Top 9 LinkedIn Metrics to Track in 2023
LinkedIn Analytics

Top 9 LinkedIn Metrics to Track in 2023

Laura Dascau
Andreea Udescu
Laura Dascau, Andreea Udescu
Table of Contents

When social media first entered our lives, we were mesmerized by the advance in technology. But this was more than a decade ago, and now everything has changed.

There is no wonder why, in 2023, LinkedIn is now on top of the game. So, LinkedIn, it's your time to shine now.

LinkedIn made a simple move by targeting a different audience than any other social platform because it is mainly used for professional networking.

Now, thatโ€™s precisely why we believe that itโ€™s super important to keep track of your performance on LinkedIn. And for that, you need to know the key metrics that will make you be the best in the game.

Let's take a look at the most important LinkedIn metrics that all marketers should know.

Top 9 LinkedIn metrics you should keep an eye on

  1. LinkedIn engagement
  2. Impressions
  3. Followers growth on LinkedIn
  4. Clicks and click-through rate
  5. Video views
  6. Traffic metrics
  7. Demographics
  8. Visitors
  9. Top job functions of your visitors

1. LinkedIn engagement

Probably the most discussed key metric out there (no matter the platform), engagement is definitely important because it shows you the true power of your performance.

This is the way to measure how people interact with the content you publish.

The total engagement on LinkedIn is calculated as the sum of likes, comments, clicks and shares a post gets in a certain time period.

The LinkedIn average engagement rate per post by impressions is calculated as the sum of likes, comments, shares and clicks divided by the number of posts, all divided by the number of impressions. Everything is then multiplied by 100 to obtain a percentage.

On LinkedIn, thatโ€™s the key to keep your business thriving. It seems like people understood that because youโ€™ll always find them engaging with the content they see if the posts are good enough and they can't resist to your call-to-actions.

Using Socialinsider, you can reliably track the evolution of your engagement (among many other LinkedIn metrics, of course), and identify which post type is the most engaging for your brand:

engagement evolution socialinsider

2. Impressions

While keeping track of your LinkedIn KPIs, another essential metric to consider is impressions.

This social media metric shows you the total number of views your content receives, including multiple views coming from the same users.

Impressions help you find out what types of content attract more LinkedIn users.

linkedin impressions socialinsider

A higher impressions rate signals that your content is qualitative and on-point, aligning with visitorsโ€™ needs if you manage to make them watch your content repeatedly.

With Socialinsider you can have access to plenty of LinkedIn metrics that can help with your LinkedIn analytics reports.

Fun fact: Did you know you can now include the number of post saves in your XLS reports? Go ahead, try it out!

At the end of the day, the impressions metric is really important since it shows how relevant your content is.

Page views in LinkedIn native app

๐Ÿ‘‰ We created a comparison between more than 50 social media analytics tools based on G2โ€™s grid. Take a look ๐Ÿ‘€

3. Followers growth on LinkedIn

Maybe youโ€™re really tired of hearing how important it is to look at this metric. Truth be told, this is not the most important one. Not even close.

But itโ€™s a good thing to look at it, from time to time, mainly because it may show you something about your content and your activity in general.

When the numbers drop, it may be because of the lack of activity or maybe because your content wasnโ€™t really reaching your target audience.

In Socialinsider, you can easily find out how many followers you've gained in the selected timeframe - organic and paid, respectively.

follower growth socialinsider

At the same time, itโ€™s great to look at the evolution of followers because it will show you the peak of your LinkedIn activity.

If you post consistently and the content makes people react to that, then you may eventually attract even more followers. And thatโ€™s a double win.

4. Clicks and click-through rate (CTR)

In a world that lives on fast-forward all the time, where people canโ€™t stop scrolling, be the one who makes all users stop, click and discover your content.

For this to happen, you need to come up with really engaging ideas and turn them into posts.

The click-through rate metric helps you identify the visitors who are really interested in your brand, since they pause their scrolling and decide to learn more about your services and products on your website.

To calculate your LinkedIn's posts CTR, you have to divide the total number of clicks by the total number of postsโ€™ impressions.

linkedin ctr 2023

When the audience clicks on a link in your post, they do so to find out more about that particular idea developed in your post.

If your followers click on the links in your posts, it means they are curious or already interested in the products or services your brand offers.

PS: According to our latest LinkedIn content study, native documents generate the highest CTR for all accounts sizes.

The ups and downs of your CTR are great indicators of what posts are more likely to make your followers click on your links and dedicate some of their time to find out more about your business.

Number of clicks displayed in the native app of LinkedIn

To check your profileโ€™s CTR you can either access your LinkedIn analytics from the native app or use a Linkedin analytics tool like Socialinsider, for more in-depth page insights.

Besides the click-through rate metric on LinkedIn, there is also the clicks metric which is different from the first metric mentioned above.

As opposed to CTR, clicks represent a LinkedIn KPI that shows you how many people have clicked the link in your Bio.

It usually leads towards the main page of a website website and its primary purpose is to increase brand awareness.

5. Video views

The video views metric offers you data about the total number of times your videos have been seen by users, either if theyโ€™ve seen it several times or not.

Your video gets viewed when a user sees at least 3 seconds of the content. Video views account for your followersโ€™ attention span. This LinkedIn metric weighs more than any other post view.

Post views, on the other hand - represent an overview of the total number of views you get for a post (any type of post), even if a LinkedIn user sees your post multiple times. This social media metrics is similar to impressions.

In Socialinsider, you can track the evolution of your video views, video watch time, total numbers for these two metrics, as well as average views and watch time per post.

video views socialinsider

This LinkedIn KPI will allow you to see in-depth insights regarding every post and help you improve your LinkedIn content strategy based on the results you get with your current approach.

That's not all. If you go to the Posts section and filter the list by media type - video, you can discover even video insights located under each post:

socialinsider linkedin video post details

6. Traffic metrics

As always, LinkedIn makes your journey worth the hype.

Accessing LinkedIn analytics, you can monitor all of your page views by seeing the source of all these views.

Visitor metrics on native LinkedIn analytics

Maybe itโ€™s desktop or mobile, but this will offer you a better understanding of the intent and preferences of your audience.

In other words, all your page visits are split up into desktop views and mobile views.

It's great to know this because it could help you improve your content. For example, for the mobile visits, some of your posts may need adjustments in order to appear clearly on all screens.

7. Demographics

Itโ€™s great to know where your audience is coming from. By looking at the charts, youโ€™ll have a better understanding of your followers.

In Socialinsider, you've got your followers broken down by country, so you can see exactly what percentage of your audience comes from a specific region.

linkedin demographics socialinsider

This is important because you may want to make changes in your content based on the insights youโ€™re getting.

Visitor demographics on LinkedIn analytics native app

This is how youโ€™ll see who exactly is invested in your page and start tailoring your content to meet their demographics.

8. Visitors

LinkedIn users scroll through posts every day and in order to make them stop and interact with your content, you have to learn how to catch their attention.

Offering them helpful content that is in line with their interests and values will surely lead to an engagement rate increase, and maybe even better - a traffic boost.

Basically, users help you succeed if they get quality services and products from your brand.

Here is visitor analytics in the native app on LinkedIn

Visitors represent one of the most important LinkedIn metrics. This LinkedIn KPI offers you insights about all the people who are not following your profile, but they are regularly visiting your page to check your newest activity and posts.

Through the Visitors LinkedIn metric you will find out how many other people, apart from your followers, ย are interested in your business, exploring your content, without following your profile.

To make sure you transform your visitors into followers and build a loyal community, you should post content that reflects your brandโ€™s values, using a friendly tone while also keeping it informative.

9. Top job functions of your visitors

Isnโ€™t LinkedIn about professional networking? Well, thatโ€™s right.

This means that the job functions of your visitors are important so you can understand whoโ€™s coming to your page.

Your business is definitely targeting a certain audience, which means that this metric is more important than you might think.

Take a look at where they work because this will also show you how good is your content.

Followers' jobs function displayed in LinkedIn native analytics

LinkedIn users scroll through posts every day and in order to make them stop and make them interact with our content, you have to learn how to attract them.

Offering them content that is in line with their interests and values, and that is helpful will surely lead to an engagement rate increase, and maybe even better - a traffic boost.

This LinkedIn KPI offers you insights about all the people who are not following your profile, but they are regularly visiting your page to check your newest activity and posts.

follower seniority and function on linkedin socialinsider

To make sure you transform your visitors into followers and then can build a loyal community, you should post content that represents your brandโ€™s values, being friendly and informative.

Final thoughts

With LinkedIn being more popular than ever, itโ€™s essential to enter the game and be as good as possible. And data is always by your side when it comes to anything social.

Keep track of your social media performance, look at the most important metrics and learn how to speak the LinkedIn analytics language because itโ€™s definitely going to be worth it.

As a summary to this talk, these are the most important LinkedIn metrics your brand needs to track in 2023:

  1. Engagement
  2. Impressions
  3. Followers growth
  4. Clicks and click-through rate
  5. Video views
  6. Traffic metrics
  7. Demographics
  8. Visitors
  9. Top job functions of your visitors

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the best metrics to track on LinkedIn?

Many metrics on LinkedIn require your attention, but the best ones to focus on are: engagement, impressions and click-through rate.

2. How do I get LinkedIn metrics?

You can access data on your LinkedIn metrics by going to the app's native analytics dashboard, or using an analytics tool like Socialinsider.

3. Is 1,000 post impressions on LinkedIn good?

1000 impressions can be considered a good number of impressions, but it really depends on your industry's benchmarks.

Laura Dascau

Laura Dascau

Content Writer @Socialinsider

I am a curious, focused learner born to tell stories to win over readers' hearts. Always embracing vulnerable authenticity.

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