8 LinkedIn Lead Generation Strategies to Empower Your Marketing Plan
LinkedIn Analytics

8 LinkedIn Lead Generation Strategies to Empower Your Marketing Plan

Laura Dascau
Laura Dascau
Table of Contents

Starting from scratch on LinkedIn can be challenging for any marketer. In the beginning, you have a lot of questions and you do not know how to increase sales faster.

Using a LinkedIn lead generation strategy can help you design top-notch content that meets your audience's expectations.

If they are satisfied with what they see and resonate with your brand, finding a sense of familiarity, they can easily transform into your clients.

Are you curious about how you could do that? We have a few tips and tricks on lead generation strategies for LinkedIn that will surely help. Letโ€™s dive in!

LinkedIn lead generation - how to do it

  1. What is a LinkedIn lead generation?
  2. How to generate leads on LinkedIn
  3. 8 LinkedIn lead generation strategies to use
  1. The benefits of lead generation on LinkedIn
  2. LinkedIn lead generation tools you should try

1. What is LinkedIn lead generation?

LinkedIn lead generation relies on identifying any prospective clients. To generate leads, businesses make use of different marketing strategies that could help them attract more buyers.

However, building a strong and devoted community on LinkedIn who is ready to click โ€œadd to cartโ€ is not easy.

You need a good marketing tactic to convince your buyer persona to interact with your content and eventually land on your website.

This way, you empower your business by converting users into leads and increasing sales.

If you have a hunger for leads, you should also consider that quality is more important than quantity.

Instead of aiming to get to more LinkedIn leads, you should focus on targeting those people who have already shown their interest in your niche or industry. They are more likely to transform from leads into buyers.

2. How to generate leads on LinkedIn

On LinkedIn, there are several ways in which marketers try to generate leads. Here are a few of the most popular tactics for LinkedIn lead generation:

  • Webinars - Through well-organized and creative live sessions, prospective clients will have the chance to find out more about your brand and become more curious about your products and services.
  • Social media - You can also attract more clients via social media content and lead generation forms.
  • Email - Send emails to all those who are interested in your niche. It is even better if you have a well-researched list of recipients to make sure you are right on time to fulfill their needs.
  • Website forms - You invite visitors to fill in contact forms when they visit your website to offer them more information.
  • Video - A video that features a call-to-action can clearly stir possible clients towards your brand.
  • Customer referrals - You can generate leads via the rest of your customers and their recommendations. And this is something every marketer wishes for.

3. LinkedIn lead generation strategies to use

1. Build a strong professional profile

When setting up your LinkedIn page for your business, you need to pay attention to details.

Besides carefully completing the data about your position, what your business is about and the industry you are activating in, you also need to customize your content.

This is a picture with an executives' profile on linkedin

By tailoring your content, you make sure that it is optimized for searches. However, another advantage is for your executives to have a strong presence on LinkedIn.

This is a picture with an executives' activity on linkedin

The executives need to put more effort into growing their LinkedIn community, adding people who are already interested in their industry, having leads potential.

2. Spot your target audience and connect with them

Regardless of the niche in which your business activates, showing your values and beliefs through your LinkedIn posts will help you draw more people like you.

One of your main purposes as a brand is to build a trustworthy community that will follow you every step of the way. When you show them that you preach what you teach, then youโ€™ve already won them over.

As long as you interact with them periodically and you share your thoughts on different topics, your connections will become stronger.

Having real supporters for your brand is a big plus, something that every marketer aspires to get.

3. Increase brand visibility through your content and interactions with others from your industry

Besides interacting with other peers on relevant topics and trends in your industry, while making your brand stand out from the crowd by uttering your thoughts, you also need to work on your content.

And we know that great content is not going to write itself. Thought-provoking content is what users want to see. If your content turns into a LinkedIn debate, it means that youโ€™ve done it right.

Followers did not only engage with your page, but if they identify with what you write, then they will form a stronger bond, having a great affinity for your brand.

It is not easy to conquer followersโ€™ hearts using only content. You need to carefully study your industry and your audience to offer them exactly what they are looking for.

Everyone will appreciate a well-researched article on a popular topic or a relevant update.

Use a friendly tone, make it short and learn what tickles their interest. All these tips will help you increase the number of eyes looking at your content and improve your LinkedIn lead generation strategy.

4. Promote posts from your website on your LinkedIn page

You canโ€™t always be creative 24/7. We have to face it. Your inspiration may leave you at times. And thatโ€™s ok. Shakespeare had the same issue and look how everyone still talks about his work.

A graphic about linkedin advertising reach

If you have a lot of blog posts on the latest topics of interest in your industry, then it is enough if you share them with your LinkedIn community.

This way, you will manage to increase traffic on your website. More traffic means more lead generation on LinkedIn.

After reading your short post on LinkedIn, they will be tempted to click on the link to find out more.

Only those who are really interested in your brand will do that. Prospective leads will be curious to learn more about what you do and how you do it.

A graphic about linkedin global advertising audience

Promoting your blog posts on LinkedIn should be educational, but also promotional at the same time, without them being too sales-y.

An important tip from LinkedInโ€™s algorithm is that the platform prioritizes more video content.

Therefore, you should consider including some video posts in your LinkedIn lead generation strategy.

5. Run a LinkedIn lead generation ad

For B2B businesses, LinkedIn is one of the top paid and organic platforms that you could confidently spend your money on when developing your lead generation plan.

Running a LinkedIn lead generation ad could increase your chances of increasing the number of potential customers.

You can either boost one of your existing LinkedIn posts or you can specifically create and organize content to suit your audience needs.

A graphic about linkedin advertising audience profile

LinkedIn ads are actually created having lead generation in mind. Thatโ€™s the strategy behind an ad on this social media platform. Through the ad you set, you can target users based on their demographics.

A third-party analytics tool would really come in handy at this point, helping you learn even more about your community.

You should also know that video ads on LinkedIn are the most effective. So you should better start brainstorming for a video to increase LinkedIn lead generation.

6. Join LinkedIn groups to chat with your customers

Joining LinkedIn groups could help you build new connections with users interested in your industry. However, in some LinkedIn groups, not all users are active and your posts may be considered spammy.

Another great solution would be to join Facebook groups that discuss similar topics as you do.

There, users tend to be more present and willing to interact. This way, you can convert users who share the same ideas into leads, increasing sales.

You can easily connect with others while also building your brandโ€™s influence in your niche.

Your voice should echo your brand's voice to reinforce your LinkedIn lead generation strategy.

7. Find your top performing content using LinkedIn analytics

Before building a lead generation strategy on LinkedIn, you should first put together data to assess the evolution of your previous campaigns.

By looking at LinkedIn analytics, you will manage to see how your work reflects into your metrics.

A screenshot with linkedin analytics in Socialinsider

A third-party analytics tool like Socialinsider could really help you make the most of it. You can assess your LinkedIn performance so far and learn how to organize your marketing and LinkedIn lead generation strategy better to boost your sales.

First, look at what type of posts attract more users. This way, you will know what type of content to develop next.

8. Make sure marketing and sales values align

The shifts that occurred lately in the customersโ€™ buying behavior determined marketers to rethink their marketing strategy.

Before they buy a certain product or service, clients research companies until they make a decision.

They choose a company and a product based on marketing content, becoming their customers.

That is why your marketing strategy needs to be in line with the sales department, to ensure a great experience for your clients and convince them to stay loyal.

If both departments have pre-determined values to which they stick to, customers will return for the professional and friendly behavior.

Make sure you draw their attention through your marketing content and you convince them to stay via your sales strategies.

4.The benefits of lead generation on LinkedIn

  • Professionals ready to purchase

When trying to find new LinkedIn leads, you have to go to professionals who have purchase power. To figure out who make the buying decisions in companies, you need to go after executives. Linked Helper and similar automation tools help brands reach the exact audience with smart searches on the platform in a very optimized way.

If you manage to convert other companies in leads, your rate of success grows higher and higher.

By convincing those who decide the budgets for their companies, you get to be proud and show your followers what you have acquired.

At the end of the day, your interest is for your leads to bring even more leads. Some smaller businesses might follow if they see greater brands trust you and your services.

  • Very active users

LinkedIn has over 830 million users worldwide and the great part about it is that a good share are extremely active on the platform.

About 90 million of them are senior-level influencers, while 63 million of them have decision-making positions.

Thatโ€™s a big plus for any business who decided to promote itself on this social media platform.

You have a wide audience that you can reach on a daily basis. All you have to do is develop great content and an efficient marketing strategy for LinkedIn lead generation.

  • Converting more leads for less

LinkedIn users who make the biggest decisions in their companies can generate more leads for the brands they are working with.

The great part about LinkedIn lead generation is that you can also do it for free. A hard-working team that designs an effective marketing strategy based on demographics and industry trends is all you need.

However, if you decide to use LinkedIn ads, you should know that itโ€™s even cheaper than any other ads campaign.

  • Useful for B2B marketers

When you discover your audience, you can get granular about targeting users.
A B2B LinkedIn lead generation plan helps you learn how to select your targeted audience based on the size of their companies, name and the industry they activate in.

5.LinkedIn lead generation tools you should try

1. LinkedIn Sales Navigator

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a LinkedIn marketing feature that can help you generate new LinkedIn leads for your business.

A useful tool is LinkedInโ€™s Advanced Lead Search function. Here you can access the profile of your ideal buyer persona to manage to find new prospects.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator will also show you what users have visited your businessโ€™ LinkedIn page in the last 90 days and who has visited your website.

This way, you will find out what users are interested in your company, being ready to group together your target audience.

2. Skrapp

Skrapp is an extension from Chrome that allows you to retrieve email addresses from LinkedIn profiles. This way, you also find out which companies they are working for, even if their businesses are not on LinkedIn.

This is a great advantage if you want to contact other B2B companies in your industry outside LinkedIn, drawing them towards your products and services.

Skrapp also allows you to order your emails from your leads, depending on their interests.

3. Crystal

Crystal is a useful platform that shows you how your prospective leads like to communicate.

By knowing exactly what pitches to use, based on this app, you learn how to design your marketing message to make them an offer that they canโ€™t refuse.

Via Crystal, you obtain information about your prospective clients, regarding their online behavior and personality, while also receiving suggestions on how to approach them to convince them.

4. LeadFuze

LeadFuze is like an upgraded version of LinkedIn Sales Navigator. Since these two features work on the same model, LeadFuze find prospective clients on LinkedIn for you, indicating their hierarchy in the company they work for.

You will also see data like what software they use and whatโ€™s their ads budget. These are useful data that could help you change your LinkedIn lead generation strategy for the better.

5. Dux-Soup

Dux-Soup, just like Skrapp, is a Chrome extension. What makes it different from the rest of the LinkedIn lead generation tools is that all the tasks it can accomplish are a lot faster than the rest.

This app can build a lot of connections on your behalf while you are designing your speech for closing deals. Isnโ€™t that fantastic?

Final thoughts

When developing your business, among the first things you learn is who your audience is and what are its main interests in your industry to know who sees you in the online world.

Then you can design and accustom your content strategy to your potential customersโ€™ taste. At the end of the day, all marketers want more clients and happier clients.

A LinkedIn lead generation strategy can empower your efforts to build a loyal and solid community around your brand.

Catering your clientsโ€™ needs can help you increase brand awareness and grow your business.

Hopefully these insights on LinkedIn lead generation fill the gap in your marketing plan to start acting now and increase your number of followers.

If you have any questions, I am here to help, really curious about your thoughts.

Laura Dascau

Laura Dascau

Content Writer @Socialinsider

I am a curious, focused learner born to tell stories to win over readers' hearts. Always embracing vulnerable authenticity.

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