How to Check Your Twitter Analytics: A Beginner's Guide to Measuring Your Performance
Twitter Analytics Analytics & Reporting

How to Check Your Twitter Analytics: A Beginner's Guide to Measuring Your Performance

Laura Dascau
Laura Dascau
Table of Contents

In 2023, Instagram remains the most visually-oriented social media platform, while TikTok is the popular newcomer on the social media scene. But how about Twitter? (and Twitter analytics)

Well, Twitter is a platform that has proven more than capable to keep up with the latest trends. Some brands choose to focus their social media marketing efforts in a different direction, making more use of this platform.

Keeping an eye on the trends and data is crucial for understanding how to improve your performance and making sure all your tweeting pays off.

That’s why today, we’ll have a closer look at your Twitter page analytics and see why they matter so much.

Let’s dive in!

How to check your Twitter analytics: in-app and third-party data

  1. Twitter analytics guide for beginners
  2. How to access native Twitter analytics?
  1. Twitter metrics to monitor
  2. Twitter analytics for reporting

1. Twitter analytics guide for beginners

When we say Twitter analytics, we mean all the Twitter data you get about your account when you want to analyze your Twitter performance.

Tracking your Twitter data analytics and monitoring your Twitter KPIs may offer you several Twitter insights that will help you craft content that’s more tailored to your audience’s needs and preferences.

By overseeing the most important Twitter metrics - like your top tweets, profile visits, mentions, or your tweet’s impression number, you can better optimize your Twitter strategy, gain more visibility and grow your account.

2. How to check Twitter analytics within the native app?

If you haven’t accessed your Twitter analytics by now, you’re probably wondering how to see Twitter analytics inside the app, right?

Let's see:

  • On desktop

To look at your Twitter page analytics, you just have to click on the option β€œMore” from the left sidebar, then open the Creator Studio menu and select the β€œAnalytics” category.

In your Twitter analytics dashboard, you’ll have three main sections - β€œHome,” β€œTweets,” and β€œMore.”

twitter analytics overview native app

When accessing your in-built Twitter analytics, the first page you see will be the overview section. Here, you’ll be able to see how your page’s performance has evolved over the last month by monitoring the following Twitter KPIs:

  • Tweets
  • Tweet impressions
  • Profile visits
  • Mentions
  • Followers

By looking at all these Twitter metrics, you’ll have the values for the past 28 days and see how these values compare to last month's data.

The highlight of your top tweet is a good indicator of the content direction you should explore in greater detail, while the display of your top mention can provide helpful insights regarding who you should be collaborating with in the future.

tweet activity analytics native app

The tweets analytics report shows a default of 28-days data display, but you can switch your Twitter analytics’ showing to either a specific month or timeframe.

In this dashboard, you can take a look at your top tweets, promoted tweets, and replies.

Moreover, here you can find three important metrics that will reveal how well your Twitter content strategy works - engagement rate, impressions and engagements for every tweet.

Did you know that in 2023 the Twitter engagement rate stands at an average of 0.05%? Check out our social media industry benchmarks study and discover more!

If you need a Twitter analytics report with the data displayed, that’s easy. You just have to press the β€œExport data” button from the top menu and select how you want your information to be included in the report - by tweet or by day.

Since these days social media is more and more oriented towards video content, there is a dedicated dashboard for the evaluation of this type of content in Twitter analytics.

twitter video analytics native app
  • On mobile

Unlike native Twitter profile analytics on desktop, when you access your profile on mobile, you will only have access to individual post analytics. All you have to do is to check all the posts you are interested in and see how they have performed.

To see mobile Twitter analytics for your posts, you have to click the right figure in the lower menu, under the post, as displayed in the picture below.

twitter analytics mobile

Then a new page opens up where you can see the number of likes, comments, retweets, impressions, engagements and profile visits.

Moreover, you can also see which users have clicked the expand button on your Tweet to read the entire post. This signals that they were really curious about your content and that you are doing a good job.

3. Twitter metrics to monitor

When checking Twitter analytics, you’ll find a lot of data. However, depending on your business goals and your ongoing social media campaigns, you’ll have to pay closer attention to particular metrics.

For example, if you run a social media campaign that focuses a great deal on video, you’ll first have to keep an eye on metrics like video views and completion rate.

Among the evergreen Twitter KPIs you will find in just about any Twitter social media reports are the following:

  • Top tweets
  • Top mentions
  • Impressions
  • Engagement rate
  • Link clicks
  • Profile clicks
  • Video views
  • Hashtag performance
  • Followers’ metrics
  • Conversions
  • CPM
  • CTR
  • CPR

By focusing on this data when doing your Twitter analytics reports, you’ll most certainly boost your account’s performance and also win over your clients.

The information provided by native Twitter analytics or a third-party tool will help you come up with some actionable insights based on the analysis of these metrics.

4. Twitter analytics for reporting

Your Twitter page analytics help you understand how the online world perceives your brand and interacts with the content you share.

However, the native Twitter app is not very generous with the analytics data it provides.

For a deeper understanding of your brand's performance on Twitter, you're better off using other Twitter analytics tools that will offer a lot more insights. Such as Socialinsider.

How to check your Twitter analytics with Socialinsider?

By connecting your own Twitter account or adding a competitor's profile to Socialinsider, you unlock a Twitter analytics dashboard which covers a variety of metrics.

First, you'll see all key metrics at a glance. These are the most important insights to keep an eye on, especially when you feel like your brand's growth is stagnating.

twitter analytics dashboard key metrics

When choosing to post on Twitter, you need to also check your followers’ demographics to see exactly what time zones they are in and what’s the best posting time for most of them.

According to Social Pilot, the most popular posting time is usually between 8-10 AM and 6-9 PM.

While it's important to have a point of reference when it comes to posting times, the best thing you can do for your brand is to tune in to your audience's activity. See when your followers are most active and experiment with different schedules until you find the one that brings you the best results.

For instance, judging by the data available in this Twitter anaytics dashboard, this profile's content performs best (in terms of engagement) when it's posted on Tuesdays around 8PM.

posting times twitter

Two other important Twitter metrics you should keep an eye on are:

  • Top tweets
  • Hashtag performance
top 3 posts twitter
top hashtags chart twitter

When you want to accurately measure your organic Twitter performance, you should check engagement and impressions data.

engagement evolution twitter

If you want to analyze your Twitter performance in context, you can take full advantage of the Compare feature, where you can see how the profile you're analyzing stacks against a direct competitor of your choice:

side-by-side comparison twitter metrics

Or, for a wider, industry-wide perspective of your Twitter performance, you can rely on the Benchmarks feature to give you all the insights you need:

twitter benchmarks

You can export Twitter analytics data and turn any of these dashboards into pitch-ready reports by hitting the "Download" button on the top right and selecting your desired file format.

If you're wondering how to get Twitter analytics for a year, know that you can do that with Socialinsider - if you choose the Strategy (which offers historical posts data up to 12 months) or Enterprise (custom historical data range) pricing plans.

Final thoughts

As we all know, data never lies, so it's safe to say that tracking your Twitter analytics data is the best way to track your account's performance.

There's always room for improving your Twitter strategy; the key is knowing where to look.

Trusting your Twitter analytics and the information you get can skyrocket your brand on Twitter to an incredible level! Why not try it?

Laura Dascau

Laura Dascau

Content Writer @Socialinsider

I am a curious, focused learner born to tell stories to win over readers' hearts. Always embracing vulnerable authenticity.

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