The Best Guide For A Successful Twitter Marketing Strategy In 2024
Twitter Analytics

The Best Guide For A Successful Twitter Marketing Strategy In 2024

Laura Dascau
Laura Dascau
Table of Contents

When you hear birds chirping, it’s not only a sign that spring is here. It means engagement and traffic are also coming your way.

Twitter is one of the social media platforms that has reached all news websites due to the high number of changes and updates that periodically take users by surprise.

Despite all rumours, Twitter is still one of the trustworthy networks where marketers promote their brands and products.

Adjusting your Twitter marketing strategy to all the changes that occur may be difficult, but also rewarding.

With a solid marketing strategy on Twitter, any digital marketer can increase website traffic, engagement on Twitter and the follower count. Let’s learn together how to do it.

How to develop a game-changing Twitter marketing strategy

1. How to develop a Twitter marketing strategy

2. Twitter marketing tips for 2023

3. How to use Socialinsider for your Twitter marketing strategy

4. Benefits of implementing leveraging Twitter marketing

5. Twitter marketing hacks based on the latest algorithm updates

1. How to develop a Twitter marketing strategy

A Twitter marketing strategy is a well-researched and well-developed plan that relies on creating, scheduling, publishing and distributing content that complies with your audience’s needs.

The main goals of a Twitter marketing strategy is to boost engagement, bring traffic to your website, increase audience and nurture community, grow conversions and boost sales.

Having all these intentions in mind, you just need a good plan to make them happen.

To make sure your Twitter marketing strategy is correctly set in place, you need to follow a step-by-step guide.

2. Twitter marketing tips for 2023

Learning how to develop a Twitter marketing strategy and implement it for your business is like dealing with any other social media strategy.

an infographic with the step by step guide for how to develop a twitter marketing strategy

You have to be organized to make sense of things. Here is our step-by-step guide on how to implement Twitter marketing for your brand:

2.1. Customize and brand your profile

Every brand has its own identity and, as a digital marketer, you’d want yours to stand out from the crowd.

To make sure your brand’s Twitter profile is both professional and outstanding, you need to include your logo in your brand’s Twitter profile.

A screenshot from teh twitter profile of socialinsider

Make sure you set a Twitter handle with your brand’s name or an abbreviation that it’s easy to recognize. Your audience should easily find you on Twitter.

Also your brand should be recognizable due to certain colors you use for your logo, header photo or other images you create.

For instance, even if we don’t see it right now, we all know that nice shade of blue that “defines” Tiffany & Co.

Do something similar. There are millions of color variations you could choose from. Don’t be shy.

For your header image, you have to do something special as well. Include your logo or a quote created in your brand’s tone of voice. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s branded content.

This also applies to your brand’s profile picture on Twitter. The picture you choose should also include your logo (or it could even be the logo itself).

Create a smart bio that underlines your brand’s value. Remember that the bio has to have only 160 characters. So you better make it worth reading.

Your brand’s Twitter bio can include your main purpose and what you aim to change with your products and services.

Make sure you also include your brand’s website URL to lead the audience towards the site and boost traffic.

2.2. Find your Twitter voice

Like on any other social media platform, on Twitter you have to adjust your brand’s tone of voice to the audience you know you’re going to find.

If on TikTok everything is about having fun and on LinkedIn every post reflects professionalism, then on Twitter you have to learn how to write everything in just a few words.

The texts for tweets are limited to 280 characters. This is better than the initial limit of 140 characters, when the tool was first launched.

On Twitter, people are looking for brands that convey their messages in an authentic way.

Besides this, you also have to be aware of all the trends and quickly hop on before they become old news.

It is clear that you want to build a community around your brand, but don’t do it all just for the sake of having millions of followers and retweets.

Stay true to your brand’s beliefs and voice to make sure you attract all the users who are truly interested in what you’re selling.

At the end of the day, you’d only want to interact on Twitter with users who could easily convert into clients, making sure you’re their cup of tea.

An important thing to keep in mind when setting in place your content structure for Twitter is that you can be more casual than on LinkedIn.

Use a friendly and approachable voice to determine followers to interact with you.

2.3. Set measurable Twitter goals

No matter how far you see your brand on the success ladder, you have to set realistic goals. Otherwise, you will only be disappointed if you don’t obtain fast results.

We all know that things take time. That’s why you need to start small and see where you can go from there. Rome was not built in one day.

If your main purpose is to bring more traffic to your website, then you have to work more on your CTAs and post blog content to attract your audience.

Another goal could be to increase brand awareness through content that showcases your brand’s products and services and the mission you have.

After you have established a list of goals, set a time frame to accomplish each of them. Then measure your content performance by looking at the right metrics.

They will indicate if you did a good job or if you need to make more adjustments to your Twitter marketing strategy.

Don’t be afraid of changes. If they are necessary in order for you to accomplish your goals, then go for it.

2.4. Juggle with all Twitter marketing features

When trying to grow your brand’s Twitter presence, you need to try all Twitter content types. This is how you’ll learn what works best for you.

Twitter has a wide variety of features and the list gets periodically updated, offering users more options to stay in touch with their community.

Twitter offer users the following helpful features:

  • Twitter Trends

Here is where you’ll find the latest trends that the platform manages to group, depending on the topics discussed by users.

This way, you will find the most popular hashtags and the topics that are interesting for users. On Twitter Trends you will discover what are your audience’s main interests.

  • Twitter Circle

Twitter Circle relies on gathering your audience around your brand. How do you do that? You have to create a small audience around a topic and discuss that subject.

Twitter Circle can include up to 150 participants.

  • Twitter Communities

Twitter Communities is the counterpart for Facebook Groups or Slack, where you stay in touch with your audience.

On Twitter Communities, you are able to join groups that share the same values and have the same interests like you do.

This is a space to find like-minded users and chat with them. And if everything goes well, this  is where you’ll be able to find prospective leads.

However, don’t try to be too pushy or sales-y when discussing a topic of interest. Otherwise, you’ll scare away the audience.

  • Twitter Spaces

Twitter Spaces is a live audio chat room where anyone can attend talks on different subjects in audio conferences.

This is not only an educational feature, but it can also help you increase brand awareness. On Twitter Spaces, you can host Q&As or have interactive chats with users interested in the same topic.

Make sure you choose to discuss industry-related topics to attract as many people as possible from the same field.

  • Twitter Lists

Twitter Lists is another Twitter feature that silences all that background noise from the millions of discussions happening at the same time and allows you to focus only on the topics you are interested in.

This way, you will only see tweets, posts and conversations from your niche or industry.

By eliminating the discussions that are not relevant for your brand, you get a list of subjects that are suitable for you.

2.5. Use Twitter hashtags and trends for Twitter marketing

Without the appropriate hashtags, it’s like your tweets are ghosts. By using hashtags in your posts, you will increase brand awareness and recognition.

When your posts include hashtags, you basically show your audience that you also participate in certain discussions (that feature the same hashtag) and you become part of a thread.

By adding hashtags in your tweets, you manage to follow trends and appear in users’ feeds.

According to SproutSocial, some brands have witnessed a 3% increase in their audience’s purchase intent after using hashtags.

2.6. Find out when to tweet

When you try to be one step ahead of everyone and hop on a trend before it dissipates, you need to make sure that you post at the right time.

By analysing when your Twitter audience is most active, you will be able to set a time frame to post the tweets that will instantly make them react.

When your posts get seen by users and get a high number of impressions, Twitter’s algorithm will prioritise your content.

This means that more and more Twitter users will see your posts, increasing your brand’s visibility.

A screenshot from socialinsider dashboard with best time to post by engagement for sephora

I added Sephora’s Twitter profile in Socialinsider and these are the best posting times for this brand.

A screenshot from socialinsider dashboard with posting time for sephora

2.7. Focus on building your follower count

Increasing your brand’s popularity on Twitter is not an easy job. You have to post tweets every day, always keeping up with the latest trends to attract a bigger audience.

The wider the audience, the bigger the chances are to increase your follower count. Don’t forget that building a community is the next step after you gather an audience that is focused on the same topics as your brand.

A screenshot from socialinsider, from sephora's dashboard with key metrics

When your number of followers grows, the number of prospective leads also increases and there are higher chances to increase traffic on your website.

a screenshot from socialinsider's dashboard indicating followers growth for sephora

You can increase your follower count by:

  • Developing sharable content
  • Including popular hashtags
  • Posting giveaways and contests
  • Interacting with your audience on a daily basis (tweet, retweet, answer queries)

2.8. Engage with your Twitter followers

When your followers retweet or comment on your tweet, you have to react as fast as possible and get back to them.

If you’re always paying attention to your audience’s comments, you get the chance to win over their hearts.

Twitter is a platform where you can easily stir conversation, and you can always include questions in your content to determine users to engage with it.

When they retweet what you’ve posted with their own opinions, it’s time to prove that you are present and you answer as quickly as possible.

Moreover, you should also pay attention to mentions on Twitter. Those are the queries that require all your attention.

If the messages you get on Twitter start to pile up, this means it’s time for you to hire a community manager who can always answer followers in time.

You should also try out the survey feature on Twitter to raise engagement.

2.9. Tune in with social listening

Besides paying attention to all mentions, retweets and comments, you should also consider performing social listening on Twitter.

This is another important point to include in your Twitter marketing strategy.

Social listening is retrieving data from all conversations on Twitter that include your brand’s name, without tagging you.

Basically, through social listening you see what people on Twitter think about your brand and products.

With the data you gather through social listening, you can adjust your content strategy and find ways to solve all your customers’ pains and fulfil their needs.

Look for:

  • Your brand’s name
  • Your competitors’ names
  • Trending topics in your industry
  • Hashtags that are relevant for your industry

2.10. Advertise on Twitter

After you increase your posts’s organic growth, it’s time to consider boosting some of your content through a Twitter ad campaign.

When you set in place an ad campaign on Twitter, you will increase brand visibility, direct traffic to your website and promote your products.

This will also bring you new followers as your brand awareness grows on Twitter. The best thing about setting an ad campaign on Twitter is that you can target a particular audience.

When the Twitter ad campaign is over, you will be able to look at Twitter metrics and decide which content approach registered better results.

2.11. Drive traffic to your website

This is one of every marketer’s top 5 goals when developing their Twitter marketing strategy.

First, before populating your Twitter page with a lot of content that links to your blog posts on your website, make sure you add your brand’s website in your profile bio.

Also your tweets should include various links to your website, from the ones to your blog posts to resources and use cases.

Then retweet every post that features links to your website

2.12. Get verified on Twitter

If in 2022, everyone could have the blue check near their Twitter name, now, with the new updates implemented by Elon Musk, Twitter Blue costs 84$ per year.

To get verified on Twitter, you have to pay. This update emerged in november 2022. At the moment, there are more than 294K verified accounts on Twitter.

Before this update, brands applied for a verified blue check mark. Now, to get one, you have to pay for a Twitter blue subscription.

After Twitter verification ends and they decide on your eligibility, you get the blue chechmark. With this “badge of honour” you make sure that your audience doesn’t follow the wrong page who has just copied your name.

Moreover, having a Twitter verified account stands as proof for a trustworthy brand.

2.13. Audit your Twitter account

After you put in all this effort to build a solid Twitter marketing strategy, it’s time to look at the results. Question yourself on what worked and what didn’t for your brand.

Look at Twitter analytics using a specialised tool like Socialinsider to get insightful data on your posts performance.

a screenshot from socialinsider's dashboard with sephora's distribution of engagement graphic

You should look at engagement, follower count, hashtag performance and best performing Tweets.

a screenshot from socialinsider dashboard with top 3 posts for sephora and the metrics displayed for them

Make sure you perform a Twitter audit at least every quarter to be able to implement all the necessary changes for a successful Twitter marketing strategy.

3. How to use Socialinsider to boost your Twitter marketing strategy

And this is the part where all your worries are carried away, like in a hypnosis session. Kidding, it's better than that.

Socialinsider is a third-party tool that provides analytics, reporting and benchmarking data to help you design the best Twitter marketing strategy for your business.

Let me show you around. Caution! You will fall in love with this tool’s features and use it exhaustively.

Let me show you how I used one of the coolest features of this tool to look at Twitter data.

First, I've created a new project where I included the Twitter business pages for Rare Beauty and Haus Labs.

Then, I went straight to Benchmarks for a competitive analysis between these two beauty brands.

screenshot from socialinsider with twitter benchmarks including rare beauty and haus labs' key metrics

With the Benchmarks feature, you can easily compare your brand against your competitor and see which one is performing best.

This will help you determine what changes you need to make to surpass your competitor's performance.

In this section, you can select the KPIs you want to see in the dashboard, choosing between all key metrics like:

  • Followers
  • Followers evolution
  • Engagement
  • Tweets
  • Average engagement rate per tweet

By scrolling further down, you can see top 3 posts for each brand and individual Twitter metrics for each brand.

screenshot from twitter benchmarks with top 3 posts for haus labs and rare beauty

With the insights you get when looking at the top performing posts, you figure out on what type of content you need to focus your efforts when crafting your content strategy.

Look at your top posts' type of content, analyze the language you've used and continue to develop more content like that.

If your competitor's posts perform better than yours, then you've got the opportunity to use their content as a lesson.

Next, you can check a lot of metrics related to tweets for you and your competitors. Use the comparison to find new ways to improve your Twitter marketing strategy.

I will show you another cool feature to use that could help you improve your Twitter marketing strategy.

Your marketing strategy should rely on a solid foundation. And that foundation it's your content.

To have a strong contrent strategy for Twitter, you need to analyze all your tweets and see what you did right or wrong.

By accessing Tweets, next to the Overview feature, you can see all the tweets posted through the entire timeframe you've chosen.

screenshot from socialinsider with haus labs tweets from the last 12 months

Here, you can search your tweets from the selected timeframe using a keyword or hashtag.

I chose the keyword "lipstick" to see all the posts that mention this product and find out how they've performed.

screenshot from socialinsider with haus labs tweets and the keyword lipstick

You can use this feature to see how your posts from a certain campaign have performed, using the keyword of your campaign.

Here, 44 out of 9093 tweets are about lipstick. This helps you craft your future content based on the tweets that have perfromed best in this Twitter campaign about lipstick.

All these insights on how to use Socialinsider can help you develop a better Twitter marketing strategy for your brand.

And with a great plan, you will definitely obtain great results.

4. Benefits of leveraging Twitter marketing

Since I was talking about the results obtained after developing a complete Twitter marketing strategy, here is a list of the benefits you get after setting your plan.

  • Boost brand awareness
  • Increase customer engagement
  • Grow website traffic
  • Develop thought leadership
  • Increase customer research
  • Boost business sales
  • Develop a community

5. Twitter marketing hacks based on the latest algorithm updates

Like any other social media platform, Twitter prioritizes its posts from millions of accounts based on its algorithm.

And when algorithm updates happen, brands are all ears, to find out what they can do more to enter Twitter’s graces.

Due to the latest updates for the Twitter algorithm, here are a few tips and tricks to use in order to go viral.

  • Take advantage of Twitter Blue for its extra features

Twitter Blue, which has a monthly cost of $8/month helps you better promote your brand and adds extra reach. It’s like this is the cherry on top.

  • Create relevant content for your niche

Twitter recommends its users relevant and fresh data by grouping posts based on users’ interests, like niche and industry.

Posting content that’s outside your followers’ cluster is likely to get a poor performance.

  • Links technically hurt

We are all familiar with the debate about whether inserting links within social posts affects those posts’ performance and the doubts about whether to do it or not.

Twitter’s algorithm update shows that links could be marked as spam IF those posts don’t get enough engagement.

  • Aim more for likes and retweets, forget  about replies

Twitter's algorithm prioritises and weighs various engagement types differently - such as likes, retweets, or replies.

Here’s how the ranking parameters affect a tweet’s performance:

  • each like gets a 30x boost;
  • each retweet gets a 20x boost;
  • each reply gets a 1x boost.

So, yeah, there’s a huge difference between likes & retweets and replies’ power of influencing performance on Twitter.

It is better to optimize your content in such a way that you get shared and liked more than getting replies.

  • Images and videos are the nice-to-have types of content

Images and videos generate an extra 2x boost and they add diversity to a posting calendar.

However, you should not post these types of content only for the sake of posting. Your content calendar should include only content types that are suitable for your brand’s mission and that bring higher engagement.

  • Negative follower actions will cause your engagement to drop

The negative actions users might take against your page - like mute, unfollow, or report - lead to decrease of your engagement due to the algorithm.

That’s developing top-notch content that captivates users should be your top priority. This way, you keep your followers engaged.

Final thoughts

We all know that knowledge is power. That’s why a step-by-step guide to developing a Twitter marketing strategy is clearly a precious gift.

When implementing all the tips and tricks learned above, your marketing strategy on Twitter will be flawless.

And with a great plan set in place, your brand will grow through all its pores. Actually, I meant to say metrics.

Moreover, you’ll also get a more engaged audience, a higher website traffic, leads converted into clients and a higher ROI.

Hopefully this guide is useful for you. In case you have any questions, don’t hesitate to write to us.

Laura Dascau

Laura Dascau

Content Writer @Socialinsider

I am a curious, focused learner born to tell stories to win over readers' hearts. Always embracing vulnerable authenticity.

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