Your Guide to a Successful Instagram Live Strategy in 2023
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Your Guide to a Successful Instagram Live Strategy in 2023

Laura Dascau
Laura Dascau
Table of Contents

If you love to talk in front of the camera and the camera loves you back, itโ€™s time to learn more about Instagram Live to boost your businessโ€™ growth.

IG Live is more than just a pre-recorded video, being more natural, sometimes raw, and full of sentiment. Users are more likely to feel connected to your brand when you show them who are the people behind the business.

Today is your lucky day because we are ready to share with you everything we learnt about Instagram Live so you can better improve your marketing strategy on Instagram. Ready?

Quiet on set. Roll camera. Camera speed. Mark. Background. Action!

How to go live on Instagram

  1. What is Instagram Live?
  2. How to use Instagram Live - a step-by-step guide
  3. Instagram Live features
  4. Benefits of Instagram live
  5. Tips & tricks on how to host an IG Live
  6. Instagram Live ideas for brands

1. What is Instagram Live?

Instagram Live allows you to live stream a video for your followers in real-time. They can comment and stir the discussion, triggering brand recognition.

Learning more about going Live on Instagram to get the courage and start with this social media feature can really be a piece of cake.

However, you need some patience and creativity to do it. This is the perfect opportunity for your followers to engage with your brand.

Your Instagram Live will jump right in front of all the other Instagram Stories, having greater chances to reach more users.

2. How to use Instagram Live - step-by-step guide

Now itโ€™s time to learn what you thought it would be the hardest part. By following this step-by-step guide on how to use Instagram Live, you will quickly understand the basics of IG Live.

Here are the steps you need to follow to go live on Instagram.

1.Check your Instagram Live settings

Before your followers get to know you, it is better to learn who can see you and who can comment during your Live on Instagram.

Here you can establish your IG Live settings before starting

Check your camera settings to make sure everything is on point. First, go to the Instagram Live mode from โ€œ+โ€ and then tap the wheel icon from the top left corner of the screen. There you will see a new tab opening with a bunch of settings.

You can hide the live from specific persons and choose the side of the screen for your camera toolbar. Other settings include establishing your Instagram Live name, your audience and you even have the option to schedule it for later.

Select and deselect whatever suits you and then you are ready to start.

2. Restrict offensive comments

Every marketer loves engagement, but, at the same time, no one wants to see offensive comments. To avoid receiving inappropriate comments during your IG Live, it is time to establish some boundaries for your followers.

Here you can restrict comments on your Instagram Live

You can manually filter particular phrases or words while also hiding offensive comments. To establish these details, go to Settings - Privacy - Hidden Words and slide it.

3. Using Practice Mode for Instagram Live

Instagram developed the feature Practice Mode to encourage more and more users to explore IG Live.

Here you can select practice mode when starting your IG Live

Before going live, tap the eye icon to select the Practice Mode and then you are all set up.

This Instagram feature is really helpful especially if you are new at this. And we all know that practice makes it perfect.

4. Go Live

After you try out the Practice Mode, itโ€™s time to press that Live button and go all the way.


Start the live stream and enjoy the connection you can establish with your followers.

May those emotions that make your voice tremble be positive ones.

5. End Instagram Live

When you finish your IG Live, tap the โ€œEndโ€ tab from the top right corner of your screen, and then press โ€œEnd Nowโ€ to confirm.

In case you want to keep your Instagram Live, you can tap the save button from the top left of your screen to save the video in your camera roll.

At the end of the Live you will see how many people have watched and you get the option to save the video

This way, you can repurpose or re-use that video whenever you want. Then, after saving, you can add your location, tag people, write a caption and choose a cover photo before posting it.

3. Instagram Live Features

This Instagram feature has a bunch of little other features meant to help you have a fruitful interaction with your fans and followers.

Instagram Live comes with a lot of interactive features meant to determine both followers and live moderators to interact and share their thoughts.

All these Insta Live tools will only make your broadcast more engaging, while also increasing brand awareness.

Here are a few of the most useful features that will certainly solidify the bond between you and your buyer persona.

  • Questions? - Share your followersโ€™ questions on your liveโ€™s screen to allow everyone to see it. You can tap the question mark button at the bottom of the screen. You can share a question only when a user has submitted it during the live streaming.
  • Send DMs - Another useful option is to send someone a Direct Message regarding your Live on Instagram. You can easily tap the little white arrow icon at the bottom of the page.
  • Comments - Add a comment to a live stream and pin the comment which you liked the most.
  • Co-hosting is a thing - Yep, you are not alone. You can invite another Instagram user to co-host the Instagram Live with you so that you can both share your ideas. You just have to tap the person icon situated at the bottom of the screen.
  • Play with filters - You can apply an Instagram Filter to your live streaming by using the filter icon at the right bottom of your screen.

4. Benefits of Instagram Live

Instagram Live is a useful feature that allows marketers to explore their creativity and ideas, bringing forward all the unspoken thoughts that they could not express in writing.

Through IG Live, social media creators get the chance to show everyone their true colors and be proud of who they are.

Going live on Instagram brings so many benefits to brands that it would be a shame not to name them.

Here are some of the most important benefits Instagram Live brings to every business:

4.1. Engagement

This is not only a benefit, but it is one of the most important Instagram metrics that any marketer should keep an eye on.

Gradually, just like Insta Stories generate more engagement than Instagram posts, so works for Lives. They bring more engagement compared to other types of posts on Instagram.

Lives on Instagram lead to stronger connections between brands and potential customers. The fact that this type of Instagram content is long-form determines even more engagement than Stories which have only 60 seconds.

A live stream on Instagram can have a length of 60 minutes.

4.2. Authenticity

Nothing compares to being authentic. And Lives offer you this opportunity. You cannot predict every step of the way, even if you plan it thoroughly beforehand.

Since life is inevitable, so can be your Lives on Insta. The best part about it is that your face cannot lie when you talk about your products, campaigns or brand.

Therefore, be ready to be transparent when presenting everything to your followers.

This Instagram feature erases the barrier between you and your community and it is like you are face to face, talking about the same things.

Finally followers get the chance to see the face behind the brand and that offers them a sense of familiarity.

The lack of authenticity affects the revenue and you wouldnโ€™t want to see your sales decrease because of that.

4.3. Visibility

Since we found out that 70% of Instagram posts donโ€™t get to be seen by users, then it is clear that you need a safer, more prosper way to promote your brand.

Putting a lot of effort in creating Instagram posts that donโ€™t reach too many people and cost a lot of money can become really frustrating.

Stories can make this better for you, appearing at the top of all posts, but Instagram Live really ace the game, since they emerge on first positions in the line of stories.

This is one of the great benefits of Lives that brings your brand closer to prospective clients.

The fact that is at the front of the page it gives you high chances to get more views.

4.4. Urgency

When Instagram users see a notification for live content, they get a sense of urgency, like something is going on and they really need to find out what it is.

Most followers will find it difficult to turn away from an Instagram Live stream, especially if they are curious.

There is curiosity mixed with suspense, especially when you donโ€™t really know what comes next. That is why users click to attend lives to find out more about what that brandโ€™s planning.

And we all know that every marketer wants to see that their audience is invested and doesnโ€™t want to miss out the news.

5. Tips & tricks on how to host an IG Live

Even if we said right from the start that hosting an IG Live is not difficult, some useful tips and tricks can always come in handy.

When you want to produce great content, being original is something we all aspire to. However, you have to focus on being transparent, spontaneous and in charge of the live broadcast.

Here are a few tips and tricks that can teach you how to host Live videos on Instagram that differentiate from the crowd:

Announce your IG Live ahead of time

It is mandatory to announce your followers that you are planning to go live soon. Moreover, those who are interested in your future debate can even set to get notified when your live video starts.

You can also share countdowns and reminders on Insta Story to encourage followers to attend your broadcasting. This way, you make sure the number of views is likely to be higher.

Find out the best time to go live

If you are already aware of the best time to post on Instagram for your brand, you can plan your future live stream based on that info.

A tool, like Socialinsider, can show you which is the best time to post, a metric calculated by engagement.

This insight shows the time schedule when users interact more with your content (likes, comments, shares).

After you check your dashboard for the best posting time on Instagram, you can set your Instagram Live and promise your followers to be on time.

Set your location and light

Even if you want to suggest a friendly environment and promote the image of a cool brand, you cannot host the IG Live from the street corner.

Make sure you choose a cozy location, that gives viewers the feeling of home, and start reorganizing items around if needed.

If you want everything to look more serious and official, you can even go live from your office, dressed like a penguin. Itโ€™s your choice as long as itโ€™s eye-candy.

Another important factor is lighting. You wouldnโ€™t want a dark corner of the house because the live may seem creepy.

It is fine if you have the kids running around. Actually thatโ€™s better because it shows a raw, natural side of life.

So be playful with these two elements, but make sure you donโ€™t scare people away.

Introduce branded elements

Now that your audience has the chance to engage with your business, it is time to take advantage of it.

Use branded products or a swag store to showcase your brand so that everyone can see the logo more often and pay closer attention to what you market.

Even if you sell services and not actual products, it is still important to put your logo on a t-shirt, using a funny design or having a branded coffee mug that appears on camera.

When people see your logo repeatedly, chances are they will recognize your brand more often and they will be tempted to go online and increase the traffic on your website.

Maybe they even become your new customers.

Make up a content plan

Having a vision and a purpose itโ€™s all you need to develop a solid content plan that could help you succeed with your marketing strategy.

Your plan could help you avoid pauses or stutter while talking during your Instagram Live. Make up a structure containing a beginning, a middle and an end and try to stick to your plan.

Any interventions from your audience in the comments section should not be considered distractions, but opportunities to build a strong connection.

Donโ€™t forget to keep your list of questions nearby and donโ€™t end your live until you finish that list.

6. Instagram Live ideas for brands

If you want to go live on Instagram, but you donโ€™t really find a good reason to do it, we are here to help. Some Instagram Live ideas for businesses could really ignite that fire and drive, determining you to put into practice a new idea.

Donโ€™t imagine that you need expensive resources to plan an Instagram Live. Itโ€™s only about getting inspired and inspiring for others. Here are a few tips to boost your confidence:

Stream a live at an event

If you are participating in an event where the main interest is the industry you are activating in, maybe you should let your Instagram followers know about it.

As a marketer, you have access to events where not all your followers can attend to. It is amazing if you can offer them some free insights from there by going live during the event.

This way, you will offer them more infos about your niche and answer their questions about the event.

Search for influencer collaborations

We know that influencer marketing is a good Instagram Live idea to propel your brand on the path to success. Establishing collaborations with people who gained popularity in your industry can be a great advantage.

Talk to influencers in your domain that share the same values as you so that you can introduce your brand to their audience.

You can host an Instagram Live with an influencer to determine an increase in credibility for all those who attend the broadcast.

Instagram Live offers you the chance to invite influencers through the option โ€œAdd a guestโ€ and plan interviews and Q&As.

Your audience will be thrilled to see you have united your power with an influencer that trusts your products and services. This can determine them to buy more.

Make Q&As

This type of Instagram Live can help you maintain your audience engaged at all times. If they have just found out about your brand, they most certainly have a bunch of questions about your products.

A Q&A can really help them be a bit bolder and have more courage to ask you anything they are curious about.

It is better to announce your Q&A live to make sure users will be there to ask questions about your business.

Host a workshop or tutorial

A creative idea is to go live for a tutorial or workshop, showing everyone how to use your products and services.

Maybe you share a few hidden tips and tricks that they know nothing about to develop a stronger bond between your business and your prospective clients.

During the tutorial, you get the chance to show your followers what products youโ€™ll be using, what news you have and then teach them how to make better use of those products.

Do an unboxing

By going live on IG while unboxing your brandโ€™s products, will make users pay more attention to the work that lies behind your brand.

It is not all about opening up a box, but it is also about the packing and how you market your products to make clients go back to your website and order more.

Therefore, allowing them to see a sneak peak of the process behind it really helps them appreciate your effort more.

Share a review

On Instagram Live you can also review a recent event you went to or share your thoughts about the latest news in your industry.

Being able to share with your community what you really think about some products, services or leaders in your domain can increase their curiosity and feed their interest.

Final Thoughts

We are all scared about the unknown because you cannot control things around you. However, when you learn a new thing, you are eager to experiment with it, being driven by passion and curiosity.

This is the case with Instagram Live. If you were reluctant at first, after seeing how easy it can be, that gave you an impulse to discover even more.

With all the techniques and tricks we shared, we hope that we made things a lot easier for you. Now go spread the word about what you already learnt with your peers.

Try out as many Instagram Live ideas as possible and see what works for your brand. We are here in case you have more questions.

Laura Dascau

Laura Dascau

Content Writer @Socialinsider

I am a curious, focused learner born to tell stories to win over readers' hearts. Always embracing vulnerable authenticity.

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