The "I don't know who needs to hear this" trend

For some Instagram users, this audio is silly, for others is way funnier than expected.

Instagram users have been using this audio trend to mock deep conversations or words of wisdom some people share in Reels.

Some used videos of their surroundings, their pets, kids or some glimpses from their holiday.

Basically, instead of using an audio that matches the way you romanticize your life, you can use this one.

This audio has been used in over 10K Reels on Instagram.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

4.13 The "I need some kind of cation" trend

If you haven't been on holiday just yet, I feel you. I need a vacation at least once a month.

So this Instagram audio trend is for you. It starts with "I need some kind of cation" and you can surely find something that suits you in what comes after that.

Users have been using this audio trend in over 5K Reels on Instagram.

People have been using this audio to signal that they are going on vacation or that they at least need one.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

4.14 The "Me Robaste El Sueño" trend

This audio is now trending on Instagram. And if it's not making people to dance, Instagram users use this latino tune to showcase their latest holiday, a new outfit check or their latest discovery when it comes to restaurants.

The trending audio for Reels has been featured in more than 81K Reels.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

4.15 The "Hi Barbie, hi Ken" trend

The Barbie movie has taken over the world and a lot of brands from different industries have lanuched new campaigns, tailing on the success of this movie.

It was clear that with this movie premiere, a lot of memes and social media trends were about to pop up. This audio is one of them, from the beginning of the movie when all the Barbies and Kens greet each other.

Instagram users have been integrated this audio into their Reels to showcase  their new pink products, make-up looks, pink outfits, hairstyles and even cakes. You should use it while it's hot.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

4.16 The "Me before and after the Barbie movie" trend

Another trend related to the Barbie movie is the one with before and after, refering to the moment when Barbie started to think and feel like a human, disrupting her perfect pink world.

This mixture between the perfect, utopian world and our world lead to runny eyes in movie theatres. (Believe me, I was there)

This audio was used by Instagram userd to depict moments that suggest a change in their life or in their way of thinking. Some even use it to showcase their new food recipes and tuturioals.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

4.17 The "And my man, thank you to my man" trend

This popular audio was used in Reels where girls thanked their boyfriends for support. Even guys used this audio for when supporing their male friends.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

4.18 The "Ashley look at me" trend

This new audio has hyped people on Instagram, helping them create incredible Reels where they showed before and after results.

Some also use it for a teleporting-like effect in their Reels. How would you use this trending audio?

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

4.19 The "7 days of outfits" trend

Women love fashion and everyone wants to showcase her sense of style when assembling their outfits. This audio makes people wanna use it when making OOTD Reels.

Some Instagram users use this audio to show what they eat or drink every day for a week.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

4.20 The "Close your eyes" trend

This trending audio is used to refer to a feeling, a mood. Instagram users are currently crazy about this audio from the Barbie movie.

Some use it to show everyone their group of friends, for touchy-feely videos and new methods to meditate.

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

Reels trends in July 2023

4.21 The "Wes Anderson movie" trend

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

This trend is so sick that the audio was used in over 70K Reels. The trend started slowly, but it’s already here for about 2 months now. And it seems it’s going pretty strong.

Trying to imitate Wes Anderson’s style can be challenging, since you have to work with his recording technique, while also combining the colours, filters and don’t even get me started on the attitude you need.

4.22 The ”if this your vibe” trend

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

This is a new trend on Instagram Reels for those who try to find others that match their vibe.

All you have to do is choose between 1 to 8 short clips that showcase your products or services and add the text “If this is your vibe, I want to be friends” using the text tool.

So far, there are 70K Reels that use this audio.

4.23 The “bumping into each other” trend

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

This trend has a very nice audio and people have been using it for the type of videos that showcase a love story, when the two accidentally bump into each other.

To replicate the trend for your brand, you need to record a video of you “bumping into” your products and then showcase what happens after, the way you use the product and how you fall in love with its utility.

So far, there are 180K Reels that use this audio.

Reels trends in June 2023

4.24 The “bombastic side eye” trend

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

This is one of the funny trends that recently rose towards virality. The audio is just perfect for your cat-lover videos or for someone on your marketing team complaining about clients.

So far, there are 25K Reels that use this audio.

4.25 The “piano” trend

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

The trend that started with this piano tune is so sick that it went viral right away. Use it to show your audience your new products, make outfit-check videos or Reels where you teleport to different travel spots. The possibilities are limitless.

So far, there are 106K Reels that use this audio.

4.26 The “calm down” trend

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

This Instagram Reels’ trend seems to be here to stay since users have already making up all kinds of dances using this audio.

You can also create your own dance, showing your audience everything about creating a social media report or other fun stuff marketers do.

So far, there are 242K Reels that use this audio.

Reels trends in May 2023

4.27 The “sugar” trend (Billie Holiday’s song)

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

This Instagram Reels trend is perfect if you want to show the world a recipe where you integrate the use of your products or for a day in the life vlog.

So far, there are 7K Reels that use this audio.

4.28 The “feel so good” trend

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

With this trend, you get the most important reminder of the day : whatever you do, always send others good vibes.

You can use this audio to highlight a special event in your life, like a product launch.

So far, there are 48K Reels that use this audio.

4.29 The ”never too much” trend

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

This Instagram Reels trend proves one more time that the audio is everything, helping Reels become viral. Instagram users use this audio for videos with OOTD, exotic trips, lunch with friends and more.

Get inspired first and then find a method to implement the use of this audio for your brand.

So far, there are 30K Reels that use this audio.

Reels trends in April 2023

4.30 The “marea” trend

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

This tune is so versatile that you can pair it up with any video. You can make an OOTD Reel, one about travelling, with some fast transitions or you can use the audio to fast-forward through the diversity of your products.

So far, there are 104K Reels that use this audio.

4.31 The fantasy trend

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

The Reels’ trend using the “Fantasy” audio is still blooming. This audio is perfect for travel tips and travel videos depicting amazing places.

However, you can always adapt to the trend and find something funny to do with this tune. For example, you can record a video of how a social media manager behaves when on vacation.

So far, there are 18K Reels that use this audio.

4.32 The “still don’t know my name” trend

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

This tune can offer a lot of juice to your travel video or you can even use it when showing your audience a new recipe.

So far, there are 36K Reels that use this audio.

4.33 The “go to be real” trend

The Game-Changing Instagram Reels Trends and Audios You Need to Try Right Now

This is the right audio if you want to show everyone a special moment from your life, like graduation day, your wedding or your baby’s first birthday.

So far, there are 171K Reels that use this audio.

5. How to know if your Instagram Reels are working

Everyone is raving about Instagram Reels, but how effective are they?

In our recent study, we examined over 350K Reels to determine how they stack up against other Instagram content.

In terms of engagement, we discovered that Instagram Reels have an average engagement rate of 1.95% – which is nearly twice as high as other types of content.

Moreover, Reels outperform any other form of content in terms of Reach Rate, with an average of over 20%.

But how do you know if your Reels are performing well?

According to Flick Tech, you're on the right track to going viral if a Reel has three times or more than the typical number of views.

In most circumstances, you can be sure that your Reel will go viral if it picks up steam within an hour of posting.

However, in the long run, brands may also use social media analytics tools to run an Instagram audit to better understand what matters to their audience.

To evaluate the performance of your Instagram Reels, you can use Socialinsider to track metrics such as likes, comments, shares, saves, interactions, views, and reach.

Final Thoughts

Even though it can be quite simple to follow current Instagram Reels trends, many businesses fail because they are unwilling to change their marketing strategy and are mired in old methods of thinking.

For your brand to remain relevant and grow, you must keep up with social media trends and leverage platform updates.

Hopefully, the examples we provided will get you on the viral train and help you raise brand awareness.

<![CDATA[TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023]]>https://www.socialinsider.io/blog/tiktok-trends/6336fcebd0ebea00017bdc0dFri, 03 Nov 2023 01:17:00 GMT

A lot of people say that money makes the world go round. For me, it’s information. Huge hoards of gigabytes transport data from one point to every point. And I find that fascinating.

In the TikTokverse, trends change with the same pace users swipe through videos. Keeping up with all the viral videos can be challenging and overwhelming.

TikTok trends make the online world go round. You are likely to find out about a funny meme, a new study or your daily horoscope before the rest of the people around you.

This article’s focus is listing some of the most popular macro TikTok trends and how to create trending videos.

Buckle up! We’re going on an adventure.

TikTok trends for 2023

  1. Why you need to follow TikTok trends
  2. How to find TikTok videos that are trending
  3. How to create trending TikTok videos - A step-by-step guide
  4. What's trending on TikTok in the first months of this year

4.1. My boyfriend has 2 girlfriends
4.2. Delulu
4.3. WFH employee at 08:59 a.m.
4.4. It girl
4.5. Surprise, surprise
4.6. Me? Obsessed with you?
4.7. Paint the town red
4.8. Everybody dance now
4.9. Rihanna's "If It's Lovin' That You Want"
4.10. Bentley
4.11. Daylight audio
4.12. Tube girl
4.13. Rapunzel trend
4.14. Italian trend
4.15 Samsinclairfx on Instagram audio
4.16. Half On a Sack - Penguin trend
4.17. Squilliam Dance
4.18. Doja Cat Attention
4.19. Sonido
4.20. Kendrick x Radiohead
4.21. Maisie original sound
4.22. Hi Barbie, hi Ken
4.23. Barbie driving meme
4.24. Dog days are over
4.25. Brunette stunning
4.26. Speed ticket
4.27. Makeba
4.28. Smooth Operator
4.29. My husband
4.30. Beige flag
4.31. I don’t do well with the drama
4.32. Wes Anderson
4.33. It’s whack-a-doodle time
4.34. Ok, well that’s interesting
4.35. Could you be loved
4.36. Hell n back
4.37. Why is everyone acting weird?
4.38. Succession
4.39. Oh no I’m devastated
4.40. I left you alone for five minutes
4.41. Screaming, crying, throwing up

  1. How to find trending TikToks with Socialinsider

1. Why you need to follow TikTok trends

TikTok trends are videos that have become popular which are widely replicated by users and shared.

By following current TikTok trends, you manage to increase the virality of your brand.

A TikTok video can become a trend due to its songs, hashtags, or the actual content, like dances or challenges.

The reason why you need to follow TikTok trends is that you have greater chances to increase brand awareness and build a community around your brand.

If you’re wondering why TikTok is one of the most successful social media platforms, you should know that this happens due to its algorithm.

This fuels the platform with new updates all the time that come in favour of all creators, supporting users’ interests.

Here are just a few of the reasons why you need to follow TikTok trends:

  • Generate buzz around your brand
  • Increase engagement
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Emphasize your uniqueness by following a trend
  • Maintain relevance for your content
  • Develop a community around your brand

2. How to find TikTok videos that are trending

Staying up to date is crucial for a brand that is present on TikTok. That is why you should find all the ways to be up to date when it comes to trending videos on TikTok.

Here is where you can find TikTok trends:

Use the “For You” section - TikTok will recommend other videos for you based on your searches and viewing history. This way, you will discover viral trends on TikTok.

Use the “Discover” feature - Here is the place to find the most inspiring TikTok videos. You can explore a whole bunch of different categories and also search by hashtag.

Follow influencers and popular creators - Most of the time, they are the users who start a new trend. You will also get fresh content ideas from them.

Interact with your community - When you accept your community challenges and engage with them in the comment section, you manage to find new ways to create trending videos.

3. How to create trending tiktok videos - A step-by-step guide

By learning how to create trending TikToks you manage to let more people find out about your brand.

You will definitely reach a larger audience and increase engagement. However, it’s not all about metrics.

Your TikTok videos should be telling stories with which followers can easily relate. Those stories need to be in line with your brand’s values.

This is how you build brand loyalty and capture Gen Z’s attention. If you follow these tips and tricks, your TikTok stats will skyrocket.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create trending TikTok videos:

  • Follow famous TikTok accounts to get inspired

Inspiration is everywhere as long as you keep your eyes wide open. The gist here is to follow the right people on TikTok to quickly find out about the latest trends.

  • Find the right influencers for your brand

You can ask influencers with a high follower count to collaborate with you. This is how you’ll increase your community and reach.

Find the influencers who are interested in your niche and industry and resonate with your brand’s viewpoint.

Otherwise, your content may not reach the right audience that could also convert into customers.

  • Publish unique content

I know this is about following TikTok trends, but you do not have to copy-paste ideas. Your brand should have its own identity on TikTok.

Make sure your content proves your brand’s uniqueness through your products, services and the way you market them.

  • Use hashtags

Hashtags help you separate all TikTok videos into clusters, making them easier to find by users.

However, it’s not enough to add as many hashtags as possible to your post if they do not match your topic or industry.

Pay attention to the hashtags used with those specific trends you’re following.

  • Maintain consistency

To be able to keep up with the trends, you have to always be looking for new ones. Searching and searching restlessly will help you continue to attract followers and increase reach, views and brand awareness.

  • Follow trends

This can take a lot of time as you need to be scrolling through TikTok and find out what’s new.

However, it is useful since you’ll discover the hottest trends that you can later apply for your brand.

4. What's trending on TikTok in the first months of this year

TikTok trends in October 2023

4.1.My boyfriend has 2 girlfriends

This new TikTok trend has taken over TikTok. The main idea here is to show the two faces of every woman, the crazy, child-like one and the elegant, feminine one.

And teh results are hilarious. This audio has been used in over 368K videos.

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023


The delulu trend has started a while ago and it's still going strong. The hashtag #delulu on TikTok has been used in 4.2 billion posts.

Most people use the trend to illustrate their delusional scenarios and overthinking in different situations. The funniest ones are those related to relationships.

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

4.3.WFH employee at 08:59 a.m.

This trend regarding work-from-home employees is hilarious. It's bound to illustrate the level of laziness and how everyone wants to sleep for a few more minutes in the morning before starting that important zoom meeting.

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

4.4.It girl

This trending audio on TikTok is definitely really popular when it comes to underlying the feminine beauty. A lot of girls have used it to showcase their makeup transition and this is how they made their video viral.

The audio has been used in over 155 K TikTok videos.

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

4.5.Suprise suprise

The TikTok trend "Surprise, surprise" has emerged when people started using this GIF with Cilla who sings this original song. TikTok users generally use it to illustrate something they did not expect to happen or to find.

Some of these videos are really funny, like this one, when you see your grandma's cookie box and you know that's a sewing kit, but it's actually cookies. The trending audio that made a lot of TikTok videos viral has been used in 14.9 K TikToks.

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

4.6.Me? Obsessed with you?

This hilarious audio has made a lot of TikTokers to use it in videos about their loved ones, their pets or even their favourite drinks.

The trending audio has been used in over 178 K videos.

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

TikTok trends in September 2023

4.7.Paint the town red

Doja Cat's new song is trending on TikTok and everyone is now using this audio. Most TikTok users use this song in their videos to show a dance they've just choreographed or to display their products or even their new outfit.

A few skilled TikTok girls used the audio in their make-up tutorials, while lip-syncing to Doja Cat's song. Some of the used it for a make-up transition, showcasing the change from a good girl to a bad girl.

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

4.8.Everybody dance now

The new version of "Gonna Make You Sweat" created by Paolo Jackson has people going crazy over it on TikTok.

This trending audio makes people start dance competitions on TikTok, with tens of choreographies emerging. Talented users use their skills to dance to this song.

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

4.9.Rihanna's "If It's Lovin' That You Want"

Rihanna's song that was released 18 years ago gets TikTok users hyped. This new trending audio started a new TikTok challenge and people keep on dancing.

Most users use this audio in dancing challenges or showing their skincare routine.

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023


This audio is hilarious. After it has been originally used in an ad for Bentley, TikTok users have been using it to mock other car brands.

The result? Laughs. Lots of laughs.

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

4.11.Daylight audio

A new TikTok dance challenge has emerged after this audio became viral. People dance it out, either when it's about a funny situation or when they just want to show their dancing skills.

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

4.12.Tube girl

This new song from Tate McRae called Greedy has got TikTok users on their toes, like literally. On their toes and dancing.

Some even recorded videos in the subway, dancing on this song. Others just love the song and swear they have it on repeat in their playlists. Some users use this audio in their videos for transitions, from day to night or even makeup transformations.

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

4.13.Rapunzel trend

We've all seen Rapunzel, the cartoon, or we have at least heard of it. This audio from the Disney movie is now trending on TikTok.

Girls use it to showcase make-up transitions or to show their outfits.

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

4.14.Italian trend

This new trending audio from Paolo Jackson is perfect for a silly new dance challenge on TikTok.

A lot of users have been using it in their dance videos, showing their new choreographies.

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

TikTok trends in August 2023

4.15.Samsinclairfx on Instagram audio

On TikTok this audio is now trending, having been used in more than 130K videos. This TikTok trend has been used by followers to showcase transformation.

They chose to highlight gym progress and others used it for makeup transitions. What get's them hyped is the lyrics of the audio.

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

4.16.Half On a Sack - Penguin trend

This TikTok trend with the penguins from the Madagascar movie is hilarious. This audio was used in over 33K videos and still counting.

TikTok users have seen this audio as a new dance challenge. And everyone has challenged their siblings, cousins, friends and all their relatives.

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

4.17.Squilliam dance

This new trending dance called Squilliam dance is not only funny, but also extremly popular.

By only using this audio and practicing the dance moves, your TikTok video will instantly go viral.

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

4.18.Doja Cat Attention

Most of TikTok trends usually emerge due to trending audios, just like it happened with Doja Cat's new song.

This trending audio is perfect for transition videos on TikTok. There are already more than 700K TikToks using this audio.

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

4.19.Sonido original sound

The huge wave of TikTok videos featuring this audio is impressive. The song is a remake after the well-known song "La Bomba".

It seems that TikTokers loved the remake and were all eager to dance to the new old-song again.

People use the trend for dance challenges or to showcase transitions in the dark.

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

4.20.Maisie original sound

This TikTok trend appeared with a CapCut template that people have been using. The catchy jinggle and the vibes it gives made TikTokers use it in travel videos.

Other users have used this trending audio in videos that show their daily activities, or even for their food recipes.

This audio was used in over 14K videos and still counting. How would you use it?

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

4.21.Kendrick x Radiohead

This trending audio is a mix between two songs and it has quickly became very popular.

The TikTok trending sound was used by more than 60K people and still counting. TikToksers have mainly use it for transition videos or quick shifts between images.

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

TikTok trends in July 2023

4.22.Hi Barbie, hi Ken

The hype for the Barbie movie set the high really high and increased people's expectations. It did not disappoint, especially when it comes to all the trends that emerged after its launch.

This trending audio on TikTok has become viral after the movie appeared in theatres. It's from the beginning of the movie when the Barbies and the Kens greet each other.

TikTok users have used the audio in videos when showcasing their outfits.

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

4.23.Barbie driving meme

CapCut is a great source of inspiration. There's no doubt that this tool is now packed with Barbie references, templates and memes.

This meme is ready to turn your video into a viral one if you use it. Just show something you are scared about, just like Barbie gets startled by Ken.

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

4.24.Dog days are over

This song from Florence + The Machine is now trending on TikTok and people have been using it to, well, run.

Couples and friends use it with different dance moves and at the end they start running. Some of them used this audio when at the beach and they've jumped into the water.

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

4.25.Brunette stunning

This new trending audio is from the TV series Yellowjackets and it seems to find a place in every brunette girl's video.

Some blonde girls have even used it to show they're proud of their brunette friends.

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

4.26.Speed ticket

When everything goes almost perfectly right, you can use this audio with your TikTok videos.

Some TikTok users integrated this audio to talk about their shopping habits, keeping secrets, their boyfriends and girlfriends or about food.

How would you use it?

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

TikTok trends in June 2023


TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

This popular audio and TikTok trend has taken over the whole world. You can hear it everywhere now. Most TikTokers use it in their dancing videos or challenges to make their content as viral as the song.

4.28.Smooth Operator

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

Even if this song from Sade is pretty old, TikTok has found a way to make it trending. People use it for their dance videos and it works wonders.

4.29.My husband

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

The recipe is simple: if you use a trending audio like this one from Beyonce, chances are your video will become viral. Find the appropriate circumstance to use it, like these girls have.

4.30.Beige flag

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

We are all familiar with red flags and green flags in relationships, but beige flags have come to our attention due to TikTok's new trend.

A beige flag is when your partner does something that annoys you but it's not such a big deal.

Use this trend to highlight your partner's annoying personality trait and tell the story.

TikTok trends in May 2023

4.31.I don’t do well with the drama

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

Justin Bieber's song has become popular on TikTok and people use it in their videos to replicate the artist's success.

It's not difficult to find an appropriate context to use this audio. Take your chance and see what happens to your TikTok video.

4.32.Wes Anderson

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

The Wes Anderson trend is everywhere, from ruling Instagram trends to TikTok. When even the stars in Hollywood use it, what's your excuse?

4.33.It’s whack-a-doodle time

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

This TikTok trend is perfect for that moment when you're done with work or for when you record your kids doing their mumbo jumbo at home.

Just give it a try and you'll see the number of views rising.

4.34.Ok, well that’s interesting

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

This is new TikTok trend is generally used for those situations when you're trying to excuse yourself but you're actually admitting you're the one to be blamed.

4.35.Could you be loved

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

Bob Marley's song "Could you be loved" will never be out of style. This song is forever trending and so could be your TikTok videos.

Go ahead and put this audio over whatever video you like, inspiring others and passing over the good mood it sets.

TikTok trends in April 2023

4.36.Hell n back

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

People love recipe videos on TikTok, especially if they feature a cool song like this one.

You can use this TikTok audio for a product reveal or a product swatch, if you are a about to release a new make-up product.

4.37.Why is everyone acting weird?

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

This trending audio is from a TV show but it's so relatable that people have been using it to tell their funny stories with their friends.


TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

Everybody heard about the TV series Succession, a story about rich people and their pretentious taste (or so I imagine).

The main theme song from the TV series perfectly works with your TikTok videos if you want to highlight something high-class or elegant.

4.39.Oh no I’m devastated

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

This trending audio on TikTok perfectly describes irony. Use it to emphasize an ironic event or situation.

4.40.I left you alone for five minutes

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

This TikTok trend is perfect for when you know someone spends more than they can afford.  Guilty! Women usually do it.

But you know when you should also use it? When people spend money to buy your products and services.

4.41.Screaming, crying, throwing up

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

Taylor Swift song has conquered millions of fans and it became so popular during her tour that it's now trending on TikTok.

Use it to display any situation at work. If I were to give you a tip, this audio works hand in hand with the moment when you need to develop your social media report for Q2. Just sayin'.

5. How to find trending TikToks with Socialinsider

When trying to upgrade your TikTok strategy, following trends is the safe way to obtain fast results.

Finding trending TikToks can be done either manually, by scrolling through influencers’ content, or you could use a third-party tool to get ahead of your competitors.

Socialinsider is more than just an analytics tool, helping you benchmark against your competitors, against the whole industry, assessing your campaigns performance, reporting and discovering trends for all social media platforms.

  • Seasonal trend

Let me show how to use Socialinsider to get TikTok trends and see how this works for you.

I first created a project called “beauty” where I added the social media platforms for Rare Beauty and Haus Labs.

However, I’m just gonna use Rare Beauty’s social  media posts for now.

Then, I went to Posts to look at all the posts published in the selected timeframe. I chose to look at data for the last 6 months.

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

Next, I decided to tag a campaign using the keyword or hashtag “lip oil”, knowing that Rare Beauty uses this keyword in their campaign.

There are 187 posts published in the last 6 months on TikTok. The results show that there are 29 posts featuring “lip oil” as the main keyword.

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

To make sure you gather all the posts using the specific keyword from the campaign you’re looking for, you can also use the Auto Tag function.

As expected, I got the same results when it comes to the number of posts.

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

So by making these searches by keyword in TikTok posts you can see which are the latest posts in the campaign, indicating that it’s still trending.

Moreover, you can also see individual metrics for every post, like engagement, number of likes, number of comments, shares, plays, and hashtags used.

Next, I wanted to compare the two beauty brands, Rare Beauty and Haus Labs, by using the same keyword “lip oil”, knowing they both have campaigns for their products destined for lip makeup.

To see the comparison, I used the Benchmarks feature and I selected TikTok from the menu at the top.

To look at the metrics for the particular campaign “lip oil”, I went to the right cornet, to Campaign, near Download.

There I selected the campaign by its name et voila. Here are the key metrics that reflect the performance of these two campaigns for the two brands, on the same topic.

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

Here you can also see top 3 posts on TikTok for both beauty brands, average posts per day, average engagement rate per video, changes in followers, distribution of engagement, and total followers growth.

If you’re wondering how this is helping you find TikTok trends, I got you. First, you get the chance to see how different brands’ campaigns perform on a common topic that’s trending for both, like “lip oil”.

Second, you get to see individual metrics for posts in this campaign, looking at the number of plays and how popular the topic has grown to be among the brand’s followers.

Another useful lesson here is that the influencers they work with follow the same patterns in their videos, displaying the brands’ products in a funny situation.

  • Trending sounds

What I also noticed, by looking at Rare Beauty’s TikTok videos is that the influencers who use a particular product, like their liquid blush, also use the same trending audio.

This is a great trick to learn for when you want to apply it for your own TikTok strategy to make your videos viral.

When searching for this campaign with Socialinsider, I noticed there are 13 posts out of 187 that feature the keyword or hashtag “liquid blush”.

TikTok Trends That Improve Your Strategy In 2023

Another type of content creators develop with Rare Beauty’s liquid blush are videos in which they overdo their makeup.

The instructions say that you only have to apply one dot of the liquid blush, but some women love it so much that they add more dots.

These hilarious TikTok videos have become viral.

There’s no wonder their products sell so fast and they’re quickly out of stock. But more about that in our brand analysis article on Rare Beauty’s marketing strategy.

Final thoughts

Now that you’re all caught up with the latest TikTok trends, all you have to do is put your inspiration and imagination at work.

Test the platform and implement some of the most recent TikTok trends into your strategy for your new campaign and keep an eye on the changes you notice.

All these tips & tricks will help you adjust, adapt and overcome any challenge that comes your way when it comes to your brand TikTok campaign.

<![CDATA[Socialinsider Product Updates - October]]>https://www.socialinsider.io/blog/product-updates-october-2023/65437e357e5e260001d55280Wed, 01 Nov 2023 12:31:00 GMT

This October was the best month for a new product release. 🚀

The AI Instagram Listening product is here to answer many of your questions.

But this is up to you to discover. 🤘

1. AI Instagram Listening:

I probably shouldn't tell you this, but...this product is beyond social listening, and you'll love it if you want to learn more about your branded hashtags.

Dive deeper into your brand's Instagram presence with our powerful tool.

Main benefits:

  • access Instagram listening data - content, engagement, demographics insights, and more
  • see who is talking about your brand and your competitors
  • understand your audience
  • spot trends and identify marketing opportunities
  • get the sentiment and emotion analysis
  • find key influencers in your industry
  • explore posts and topics around the hashtag campaign

AI Instagram Listening with Socialinsider

2. Overview Sections:

You asked for it, and we listened.

It's really tiresome to scroll down between loads and loads of data until you get to the one that actually interests you.

🌟 Fun fact: the profile overview section was one of the most used sections in the dashboard.

Now, it's easier to get straight to the charts and KPIs that are important to you.

Depending on the platform and the type of profile, the sections are there to be explored:

  • Content
  • Engagement
  • Reach
  • Impressions
  • Audience

Profile Overview Sections with Socialinsider

3. Bottom Posts:

Sometimes, you want to see the posts with the highest engagement, but maybe, just maybe, you also want to see the ones that do not have the same hype.

You can now have a better comparison between them because both top posts and bottom posts are available for each profile.

Product Improvements 🚀

  • Facebook Total Reach Update -  We've decided to change the way we showcase this number, and there are multiple reasons for that. But, to keep it short, this is an estimated metric, and all users should be aware of this. Meta estimates this metric as well but in a different way. You can find all the details explained in the dashboard.

Facebook Total Reach Update in Socialinsider

  • Socialinsider Lens - The new design was released a month ago, and all the improvements are ready to be tested now. This feature is available for both Socialinsider products: Analytics & Benchmarks and Social Listening.
<![CDATA[How To Develop A Game-Changing LinkedIn Marketing Strategy in 2024]]>https://www.socialinsider.io/blog/linkedin-marketing-strategy/6336fcebd0ebea00017bdb85Wed, 01 Nov 2023 01:06:00 GMT

Over the years, LinkedIn has transformed from being that social media platform everyone thought is suitable for job hunting into the one where businesses and freelancers promote their services.

And this is why developing a LinkedIn marketing strategy is crucial to make sure your campaign gains the traction it deserves.

In what follows, we will find out more on how to develop a LinkedIn marketing strategy and what tool can help you ease your work.

21 tips to create a successful LinkedIn marketing strategy

  1. What is a LinkedIn marketing strategy and how can it help
  2. How to develop a LinkedIn marketing strategy
  3. A step-by-step guide on crafting a successful LinkedIn marketing strategy
  1. How to craft your LinkedIn strategy with Socialinsider

1. What is a LinkedIn marketing strategy and how can it help

A LinkedIn marketing strategy is a plan to help you market your brand’s products and services on LinkedIn.

Starting from scratch means spending a lot of resources, like time and finances, to grow your business and let everyone know you exist.

When developing your company’s LinkedIn account, you need to prepare a LinkedIn marketing strategy meant to propel you into your industry, among your competitors.

The main purpose, before wishing to surpass them, is to show people what your brand is about and why they need you.

Then, by setting your brand’s goals and values, you learn exactly what path to follow to conquer your audience’s heart.

Your goals will guide you, increasing your community along the way, as more and more people start showing their interest in your products and services.

Your LinkedIn marketing strategy will help you stick to a plan with finite end points, while you also assess your work.

A strategy for marketing can come in handy when you want to evaluate your brand’s and teams’ ability to improve what you are doing for the benefit of your clients.

Your prospective customers and existing clients will be more than happy to work with you if they see you as a true professional, offering quality services.

2. How to develop a LinkedIn marketing strategy

If you have understood the importance of a LinkedIn marketing strategy and now you are wondering how you could implement one, you are in the right place.

Even if you do not have yet a success story to tell, you still have SOMETHING to say and that also counts.

The difficulty lies in learning how to say it to attract people into your universe, making them curious about your brand.

Being present and consistent on your brand’s LinkedIn page is just as important as showing up to work every day.

To build a LinkedIn marketing strategy, you need to establish your goals, thinking about what you want to achieve by posting on LinkedIn.

After you set your business account, create quality content that reflects your brand’s values.

Your content will propel you into the LinkedIn world and more people will engage with your posts.

Our newest LinkedIn study shows you which type of content performs best.

How To Develop A Game-Changing LinkedIn Marketing Strategy in 2024

To be more specific about how to develop a Linkedin marketing strategy, I invite you to check this complete guide below on creating an effective marketing strategy.

3. A step-by-step guide on crafting a successful marketing strategy

Wanting to spark a light for followers into the darkness of your industry, it can be challenging.

Remember that everything you are trying to say might have already been said by somebody else.

Maybe you do not have to come up with something completely new, but you find a human side to the problem to share solutions for users who could turn into prospective clients.

By following this step-by-step guide, you will be able to develop a H2H brand (Human to Human), completely changing customers’ experience.

3.1. Create a company profile

If you want to promote your business on social media, having a LinkedIn company page, is a must.

You'll be able to build brand recognition by providing a way to promote your products and services to customers and potential clients.

How To Develop A Game-Changing LinkedIn Marketing Strategy in 2024

Step 1. Create a page

  • Click the "For Business" from the top right corner of your homepage
  • Scroll down and select "Create a Company Page"
  • You have the option to select the page type you’d like to create
  1. Small business (under 200 employees))
  2. Medium to large business (over 200 employees)
  3. Showcase page
  4. Educational institution (high school or university/college)

Step 2. Set up your page identity

Branding is essential so pay attention to this step. Next, you’ll be asked to fill in fields like the industry, company size, company type (public, non-profit, educational, and others).

How To Develop A Game-Changing LinkedIn Marketing Strategy in 2024

Step 3. Configure the visual identity and slogan

Upload a logo and standard image for your LinkedIn company page, because these elements will make your page stand out. Make sure you follow the photo standards.

  • LinkedIn logo size: 300 x 300 pixels
  • LinkedIn business cover photo: 1536 x 768 pixels

Step 4. Create a company description

Your company description is the first thing someone sees when they get in contact with your LinkedIn business profile.

Make sure you mention all your product features, and services. Also don't forget to tell what's your added value to the industry you're in. However, don't get carried away with the description.

LinkedIn allows you to preview how your page is gonna look like, so make sure everything is set up and click the "Create page" button - Your page is now live!

How To Develop A Game-Changing LinkedIn Marketing Strategy in 2024

3.2. Define your goals

If you don’t know where you’re going, you will never know what’s your next step. Therefore, after setting up your business’ LinkedIn page, make sure you establish your goals.

This is how you will also come up with ideas regarding how you will be accomplishing them.

Develop a list, together with your marketing team, but make sure you write realistic, attainable goals.

3.3. Know your audience

At first, when you set the pillars of your brand on LinkedIn, you tend to connect with everyone since you want to increase your following.

However, you should ask yourself who is your target audience and what are they searching for. This way, you will know exactly how to craft your content to win over their hearts.

Besides learning what kind of content they’d prefer, you also have to ask yourself who is your ideal customer.

Think about the fact that you need to connect with the right audience to trigger conversion and lead generation on LinkedIn.

3.4. Post relevant and engaging content

I bet you’re familiar with that meme circling the world by now that says “tell me everything in 7 seconds or I’ll keep scrolling”.

Well, if you don’t have a hook and a catchy story for your reader, you lost them. Time is precious.

You have to draw your audience’s attention and make them relate to your story.

Post quality content and carefully split the paragraphs because no one will read a bulk of text.

Your carousels should have an eye-candy design and every slide to offer a valuable insight.

If the reader scrolls through your LinkedIn post and doesn’t get value from the start, they will leave your page.

3.5. Build brand awareness

Keeping in mind the fact that you are not the only one in your niche and industry, you have to do something to stand out from the crowd.

One way to do it, besides sharing content that sets you apart from your competitors, is to invite people to follow your page.

You should be creative and personalize your request to increase your chances of success.

How To Develop A Game-Changing LinkedIn Marketing Strategy in 2024

This LinkedIn marketing strategy will broaden your horizon and increase the number of connections who might want to follow your business.

If you want to increase your LinkedIn page connections, this is something you should try:

  • Invite your connections to follow your page
  • Promote your LinkedIn company page on other social media channels like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter
  • Mention your LinkedIn page in your emails
  • Personalize your connection requests - As a company page, you can't send LinkedIn connections, but your employees can. Make sure they mention your brand in that note.

3.6. Use LinkedIn newsletter

If you already send a newsletter on a weekly or monthly basis to your community, then you should know that two types of newsletters never hurt nobody.

You could also send a LinkedIn newsletter, but only for your LinkedIn followers to keep them engaged.

For instance, here at Socialinsider we publish a new issue of our Linkedin newlestter - The Social Dot - every other week.

The newsletter could play an important role in your LinkedIn marketing strategy if you choose to send the latest updates, services or products’ launches, new studies and maybe invites to your future webinars.

3.7. Use polls to increase engagement

By posting LinkedIn polls a few times per week, you manage to keep in touch with your community.

Polls also help increase brand awareness. Every time a LinkedIn users interacts with your poll, your engagement increases.

Moreover, if you use the following trick, you will build a solid community around your brand: As a last choice in your poll, ask readers to offer you their opinion in the comment section.

In this way, you will not only engage with your audience, but you will also display the human side of your brand.

3.8. Promote your LinkedIn page through ads

If your LinkedIn marketing strategy would be a cake, then LinkedIn Ads would be the cherry on top.

Consider investing in your LinkedIn posts if you want your content to reach as many people as possible. This way, all those interested in your industry will get to see your ads from your brand.

You could also boost some LinkedIn posts which are relevant for your followers. Besides posts, LinkedIn ads also consist in sending your community direct messages about your latest products or achievements.

Through targeted advertising, you increase your chances of getting noticed, reaching more people.

You can target followers by industry, location, job title, name and many more. Depending on your goals, you can use:

  • text ads - that appear on search results, notifications, group pages and profile pages.
  • sponsored InMail - for personalized messages.
  • sponsored content - to spread your posts to a larger audience.

3.9. Learn about LinkedIn algorithm

When posting, scheduling and developing new content, you need to know how LinkedIn algorithm works.

Firstly, LinkedIn bots will check your content to make sure it’s not spam.

Then, your post will be shown to a trial audience to see how interested they are in the topic. The post will appear in more users’ feeds if it gathers enough interactions.

Lastly, Linkedin editors will oversee your work and then show it to an even wider audience.

If you place several links in your posts, you should know that LinkedIn’s algorithm will hide that content as much as possible. External links can only distract users' attention to other websites.

This social media platform will overlook your choice of adding links and consider you should keep your community engaged with just your content.

Moreover, if you tag too many people in your content, the chances for virality will drop.

LinkedIn's algorythm is continously changing and you will always see announcements about new updates.  

Some of the newest updates indicate that "viral strategies aimed at gaining maximum likes and followers will be less effective in the updated LinkedIn environment".

3.10. Encourage your employees to become brand advocates

You should know that your brand's best ambassadors are your employees.

Your LinkedIn marketing strategy also relies on boosting your presence in the online world.

And you can do that by asking them to share articles from the company's blog, new features, events, - mentioning the company name in the post.

Make your employees your brand ambassadors and the face of your company. People engage 10x more likely with employee profiles than with company pages. - Dr. Natalia Wiechowski, Personal Branding Coach

LinkedIn has a feature related to employee advocacy where you can see your employees' posts' performance.

How To Develop A Game-Changing LinkedIn Marketing Strategy in 2024

If your employees are happy to share posts about your brand's milestones, then it is clear that more users will be interested to find out about your brand's mission.

3.11. Tag people in your posts

Tagging people you’ve quoted or you’ve referenced in the content you're sharing is an essential step in your LinkedIn marketing strategy.

How To Develop A Game-Changing LinkedIn Marketing Strategy in 2024

The people you've tagged will be notified, along with their connections, and people who follow them, so your content will be seen by more people.

However, it is really important to not abuse this feature. Tags are not meant to be spammy. The key here is to provide value to both your content and to the people you tag in your LinkedIn posts.

This LinkedIn marketing strategy will help your posts become more visible and ultimately contribute to the increase of your page engagement.

3.12. Upload native videos

LinkedIn native videos are five times more likely than other types of content to start a conversation among LinkedIn members, according to LinkedIn stats.

Videos are among those pieces of content which stand out of the crowd. They are vital in today's social media strategy.

How To Develop A Game-Changing LinkedIn Marketing Strategy in 2024

Moreover, native documents receive 3 x more clicks than any other type of content. In 2022, LinkedIn’s click-through rate across all types of content is 2.20% on average.

Be as creative as possible: give some advice in your niche, share an opinion about the latest trends or share a few tips & tricks to determine your followers to engage with your content.

3.13. Use LinkedIn hashtags

Hashtags help users find content on a specific topic and can become really effective when developing a LinkedIn marketing strategy.

There are a few types of hashtags you can use:

  • branded hashtags
  • niche hashtags
  • campaign hashtags

Branded hashtags are those hashtags that include your brand's name, generating brand awareness.

Niche hashtags are generally used by a majority of brands in your industry and niche, grouping posts related to the same topic. This way, your post will be easier to be found if it's part of a cluster.

When you add hashtags to your posts, those posts will get a higher chance of being discovered by LinkedIn members who follow or search for the hashtag you’ve used.

How To Develop A Game-Changing LinkedIn Marketing Strategy in 2024

If you are using hashtags when posting something on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, you should use them with your LinkedIn posts as well.

When you upload something (photo or video), LinkedIn will suggest you some hashtags according to the topic you're sharing. You have the option to use those, or you can write your own using the # symbol.

Experts say that it is better if you include your hashtags in the first comment of your post.

3.14. Measure your LinkedIn performance with analytics

Another thing to include in your LinkedIn marketing strategy is evaluating your work.

Keeping an eye on your LinkedIn analytics dashboard can help you make informed decisions that lead to better results.

Remember that your LinkedIn marketing strategy is best to be based on data, with your content tailored on what you saw your audience resonates to.

Track LinkedIn KPIs - followers demographic, number of followers, impressions and reach, engagement rate, profile views by job title, etc. It will help you increase your reach in your industry.

Ready to dive deeper into your LinkedIn performance insights? Try benchmarking against your direct competitors.

Now you can compare your engagement with that of your competition, and be extra precise by taking into consideration the number of clicks your posts get. Or not. It's up to you!

You can select all the metrics you want to include in your benchmark overview, from the right sidebar.

How To Develop A Game-Changing LinkedIn Marketing Strategy in 2024

Diving into deep waters without guidance might be hard. This is why it’s better to use an analytics tool like Socialinsider that provides you with the data needed to properly analyze your performance and grow your company page. Plus, you have the following benefits:

  • Measure your LinkedIn performance and track analytics for your business page
  • Track key metrics of each post on LinkedIn
  • Understand your demographics on LinkedIn

3.15. Study your LinkedIn competitors

When building your LinkedIn strategy, inspiration comes in many forms. Sometimes, you find it when looking at your competitors.

You just need a close look at their posts to see how they interact with their audience, what type of content they use most and what’s their tone of voice.

Luckily, LinkedIn native analytics offers you a handful of insights that you can use to adapt your LinkedIn marketing strategy.

When creating your LinkedIn page, the platform will allow you to add some of your LinkedIn competitors, and then it will display data about their progress.

How To Develop A Game-Changing LinkedIn Marketing Strategy in 2024

In this section in the native app, you can see data like follower metrics, organic content metrics, like engagement and total posts.

Lastly, you can also check trending competitor posts to get inspired.

3.16. Get inspired from influencers

Another source of inspiration you can use are influencers. They basically show you their recipes for success when posting about their clients and all the brands they are working with.

Scroll through their posts and pick the most useful tips & tricks. The lessons you learn and the inspiration you find there will help you craft a better content strategy.

Studying influential people on LinkedIn is a sport you should play regularly. It’s like going to the gym, but the “health” benefits you get are actually for your brand.

Look at everyone who is posting great content in your niche and take notes that will help you improve your LinkedIn marketing strategy.

3.17. Connect with users you want to impress

To be able to connect with the right people on LinkedIn who are interested in your brand, you need to know your audience.

Learning everything about demographics and followers with Socialinsider is as easy as a Sunday morning.

Think about your new connections as they were your friends, peers who share the same interests as you do.

If some of them become clients, then you’ve done well. It means that your LinkedIn content worked its magic on them.

Your posts get higher engagement AND leads. What else could you ask for?

3.18. Promote your brand’s LinkedIn page through your personal profile

Social media directors know exactly what I’m talking about.

When you switch accounts and go like and comment that work post from your LinkedIn personal profile, that’s when you know you’ve worked a lot to create it.

It’s not a shame to like your own post. It’s only natural. You should also reshare LinkedIn posts from your company’s page to your personal profile and sometimes tag your company’s LinkedIn page in relevant posts.

3.19. Use links in carousel posts

The LinkedIn algorythm is changing periodically, morphing once every few months.

One of our studies regarding placing links in LinkedIn posts, based on an analysis of 86,504 LinkedIn posts, shows that brands that have a LinkedIn presence don't usually add links in comments.

Most of these brands use scheduling tools for their LinkedIn content.

Moreover, data shows that posts with no links perform better across LinkedIn compared to the ones that feature links.

It seems that the trick indicating that you should put your links in the first comment is not really working.

However, if you use links in your carousel posts, you increase your content chances of becoming viral.

3.20. Use LinkedIn live feature

Making use of all the features LinkedIn has to provide can really help you be seen. Since we're speaking about being seen, when people associate a face to a brand, they tend to pay more attention to their posts.

Scheduling to go live once in a while can boost your engagement and increase your community.

LinkedIn live events are a great opportunity for you to make your brand heard and engage with people who are interested in the same topics as you are.

Plan ahead some topics that could be of great interest for your audience and invite people from your industry to discuss those aspects.

You will be surprised at how many people would want to interact with your brand.

3.21. Learn how to use Best time to post metric

When trying to improve your content strategy on LinkedIn and grow your audience, it’s important to look at this KPI in your LinkedIn analytics tool.

By learning what’s the best time to post, you will know when your audience is most active on LinkedIn, increasing your content’s chances of being seen. Thus, your impressions and engagement will increase.

How To Develop A Game-Changing LinkedIn Marketing Strategy in 2024

It is important to use the metrics best time to post as guidance when you post your content. However, depending on your industry and niche, but also on your audience’s presence online, the best time to post may vary.

It’s important to use a social media analytics tool to find out when it’s the appropriate time to post your LinkedIn content to increase your engagement.

4. How to craft your LinkedIn strategy with Socialinsider

Being on top of your LinkedIn is not easy work. You have to constantly keep your eyes on your LinkedIn analytics to check your performance.

Sometimes you have to face it that your LinkedIn marketing strategy was not perfect from the start. Adapting is always a good idea as long as you score greater results.

For today’s example for LinkedIn marketing strategy, I chose to do a head-to-head comparison on LinkedIn by comparing Ahrefs and Semrush's strategy.

First, I went to the Posts feature and tagged a campaign that is common for both brands, with the word “seo”.

It seems that in the last 6 months, Semrush and Ahrefs published 415 posts on LinkedIn and 116 of them are tagged with “seo”.

How To Develop A Game-Changing LinkedIn Marketing Strategy in 2024

To make sure I don’t miss out on posts about SEO, I decided to use the Auto Tag feature, right next to the search bar.

Here you can see individual key metrics for each LinkedIn post, like engagement, likes, comments and shares.

How To Develop A Game-Changing LinkedIn Marketing Strategy in 2024

Next, I used the Strategy feature to look at the new campaign I tagged for both brands.

How To Develop A Game-Changing LinkedIn Marketing Strategy in 2024

In Campaign Benchmarks, you can compare social media campaigns from competitors and understand the volume of postings with that keyword, learning what's the engagement rate for that social media campaign.

How To Develop A Game-Changing LinkedIn Marketing Strategy in 2024

When clicking Campaign Details, here you can see the split for the two brands, checking engagement, clicks and comments separately for Semrush and Ahrefs.

How To Develop A Game-Changing LinkedIn Marketing Strategy in 2024

By scrolling down, you can see the values for a lot of metrics like hashtags, posts distribution, engagement distribution and more.

All these insights about your on-going LinkedIn campaign can help you craft a strategy worth the effort.

When you have the chance to see exactly what works and what doesn’t work for your current LinkedIn strategy, you will know how to use the actionable insights in the dashboard to improve your marketing game.

The in-depth analysis on your LinkedIn posts can help you find patterns and discover more metrics about your audience.

With the data you gather from Socialinsider, you can easily develop your weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual reports.

Final Thoughts

A LinkedIn marketing strategy could be life saving when you are trying to market your brand’s products and services.

You need to understand that your LinkedIn profile is not a LinkedIn CV. That is why you should tell more stories about your brand, and use call-to-action to attract more people.

The most important pillar you should rely on is creating quality content. The sense of newness is infinite if you always come up with useful ways in which you express your ideas.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.What is a good LinkedIn posting strategy?

Focus on posting when your audience is most active to boost the number of engagements on your LinkedIn posts. Use LinkedIn Analytics to get insights on which posts performed the best and take note of when you published them. Use these insights to tweak your future posts and posting schedule.

2.What is the 5 3 2 rule in LinkedIn?

So for example, if you publish 10 posts per week then: 5: Should be content from others that is relevant to your audience. 3: Should be content from you that is relevant to your audience but not sales focused. 2: Should be personal, fun content that helps humanise your brand.

3. How do I get LinkedIn growth?

Top 10 ways to grow your Linkedin followers

  • Longer posts outperform shorter posts.
  • Avoid posting links on your post, if you can.
  • Image and video content works really well.
  • Images & videos of you perform even better.
  • Use #hashtags sparingly.
  • Use polls as an additional content type.
  • Post from your personal account.

4.How to get 1,000 LinkedIn followers?

  • Be intentional about your audience.
  • Block your calendar for LinkedIn.
  • Keep your LinkedIn Profile updated.
  • Find the right people to follow.
  • Create Content.
  • Build your engagement and commenting strategy.
  • Focus on the outbound.
<![CDATA[From Likes to Loans: How Banks are Using Social Media to Drive Business Growth]]>https://www.socialinsider.io/blog/social-media-banking/65439a1a7e5e260001d5536cTue, 31 Oct 2023 10:43:00 GMT

The world of financial institutions used to be a very serious, sterile industry, one not likely to have cross paths with any social media networks. But these days, few businesses can afford to escape the digital revolution and not have a social media presence.

Therefore, social media is now rewriting the banking industry playbook, allowing banks to connect with their existing or potential customers, increase touchpoints, build trust and offer value, without compromising on quality and security.

Curious to learn how the banking industry is leveraging social media to reach their goals? Carry on reading and find out how social media banking is reaching new highs every day.

Social media banking explained

  1. Why should banks be on social media?
  2. Traditional banks vs online banks
  3. UK vs US banks on social media
  4. Social media banking best practices

1.Why should banks be on social media?

Considering all the industry regulations they need to comply with and customer data privacy they absolutely need to protect, you would think banks wouldn’t bother establishing their presence on social media.

But, as it turns out, they figured out that the effort is worth it, and many banks (particularly from the U.S. and UK) are highly active on social media.

To answer the question of whether social media banking makes sense or not, it’s enough to consider the benefits that this medium brings to the banking industry.

Generating awareness for their brand

People no longer turn to social media just to pick what coffee machine to buy, they also rely on it for bigger decisions such as choosing a bank for a money loan.

To that end, banks benefit from being on social media because it helps them build awareness, as well as an image of trust, transparency and reliability, which are crucial factors people take into account when choosing a bank to handle their finances.

Establishing a dialogue with their audience

Traditionally banks would engage with their potential customers through advertisements, calls or email. But with social media in their corner, banks can now have two-way conversations with their audience and learn valuable insights about their needs and preferences.

Improving customer support

Nowadays, people are eager to express their feelings towards a certain brand or product as soon and clearly as possible. (Pro tip: You can track sentiment and emotion towards your brand using Socialinsider's new Instagram Listening tool).

Comment sections have become the new message boards and customer support chats.

Therefore, social media can help banks keep an eye on, capture and resolve many more customer issues than ever before. For that to happen, social media and customer support teams need to work very closely so that no client feedback slips through the cracks.

Educating their users

Different banks have different takes on social media, but the common denominator across most social media accounts for banks is that they are determined to educate their users on how to use their product and how to navigate the financial sector in general.

This approach ends up benefiting both the end users and the banks.

From Likes to Loans: How Banks are Using Social Media to Drive Business Growth

2. Traditional banks vs online banks on the social media banking scene

It may come as a surprise that the social media banking world is more diverse than one may expect. Perhaps the most important distinction to be made is between traditional, brick-and-mortar banks that also have an online presence and banks that operate exclusively online and are also active on social media.

From my analysis of the social media banking industry, the difference in how banks use social media can be explained by looking at the type of bank that’s doing the posting.

It’s not a hard-and-fast rule, but generally speaking, traditional banks tend to be more conservative in their tone of voice on social media, while online banks have a bolder tone and a more vibrant personality on social networks.

Let me show you what I mean.

Here are the top 3 Instagram posts (by engagement) from the past 3 months for Bank of America, one of the largest (traditional) banks in the U.S.:

From Likes to Loans: How Banks are Using Social Media to Drive Business Growth

And here are top 3 best-performing Instagram posts for Varo Bank, an up-and-coming online bank from the U.S:

From Likes to Loans: How Banks are Using Social Media to Drive Business Growth

Looking at these posts, it becomes obvious that the two banks have contrasting approaches to social media, and that they target different audiences. Bank of America is speaking to a broader age range, while Varo Bank is intentionally speaking the language of younger generations using slang, memes and informal questions.

To dive deeper into what defines each approach to social media banking, I took a look at 5 traditional banks and 5 online banks that are active on Instagram and uncovered the top 5 topics for each category over the past 12 months.

Based on my findings, traditional banks like Citibank, Bank of America and the like are more likely to talk these topics:

From Likes to Loans: How Banks are Using Social Media to Drive Business Growth

While online banks such as Monzo, Starling and Vero are more interested in topics such as:

From Likes to Loans: How Banks are Using Social Media to Drive Business Growth

As you can see, there is some overlap in the topics we discovered, but online banks seem to be branching out into topics such as beauty which is a highly popular interest amongst younger generations. On the other hand, traditional banks tend to prioritize business since they are targeting a more mature audience.

3. UK vs U.S. banks on social media: a comparative view

Looking to get an even broader view of the social media banking industry and do a proper comparative analysis, I picked 5 major banks from the U.S. and 5 major banks from the UK, added their Instagram profiles into Socialinsider  and set a course for the Benchmarks section.

Here, I grouped them by geography using the Brands feature and obtained some interesting insights.

From Likes to Loans: How Banks are Using Social Media to Drive Business Growth

As it turns out, in the last year, UK brands lead by almost every metric, including engagement, number of posts, engagement rate and reach. U.S. brands, however, have collectively attracted a higher number of fans on Instagram than their British counterparts.

UK banks such as Monzo and Revolut are absolute winners when it comes to engagement and engagement rate, compared to all other banks analyzed (US and UK both).  Their strong performance is most likely what it's lifting up the UK banks category.

From Likes to Loans: How Banks are Using Social Media to Drive Business Growth

It’s no surprise then, that the majority of top-performing posts from the past year also belong to UK banks.

From Likes to Loans: How Banks are Using Social Media to Drive Business Growth

The U.S. banks I analyzed were:

The UK banks I analyzed were:

4. Social media for banks: 5 best practices

So how do these banks do it? How do they manage to turn an industry and subject matter that might seem cold and appealing to some people into something fun, useful and sure enough, profitable?

Well, there are some best practices for social media banking that can serve as a guide for those just starting out.

  1. Become a hub for educational content

Unfortunately, financial education is not something that gets much attention during our school years, and yet it is something that we could all benefit from as we grow up and start becoming responsible for our finances.

Besides, sharing tips, insights and advice that helps your customers is a great way to gain their trust in your bank.

Many banks that are active on social media are already in on this “secret”, and they prioritize sharing educational content that is useful to their audience. Some do it in a more conservative way, like Chase Bank:

From Likes to Loans: How Banks are Using Social Media to Drive Business Growth

Others, such as Monzo, make it really fun and accessible to younger audiences, hoping that it will reach more people and be easier to absorb:

From Likes to Loans: How Banks are Using Social Media to Drive Business Growth

One content idea that’s easy-to-implement and replicate would be infographics. Because they allow you people to visualize and understand data much easier than written text, they are much more engaging and therefore, they are a good way to organize educational content.

2. Build trust and be human

As a financial institution, it can be hard to have a human-like presence on social media, as well as earn and keep your clients' trust. But social media can facilitate a deeper connection between banks and their clients.

3.  Use hashtags

No matter what kind of business you’re representing on Instagram, hashtags remain essential. They’re a great way to group posts and target industry niches.

To get some ideas, I added the industry hashtag - #banking - into Socialinsider’s Instagram Listening tool and explored the many options:

From Likes to Loans: How Banks are Using Social Media to Drive Business Growth

As you can see, there are many related hashtags you can use to target specific niches or touch upon popular topics, such as insurance, investing, career, education and real estate.

4. Link back to your website or app

Attracting people to your social networks is essential, but the end goal should be to get them to use your service. To do that, you need to provide links to your website or app as frequently as you can, so when they do decide to make the leap, they have all they need to reach you.

For Instagram, that translates to links in your bio (up to 5) or links in Stories.

5. Connect customer support and social media teams

Since part of your social media channels’ job is to capture user feedback and mitigate crises before they blow up, it’s crucial for the support team and social media team to be in close contact at all times.

Consolidating this side of business will allow you to increase touchpoints and build trust with your clients.

Final thoughts

Despite the many challenges banks face while marketing online, they are right to give social media banking a chance.

By tapping into the human side of marketing, being responsive and staying on top of industry trends and current affairs, banks can actually thrive on social media, while at the same time building long-lasting relationships with their clients.

<![CDATA[Building a Marketing Campaign Analysis: What KPIs You Need to Follow]]>https://www.socialinsider.io/blog/campaign-analysis/653f6f9b7e5e260001d5501dMon, 30 Oct 2023 10:50:05 GMT

When starting a new marketing campaign, it is not really easy to go from zero to hero. It is more important to plan it thoroughly, to be efficient and keep an eye on the progress in the process.

Your marketing performance is what makes you focus more on the goals you’ve set and adjust your social strategy for better results.

Developing a marketing campaign analysis can help you keep an eye on the speed with which your brand is growing.

In what follows, we’ll learn more about the use of marketing campaign analysis, why this is important and how to make sense of the data to improve your next campaign.

Developing a campaign analysis

  1. What is a campaign analysis
  2. Why is a campaign analysis important - 10 benefits of a campaign analysis
  3. How to create an efficient campaign analysis - A step-by-step guide
  4. How to develop a campaign analysis with Socialinsider
  5. Top marketing KPIs to develop a campaign analysis

1. What is a campaign analysis

A campaign analysis is the process through which you learn more about your audience and their reactions to your social media content, while also figuring out how you can keep them more engaged.

The main goal of a campaign analysis is to adjust your future campaigns based on your audience’s preferences.

A marketing campaign analysis can be approached in different ways, depending on the result you want to obtain.

You can look at the broader marketing data while interpreting it, or you could analyze the results obtained through a marketing campaign analysis and see what you can change to get closer to accomplishing your goals.

2. Why is a campaign analysis important - 10 benefits of a campaign analysis

A marketing campaign analysis is crucial because it can contribute to the brand’s growth. Here are some of the advantages of conducting a campaign analysis.

1.Evaluate your performance: A marketing campaign analysis allows you to assess the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. By analyzing data, you can determine what worked and what didn't work in your marketing campaign.

2.Increase ROI: By conducting a campaign analysis, you can determine the ROI of your marketing efforts. This is how you can understand more on the financial impact of your campaigns and allocate resources more efficiently.

3.Adjust your strategy : This type of marketing analysis offers you actionable insights on consumer behaviour, preferences, and trends. You can use all the data obtained through campaign analysis to refine your marketing strategy, being tailored to your target audience.

4. Achieve your goal: When you look at your campaign performance, you can assess if you achieved your campaign’s objectives. If goals were not met, you can spot the areas for improvement and develop fresh strategies to meet future goals.

5.Reduce costs: An effective marketing campaign analysis can reveal areas of inefficiency in marketing spend. It is time to optimise your budgets and reduce costs by reallocating resources to high-performing social channels.

6. Stay ahead of your competitors: You can gain a competitive advantage by staying ahead of the competition with the insights you gain. A campaign analysis can identify unexplored market opportunities and help you develop innovative marketing approaches.

7.Find out customer insights: A marketing campaign analysis provides valuable insights into customer preferences and behaviour. It’s time to use this data to create more personalised and relevant marketing messages, which can improve customer engagement and boost loyalty.

8. Spot the latest trends: You can use a campaign analysis to identify emerging trends in your industry. Staying ahead of the trends can help you adapt your social media marketing strategy to remain relevant to your customers.

9.Optimize your campaign: A campaign analysis triggers an ongoing optimization of marketing campaigns. As data is continuously collected, you can make real-time adjustments to improve performance, rather than waiting for the end of a campaign.

10.Plan your strategy ahead: The insights gained from campaign analysis can inform long-term marketing strategies. Brands can develop a roadmap for future campaigns, taking into account what has worked in the past.

All these benefits of conducting a marketing campaign analysis is vital for a brand's success. You can make informed decisions and maximize your marketing efforts.

3. How to create an efficient campaign analysis - A step-by-step guide

Developing an efficient marketing campaign analysis helps you create better marketing campaigns that increase your brand awareness and boost brand growth.

Here is our step-by-step guide on how to create an efficient campaign analysis:

1.Find everything there is to know about your audience to develop a marketing campaign accustomed to their needs;
2.Put together a list of actionable, realistic goals and set a deadline, but don’t be to hard on yourself;
3.Check social media metrics and compare the results with your previous campaigns;
4.Develop a list of completed objectives and see whether you’ll need to include more goals on your remaining list;
5.Check your last campaigns’ social media performance and make up a report that you can later use as a guide in your marketing campaign analysis;
6.Adjust your strategy based on the results obtained with your last campaign analysis;
7.Add the actions you need to perform next in your current campaign to assure your success.

With this step-by-step guide on how to create an efficient campaign analysis, you know exactly what you have to do to improve your future social media campaigns and social strategy.

4. How to develop a campaign analysis with Socialinsider

Learning how to develop a marketing campaign analysis is crucial for a marketing manager and their team.

However, you have to admit when you need help, to make use of certain tools that could make you more efficient in your analysis.

Socialinsider can provide you with a wide variety of solutions when you conduct your campaign analysis, ranging from campaign reporting, social media analysis, social media reporting, competitive analysis & benchmarking and social listening.

Building a KPI analysis will help you make sense of the data you gather and improve your marketing strategy as you go.

With the right tools and the appropriate amount of data, you get the chance to make the best out of your campaign analysis and marketing strategy.

Depending on the social media campaign you develop, on every platform you have to analyze certain KPIs and get in-depth insights about them.

To understand more of this, I decided to analyze the brand Maison Margiela Fragrances. As a time range, I selected August 2021 - September 2023.

Building a Marketing Campaign Analysis: What KPIs You Need to Follow

This brand has some extraordinary campaigns for their fragrances collections for REPLICA, a unique range of perfumes.

From the data we get here in Brands, it is clear that their social media campaigns are more efficient on Instagram.

Their follower count is constantly increasing and they’ve also got higher engagement compared to the rest of the social channels where they’ve built a presence on.

Do you wonder why that is possible? Well, the audience for Maison Margiela is different on every social media platform.

Here is a breakdown on Maison Margiela’s audience for the last 2 years and 1 month. Their most loyal community is built on Instagram.

If they’ve seen that their audience is more engaged on Instagram, they decided to focus more on developing top-notch content for that platform.

Building a Marketing Campaign Analysis: What KPIs You Need to Follow

When looking at Posts, I discovered that they started their Instagram account in January 2021 and they have been heavy on quality content there ever since.

Building a Marketing Campaign Analysis: What KPIs You Need to Follow

I analyzed their campaign about REPLICA fragrances and it is clear that when they’ve discovered the perfect campaign recipe, they kept on going using that same strategy over and over again for every perfume from this collection.

Building a Marketing Campaign Analysis: What KPIs You Need to Follow

I added their branded hashtag in our AI Instagram listening tool, the hashtag #smellslikememories and I looked at the results. For reference, I chose the same time frame.

The story behind this hashtag is strongly connected to the story behind their line of perfumes.

Every perfume from the REPLICA collection is meant to take you back to a specific memory, while their specialists perfectly combine fragrant ingredients to transform a perfume into an experience.

This collection is very popular and a lot of clients are curious to test the new entries that offer unique experiences around certain moments, past or future, from their lives.

They even have a perfume that smells like clean ocean air. That’s why people get tempted to try them.

Building a Marketing Campaign Analysis: What KPIs You Need to Follow

This hashtag was used in 253 posts on Instagram, mostly in Reels. The hashtag has been used in posts on several topics, ranging from luxury to fashion.

The most popular fragrances from the REPLICA collection are “On a Date” and “Lazy Sunday Morning”, as the list of popular keywords below shows it.

Building a Marketing Campaign Analysis: What KPIs You Need to Follow

With our intelligent AI Instagram listening tool, I also managed to check the sentiment around this hashtag.

Building a Marketing Campaign Analysis: What KPIs You Need to Follow

The dominant sentiment is positive, namely 101 positive posts using this hashtag. The emotion expressed is joy. This can only mean their audience is loyal and the feedback they offer this brand for their products is clearly a positive one.

Building a Marketing Campaign Analysis: What KPIs You Need to Follow

heart-warming story behind their products and how they transposed it in theri Reels and photos.

The emotion behind their posts got through to their followers. A lot of influencers with huge follower counts posted using the hashtag #smellslikememories.

The takeaway here is that developing a campaign analysis can be quick and easy if you use the right tools.

Through a marketing campaign analysis you can learn more about your audience, the topics they associate your campaign with, and their sentiment.

All these actionable insights help you adjust your marketing campaign strategy, pushing more content on a certain platform or creating more of a certain type of conetent depending on the engagement rate.

5. Top marketing KPIs to develop a campaign analysis

These are the top marketing KPIs to perform a campaign analysis:

-Engagement - Engagement is the strongest KPI to be measured in a campaign analysis, showing how your audience has interacted with your content.

Audience engagement also includes targeted clients’ and prospects’ efforts to interact with brand activations and campaign posts on social media.

-Audience reach - Reach is yet another key KPI to look out for when developing a marketing campaign analysis.You should check this metric especially in campaigns that rely on brand awareness.

-CPC/CPA - Cost per Click and Cost per Acquisition are KPIs you can measure during your paid social media campaigns.  A campaign focused on CPC requires a lot of effort because your content and CTA needs to be so strong that everyone clicks on the link and leads them to your website. When it comes to CPA, it shows the charge per acquisition per client.

-Lead generation - This is a crucial KPI to keep an eye on when developing your campaign analysis. Lead generation can help to build a client database. If the number of leads collected through your last campaign is high, then you can consider it a total success.

-ROI - This is one of the most important KPIs when looking at your campaign analysis. The ROI will show you the achievements you got after you invested in your marketing campaign.The higher the ROI, the closer your campaign gets to success.

-SERP ranking - SERP refers to Search Engine Rank Position and this rank position is where your brand’s website organically appears on a search engine. The objective here is to improve SEO so much that Google sees your website as the main solution, based on keywords. SERP ranking helps you learn more insights for relevant keywords and spot your position and figure out how to rank higher.-

-Revenue - Every marketer would want to see an increase in revenue. A higher revenue means more sales and this is desirable after performing a campaign analysis.

Final thoughts

Analyzing the right marketing KPIs to develop a successful campaign analysis can help you get a grip of how you can adjust your future campaigns, getting better and better.

Make sure you know your audience and then establish your goals. Then you can go from there to develop a campaign analysis.

By performing a correct campaign analysis, you can develop a better marketing strategy and stay ahead of your competitors.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.What does a campaign analyst do?

Researches and develops targeted marketing campaigns and campaign strategies for a company. Develops marketing plans, coordinates with brand managers on campaign structure, ensures desired market segments are reached. Works with designers, publishers, merchandisers to ensure campaign success.

2. How to do a SWOT analysis for a campaign?

To conduct a thorough SWOT analysis, you need to gather and analyze data from both internal and external sources. Internal sources include your own campaign resources, capabilities, performance, and feedback. External sources include your competitors, customers, market trends, and environmental factors.

3. How do you structure a campaign?

  • Set goals and KPIs. Something to consider when setting up a campaign is what the exact goals are
  • Research insights and audience
  • Strategise for action
  • Allocate a budget and choose your media
  • Create your content
  • Execute the campaign
  • Evaluate the success
  • Reflect on the future.

4. How do you analyze the success of a campaign?

  • Return on Investment (ROI)
  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
  • Conversion Rate
  • Average Session Duration
  • Cost Per Lead (CPL)
  • Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)
  • Website Traffic.